Thursday, August 13, 2015

Day 12: August 13, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 276 to 300

276. In the spirit of Harper attacks and bullying against Justin Trudeau, in September, 2014, Harper's "ethical oil" adviser, Ezra Levant, called Justin Trudeau's father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau a slut. Levant said, "“Liona Boyd. Margot Kidder. Kim Cattrall. He banged anyone, he was a slut.” Levant began his rant because Justin had kissed a bride, at the bride's request; a total fun, pre-arranged photobomb. Justin had been at the Hilton Hotel in Markham, Ontario for a general Liberal meeting when Trudeau’s photographer, Adam Scotti, snapped the picture. End of story? Nope! Levant used that innocent fun moment as an opportunity to viciously attack Justin Trudeau's deceased father. Harper and his advisers have zero political morals: attack, attack, attack; especially Justin, wherever and whenever they can.

277. Harper, apparently an egomaniac, because: he authorized SEVEN cameramen to take pictures of him, (maybe in an impossible effort to photograph a good side?), when Harper attended the September, 2014 Climate Summit, which ... (can you even explain this thinking) .... he REFUSED to attend in New York City! Say what? WAIT! If he did NOT attend the Climate Summit, then why did Harper go and why did he need SEVEN photographers taking images of him? Well, because Harper went to attend the Summit's Official Dinner. (Who wants to pass up a good meal, eh!) So, in conclusion, we have to presume Harper loves to see pictures of himself eating. But sadly, how much did it cost hard-working Canadian Taxpayers to subsidize seven photographers' travel, hotel, and meals? And to put Harper and his security crew into the air and back! Is it any wonder that Harper burned through the Liberal Surplus over eight years with such egotistical, reckless spending, being just one of thousands of examples of poor financial stewardship? (Would you like your prime rib shaped like a gazebo or artificial lake Sir?) Can you smell Harper's sense of entitlement here, or would you like this CON money-blowing example of reckless spending re-written in crayons?

Anya Sass, a Calgarian, and her husband, 
blocked inside the Syrian war zone by Harper

295. Harper has run Canada for a full decade using the 14 principles of fascism being: a powerful continuing nationalism, identifying enemies & scapegoats, (he even has a Harper Enemy List!), rampant sexism, obsession with national security, (which he has really ramped up with speeches continually containing fear, bigotry, hate and terrorism), corporate power is protected, a disdain for intellectuals and the arts, (he has even fired any Federal scientist speaking out about climate change), rampant Cronyism and corruption, disdain for Human Rights, (sadly, even the United Nations, meaning almost EVERY Nation in the World, has charged him with this abuse), supremacy of the military, controlled mass media, religion and government intertwined, labour power is suppressed, obsession with crime and punishment, and fraudulent elections, (Harper's team has been charged with election fraud in EVERY election he has been in!).

Harper closed a Coast Guard station  to save $700,000 .... putting lives at risk ... but spent TEN TIMES that to promote his budget! Wake up Canada!
