Sunday, August 16, 2015

Day 15: August 16, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 351 to 375

351. Harper's National Household Survey, which replaced the Long-Form Census, is unreliable. All levels of government, as well as non-profit and private sector groups, cannot make informed decisions about community planning based on the wrong information, according to David Bellhouse, a statistics professor at the University of Western Ontario.“The tragedy of it is, the government was warned that this would happen," he said, adding that the Conservatives do not want the public to have the information that they would need to question the government’s policy decisions, and the lack of quality data from the National Household Survey would be a convenient excuse to kill the Canada-wide survey altogether.“If you don't have the information, then they can do whatever they want, because no one has correct information,” Professor Bellhouse said.

352. Harper showed ZERO compassion and a complete disregard for HUMAN RIGHTS in September, 2014 when he DEPORTED 63-year-old refugee claimant, Jamila Bibi, to her native Pakistan. She was facing a death sentence by stoning. Bibi had been working legally at Meg's Restaurant in Saskatoon when she was arrested and deported. Her lawyer, Bashir Khan, feared for her safety because of falsified adultery charges, and the possibility of her being targeted for an honour killing. Jamila Bibi had sought asylum in Canada in 2007 because her life was in danger after her husband accused her of adultery. In Bibi’s case, a land dispute led to the fictitious accusations of adultery. Mutilating women, stoning them to death, or any number of methods of honour killings are the norm in Pakistan. According to Dr Muazzam Nasrullah, a public health specialist teaching at Emory and West Virginia University in the USA, “As many as 500 women and girls are killed for ‘honour’ in Pakistan each year, making it one of the most dangerous countries for women.” At last report, Bibi was in hiding somewhere in Pakistan to avoid being stoned to death in cold blood; due to Harper's disregard for her life.

362. Harper's Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, CON MP Steven Blaney, fabricated a lie and attempted a cheap smear and character assassination campaign against Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau for visiting the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah mosque in Trudeau's home city of Montreal. Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino, (a former RCMP Commissioner!), ALSO contributed to the lie, smear and defamation campaign against Justin Trudeau when he posted a comment on his MP Twitter account accusing Trudeau of consorting "with religious extremists." Blaney stated, "It is completely unacceptable that Liberal leader Justin Trudeau would associate with a group that allegedly radicalizes Canadians to join al-Qaeda and engage in acts of unspeakable violent extremism. Now he is pandering for votes amongst religious extremists in our own communities. It is clear that Justin Trudeau cannot be trusted to keep Canadians safe." When the TRUTH came out, it was revealed that Trudeau's visit had been three years earlier, BEFORE that mosque had been put on a terrorist watch list! HOWEVER!!! This ridiculous charge by the CONs opened up an extremely dangerous and unacceptable possibility which Harper, like a snake in the grass, OBVIOUSLY employed: he has no problem exposing Opposition MPs to known terrorists, on Canadian soil, if he can use it for his own political advantage!: see Reason #363.

363. Harper KNOWS Opposition MPs routinely visit mosques. This breaking story PROVED Harper has no problem exposing rival MPs to known terrorists if he can politicize it for his own advantage! Based on the charges and feeble explanations made by TWO of his Cabinet Ministers, Harper had REFUSED to warn Opposition MPs of the mosques on Canada's terrorist watch lists, Harper was WILLING to put Canadians in danger on home soil for his own political advantage! It is all there, as facts, in dozens of press reports. And then Harper heinously , obviously and hypocritically, based on Blaney's and Fantino's charges against Justin Trudeau, uses any of these possible visits to claim these Opposition MPs are befriending and associating with terrorists, (see Reason #362)! That is a perfect example of how low this fascist snake in the grass running Canada will do to smear and character assassinate a Member of Parliament in another Party!

ref: 1927/1947