Saturday, August 15, 2015

Day 14: August 15, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 326 to 350

327. Harper's clueless HYPOCRISY: he refuses to legalize marijuana and is making it an Election 2015 issue to cover up his disastrous economic incompetence and Duffy Scandal. Harper is delivering stupid speeches about Justin wanting to hurt our teens by making access for them easier. What a joke. Scientists have proved that Harper's argument is a lie; calling him clueless, (see Manual Reason #311). BUT! WAIT! If Harper is so worried about drugs and the health of Canadians ... GET THIS! ... why has Harper allowed Big Pharma to import DANGEROUS generic blood pressure, antihistamines and other drugs for Canadian consumption that are BANNED in the USA!?!? According to Amir Attaran, a University of Ottawa law professor who researches drug policy, Harper's response to allowing these banned-in-America dangerous drugs has been “feeble, inadequate and incompetent” and added that the Harper Government is “on the side of drug companies and not Canadians.”

Lesslie Askin, 71-year-old Canadian terrorist and grandmother, seen here without a veil on. Approach her with extreme caution because she might say hello.

332. Harper slams Justin, asking: where is JT going to get the money to fund his ideas to help all the needy Canadians that Harper has cut off from social services. Well, one answer is off-shore! Did you know that Harper has PROTECTED Canada's RICHEST Canadians? They are hiding their money in off-shore tax havens. Harper FIRED the 360 Senior Tax Auditors capable of catching them! Debi Daviau, President of the Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, stated Harper's firings defies logic. Daviau said, “At a time when many countries around the world are expanding their capacity to combat the illegal use of international tax havens, our government has announced changes that will impede its capacity to recover billions of dollars going offshore.” According to a recent estimate from Canadians for Tax Fairness, in the year 2014 Canadian firms were sheltering $200,000,000,000, (YES! BILLIONS), in the world's top tax havens. So, it is probably two, three or many more times that amount!
LINK to 360 Senior Tax Auditors fired

336. Harper is loathed so much by the ORIGINAL Conservative Party of Canada they are fielding Candidates in the 2015 Election in an effort to oust Harper. They are backing Justin Trudeau. Sinclair Stevens, a former Progressive Conservative minister under Brian Mulroney, explained his party is looking for candidates in 15 Toronto and Kitchener area Ontario ridings where the Conservatives eked out a win in the 2011 election. These are the ridings Harper won by fewer than five percentage points, such as Etobicoke Centre which the CONs won by just 26 votes in 2011. Nelson Wiseman, a University of Toronto political science professor, said whether the Progressive Canadians' plan works won't be known until the election is over.But in a minority government situation, those 15 seats could be crucial, he said.Wiseman said he isn't assuming the party will have an impact, but there is a possibility it could take votes from Conservative candidates if it can get the word out about its Progressive Conservative roots, which could give it credibility.

The Fireplace in Citizen Kane

Harper constantly uses fascist-styled powerful and continuing nationalism as described by political scientist Dr. Lawrence Britt.

LINK to BBC report

347. Harper's CON voter solicitation team's phone call asking for woman's daughter who died ten years ago angers her mother, Irene Blokhuis, of St. Catharines, Ontario. Her daughter, Stephanie Hansen, age 25, died in 2005 from complications from medication she had taken after being injured in a car accident. After the call, Blokhuis did an Internet search on the name Voter Outreach Centre and found an Ottawa Citizen story from Tuesday noting that a phone-bank company, under contract to the CONs, was using the generic-sounding name to call voters. Blokhuis said she has repeatedly tried to get her daughter’s name removed from voter-contact lists and in 2007 called up the office of her local MP, CON Rick Dykstra, and asked that the name be purged. “The crassness and carelessness of the [CON] party in not updating the list has me very upset. “There are many more like me who will answer their phones in the next while and have to explain again that a loved one is dead,” Blokhuis said. “If so little care is taken for the individual, what care if any will be taken for the country?”,” she said. The Voter Outreach Centre is a trademark registered by iMarketing Solutions Group, the company that in 2011 made millions of live calls on behalf of the Conservatives to identify voters and get them to the polls on voting day. The company also operates under the name Responsive Marketing Group (RMG).

Afghanistan Veteran Master Corporal Denis Demers had a stand-off with the Ontario Provincial Police for 40 hours before committing suicide on September 12, 2014. Harper's Veteran Suicide Prevention Programme is NOT working!

ref: 1947/1964