Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day 35 & 36: September 5 & 6, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 976 to 1000

977. Harper's Minister of Immigration, CON MP Chris Alexander, demanded a two-tier health system in Canada, one for Canadians and one for refugees. Justice Anne Mactavish, who denounced the cuts to refugee health care as "cruel and unusual" treatment, particularly to the children of claimants who have sought refuge in Canada, stepped in and OVERRULED the CONs slashing of health care to refugees. In her 268-page decision, Mactavish said the slashes to refugee care put the health of children of refugee claimants at risk. Mactavish wrote, "The 2012 modifications to the Interim Federal Health Program potentially jeopardize the health, the safety and indeed the very lives, of these innocent and vulnerable children in a manner that shocks the conscience and outrages our standards of decency. It puts their lives at risk and perpetuates the stereotypical view that they are cheats and queue-jumpers, that their refugee claims are 'bogus,' and that they have come to Canada to abuse the generosity of Canadians. It serves to perpetuate the historical disadvantage suffered by members of an admittedly vulnerable, poor and disadvantaged group." According to Mactavish in her ruling, the CONs violated a section of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

989. Harper's Minister of Immigration, CON MP Chris Alexander, was attacked by Calgary's Mayor Naheed Nenshi who slammed the "talking points" about attacking ISIS as a solution to the crisis and said Canadians are asking whether the airstrikes are working. Calgary's Mayor lashed out at Alexander's blaming of the media for not bringing more attention to the Syrian crisis, a comment that resulted in a strong backlash against the minister. Nenshi said, "As if federal government policy should be based on what's on the cover of the Calgary Sun or on Power & Politics every morning is ridiculous. Minister Alexander should have been a star. He was an incredible diplomat. By all accounts he's a brilliant man, but he's also the minister behind Bill C-24, which I remind you means that me — born at St. Mike's hospital in downtown Toronto — could have my Canadian citizenship stripped."

991. Is Harper responsible for the Harper Government? If so, then Harper should man up and take FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the only two terrorist attacks in Canada! It appears innocent Canadians died because Harper has been inept at governance, failing to OVERSEE a Ministry, under his DIRECT COMMAND which is now reported as being rotten to the core. Apparently, Harper did NOTHING to correcting it resulting in the deaths of two innocent Canadians!. Montreal's La Presse News has obtained 900 pages of government documents, (much of it censored), under the Access to Information Act, revealing Harper's Anti-terrorism branch of Harper's Public Safety Ministry was dysfunctional because of a rotten work environment for a LONG TIME prior to the terrorist attacks! La Presse discovered the existence of a "culture of fear, insults, lack of information sharing, internal fights, unwillingness to hear divergent opinions, favouritism and the cleaning up of reports to make superiors believe that all was fine on the ground." Further exacerbating these horrible terrorist attacks and scandal, ON CANADIAN SOIL, is the fact that Harper's Public Safety Minister, CON MP Steven Blaney, REFUSED an interview request. Did two innocent Canadians die because of Harper's INCOMPETENCE? What ELSE is Harper hiding in the 900 pages of redacted documents? Due to Harper's LACK of transparency and accountability, the Press cannot get answers. UNTIL Canadians get the TRUTH and learn OTHERWISE, the blood of those Canadian soldiers deaths are on Harper's hands. Mr. Harper, we want the TRUTH PLEASE! Either clear your name by coming clean, or resign!

995. Harper said Syrian Refugees were scheduled to come to Canada during the Election '15 Refugee Scandal. The Anglican Diocese of Ottawa has released evidence that Harper  and Alexander LIED about the Syrian refugee situation: NOT ONE was on the Expedited Refugee List, scheduled for Canada. NOT ONE! How are Canadians allowing Harper and Alexander to lie like this? BABIES ARE DROWNING!!!! If these two were caught lying so blatantly during a Board of Directors meeting of a company, they would be ejected permanently, not even seeing the end of the meeting. Why is politics so different? Why is the CON Caucus letting their leader and peers lie so blatantly? And why are ANY Canadians voting for these liars: their love for Harper so deep that they would rather allow babies to drown an ocean away "out of sight, out of mind" than dethrone the LIAR at 24 Sussex?

ref: 1711/1718