Fact Checker Index
The Harper Mismanagement & Corrupton in a Nutshell
Number Refers to Reason # in Manual
840,000 starving Canadians using Food Banks, 71$786,000 Harper's bill to visit Franklin wreck site, 63
$300,000,000 give-away to foreign company, 18
$800,000,000 arms-length deal by Harper, 124
$1,100,000,000 approved but withheld from Veterans, 67
$4,000,000,000 loaned and missing, 37
Abortion pill approval, 17
Above the law, using Parliamentary Privilege, 124
AG slams Harper for inhumane treatment of Vets, 55
Anti-abortionist privileges on Hill, 17
Aglukkaq ignores starving people debate, 29
Archives destruction, 9
Arms-length favouritism by Harper on contracts, 124
Attack ads, 103
Australian case study destroys Harper's governance, 54
Bees, threatens naturalist group trying to save them, 109
Bitumen/tar/cancerous/transport danger, 110
Blows $1,700,000,000 on one plane, 14
Bonus programme to screw Vets out of services, 23
Bullying, 2, 3, 16, 27, 28, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 93, 100, 121, 130
Canada Post, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Canada: suffering from Harper's militarism, 75
Canada: now worst climate change country, 68, 81
Canada's risk of bombing innocents high, 127
Canadians personal tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Canadians personal medical records leaked to USA, 61
Carbon Bubble Theory, 123
Carney, Mark, Tar Sands warning, 123
CBC, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Cheater, Harper, 76
Child Poverty under Harper much worse, 57
China, persecuting Christians, 7
Chretien, Jean, Former PM, 105
Climate change, 68, 81
Climate Villain, Harper named World's Worse, 21
Collapse of Canadian journalism under Harper, 128
Conflict of interest, 95
CONs use secret recording device on LPC Candidate, 56
Control of press, 107
Co-op housing subsidies cancelled, 74
Copyright law, cancel so Harper can steal material, 129
Cynicism, Harper, 97
Day care, 100
Dangerous: Harper, 101
Death by a Thousand Cuts, (study on Harper), 54
Dechert, 6
Defamation of Liberal Candidate, 50
Defamation of Muslims, 2
Deficits 8 years in a row, 30
Del Mastro, Dean, 88
Desperate, 129
Destroying Canada's worldwide reputation, 102
Destroying Parliament, 102
Dishonoured War Dead, 70
Dysfunctional parliament, 46
Early '15 election call cost extra $125,000,000, 43
Early '15 election call defies spirit of fixed dates, 97
Economic record, Harper's worst in 69 years, 112
Economy hurt by Harper decisions, 99, 104
Ego, Harper's 80, 96
Election fraud, CMIS, illegal use, 34
Election fraud, CON Party promotion during, 49
Election fraud, Del Mastro, 88
Election fraud, illegal funds from SNC-Lavelin, 33
Election fraud, illegal use of foreign agent, 20
Election fraud, "In and Out Scheme", 90
Election fraud, Michael Sona, 119
Election fraud, Penashue, illegal donations, 89
Election fraud, six robocall investigations blocked, 36
Election gag law, 22
Employment rate declining, 114
Ex Pats banned from voting, 92
Exports down, 115
Fascism, 107
Fair Elections Act, now harder to vote, 91
Fantino's inhumane treatment of Veterans, 47
Fear of terrorists, 8, 85
Fear pandering of Muslims, 1
First Ministers Meetings abolished by Harper, 59
First Nations: no respect for, 39
First Nations transparency, 5
Flip flopper Harper, 130
Food Banks used by 840,000 starving Canadians, 71
Foreign Aid of $125,000,000 cancelled, 66
Foreign monitors for 2015 election, 44
Foreign policy: total failure, 42, 128
Foreign scientists destroy Harper's reputation, 83
Foreign Workers, 122
Gays rant: fagots, dirty fingernails, spread diseases, 98
Green Energy $321 Million Allocation cancelled, 10
Green Energy offers more jobs than Tar: ignored, 31
Gross Domestic Product worst since World War II, 117
Harper most dangerous politician ever per Mowat, 101
Harper puts Big Oil exec on National Energy Board, 95
Harper lets $125,000,000 in foreign aid lapse, 66
Harpernomics: a perpetual failure to Canada, 53
Harpernomics: Bank of England's collapse warning, 123
Harpernomics: employment rate declining, 114
Harpernomics: exports stagnated under Harper, 115
Harpernomics: GDP worst since World War Two, 117
Harpernomics: Tar Sands selling below cost, 99
Harpernomics: undermining Canadian productivity, 54
Harpernomics: worst economic record in 69 years, 112
Harpernomics: worst job creation stats in 49 years, 113
Harper electoral game plan: cheat to win, 76
Harper photo op dishonoured Canadian War Dead, 70
Harper intimidates Canada into war; no exit strategy, 72
Harper militarism escalating on home soil, 73
Harper's agenda has made Canada a terrorism target, 78
Harper's ego sent Canada to war, 80
Harper smiled when declaring War in Iraq, 126
Harris, Michael, 102
Hate, 103
Homophobia, 98
Hypocrite, 22, 130
In and Out Scheme, 90
Inciting terrorism fear in Commons on little info, 85
Interfered in military acquisition, 124
Iraq War a mistake, Former PM Jean Chretien, 105
Iraq War a mistake, Professor James Laxer, 125
Job creation has bottomed out under Harper, 113
Jobs for Canadians given to foreign workers, 122
Kenny, Jason, kills Leave Out Violence programme, 58
Koch Brothers, 74
Lack of transparency/accountability, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104
Laxer, Prof. James, Harper's FAIL on Iraq War, 125
Leave Out Violence Programme killed by Jason Kenny, 58
Leslie, Lieutenant General Andrew, bullied, 121
Liar, 19, 22, 96
Lie, Harper, Canada's involvement in torture, 19
Lie, Harper, puts soldier's families at risk to terrorists, 96
Lockheed-Martin missile deal by Harper personally, 124
Lone wolf, 85
Lukiwski, Tom, CON MP's Gay hate rant
Mailbox contract awarded to foreign country, 104
Marine Safety Plan relies on USA tug 20 hours away, 82
Mayrand, Marc, personally attacked by Poilievre, 93
McLachlin, Beverley, Chief Justice, 94
Merchant of Venom: Harper, 103
Militarism, 73, 75, 78, 128
Misogyny, 100
Mowat, Farley, 101
Muslims, 1, 2, 15
Omnibus Bills were wrong / Judge, 4
Outspend Opposition in election, 97
Paranoid, Harper, 108
Parliamentary privilege, 2, 124
Party of One, Michael Harris, 102
Paul, Ron, Congressman, criticizes Harper militarism, 75
Penashue, Peter, 89
Personal income tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Personal medical records leaked to USA by Harper, 61
Poilievre, Pierre, 93
Police for profit, 41
Premiers, Refuse to meet with, 16, 24
Propaganda, 107
Quebec persecuted by Harper, 104, 110
Racism, Ebola victims, 86
Racism, First Nations, 122
Racism, Refugees: Yes to Christians, No to Muslims, 15
Rankin Inlet Mayor threatened with law suit, 45
Raynolds, Mario, Liberal, spied on by Harper Gov't, 56
RCMP raided Harper's offices for Elections Canada, 65
Recession 2015, 99
Refusal by CONs to discuss Robocalls, 64
Rempel taunted terrorists with selfie from bed, 79
Residential School Survivor bullied in court, 51
Robocalls, 64, 119
Rogers, Lt Shawna kills self, parents threatened, 84
Scorched Earth Policy by Harper, 40
Secret Harper operatives spy on Canadians, 35
Secret recording device on Opposition, 56
Serial abuser of power, 87
Shamelessness, Harper, 77
Social Programmes staff cuts, 12
Sona, Michael, 119
Starve the poor to feed the rich, 74
Steal intellectual property and material, 129
Suicide, soldiers, 84
Supertanker risk to environment with Alberta tar, 110
Supreme Court of Canada, 94
Sutherland, Donald, banned from voting, 92
Tar Sands advertising & promotion costs hidden, 32
Tar Sands tankers threaten UNESCO biosphere, 118
Tar Sands collapse warning by Bank of England, 123
Terminally ill patients denied CPP disability cheques, 28
Terror to win Election '15 votes, 69, 76
Terrorism, 78, 79, 85, 130
Threats, 45, 84, 108, 109
Transparency refusal, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104
Trudeau, ridicules Boston Massacre speech, 130
UNESCO biosphere threatened by tar shipments, 118
Unfortunate incident, Harper term for soldier's death, 62
Untrustworthy, per NFLD Premier Davis, 13
Veterans, 3, 23, 27, 47, 48, 55, 67, 84
Veterans approved benefits of $1.1 billion withheld, 67
Veterans class action blocked by Harper, 27
Veterans exaggerating injuries, 3
Veterans inhumanely treated by Harper, per AG, 55
Veterans' Service Offices closed, (Calgary excepted), 63
Veterans with PTSD denied pensions, 48
Voter suppression, 91, 92
War costs not released, no transparency, 38
War Dead dishonoured, 70
War Dead graves maintenance dropped, 25
War in Iraq, 126, 127
Warning Harper's Tar Sands economy will collapse, 123
Wheat Board closure, 26
Wheat Board given to Saudi Arabia for free, 52
Wheat quality drops after Wheat Board closure, 26
Wikileaks, Harper selling off CBC/Canada Post, 111
Withheld medical supplies from Ebola pandemic, 86
World oil prices low, destroying Canada's economy, 99
Working mothers bullied for using day care, 100
Wynne, Kathleen, 16, 24