680. Harper and/or his PMO staff have apparently been perjuring themselves. No longer is it a court case against Duffy, as Harper contends in his daily speeches, when REFUSING to answer reporters' questions regarding the corruption in his office. Harper pretends to NOT get it: he and all of his "Didn't read that E-mail" staff ARE on trial. The jury is 35,000,000 Canadians who have to decide a verdict by October 19th; using their ballots to render GUILTY on Harper's head. Did Harper breed corruption in his office with his controlling brand of political culture? Duffy's trial has proved it. One of the most telling moments in court was the example brought up by Donald Bayne, Duffy's attorney. Bayne's cross-examination forced Nigel Wright, in full public view, that he had been corrupt! On August 17, 2015, the National Observer nailed this telling exchange, which read, "Wright has said he told Harper shortly afterward that Duffy would repay the expenses. Why did you lie to the prime minister? Donald Bayne asked Wright. 'I don't feel it was a lie, I felt it wasn't on the list of things I needed to check with him,' Wright responded." Right THERE, Wright asked all Canadians to believe that when Harper's own appointed Senator broke the law it was fine to relegate this crime to a "To Do" list! HE WAS HARPER'S ADVISER! That leaves Voters with the decision, "Do I vote for a government to run a multi-trillion dollar government that does not see the seriousness of crime in its ranks?" It no longer matters whether Harper knew or not. We now know that his controlling management style OBVIOUSLY breeds a corruption culture in Canada's highest office. That is why Harper MUST go. Honest, law-abiding Voters have NO other choice.

Mafia Family Hierarchy Chart
In Canada, the PMO Organizational Flow Chart
ref: 1776/1776