Harper Fact Checker Index
Aunty Harper Graphics, by mikey
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Day 4: August 5, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 76 to 100
Harper electoral game plan: cheat to win.
Harper SHAMELESSNESS: using terrorism as an Election Ploy!
Harper’s militaristic agenda has turned Canada into a target and divided society
CON MP, Minister Michelle Rempel, TAUNTED TERRORISTS on the night of September 22, 2014 with a bedside selfie, ironically had her limo hijacked by an armed lone wolf, labeled by Harper to be a terrorist.
Harper is instilling fear into Canadians about terrorists while his Minister is bragging from her pillow that she is safe. Maybe the two should get their act together regarding Harper's fear tactics!
Harper's ego sent Canada to War
Harper has pushed Canada to the position of WORST industrialized country fighting Climate Change! Is it any wonder the Rest of the World has ZERO respect for Harper and the CONs?
Harper's Marine Safety Plan depends on a USA Tugboat 20 Hours Away and Blind Luck
Harper's personal reputation being DESTROYED by scientists worldwide
Harper THREATENS LEGAL ACTION against grieving parents of Lt. Shawna Rogers, who committed suicide in Edmonton in October 2012
Harper reports the CONs are monitoring a terrorist attack in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, to the House of Commons on October 20, 2014, using one of his backbenchers to ignite the fear he wants.
Harper racism: during the Ebola pandemic, Harper Gov't auctioned off sorely needed masks and gowns. Health Minister Ambrose REFUSED to LISTEN! If holding back badly needed and requested equipment from Africans as they DIE in numbers isn't racism, what is!
Harper is a serial abuser of power
Harper's Ex-Parliamentary Secretary, Dean Del Mastro, jailed for breaking election law
CON MP Peter Penashue, forced to resign Parliament for taking illegal campaign donations
Harper's CONs pled guilty in court to exceeding their campaign spending limit and failing to report all advertising expenses; known as the "In and Out Scheme".
Voter Suppression: Fair Elections Act makes it harder for Canadians to vote on October 19, 2015, as more ID is required.
Donald Sutherland, PROUD Canadian, banned from voting in October 19, 2015 election by Harper.
CON MP Pierre Poilievre made an unfounded personal attack on the chief elections watchdog, Marc Mayrand, according to the Auditor General. The AG said Poilievre attacked the integrity, impartiality and motives of the chief elections watchdog.
Harper privately fumed to his inner circle that under the leadership of Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, the Supreme Court of Canada has become a “sociology seminar” that emasculates the power of Parliament.
In a HUGE conflict of interest, on Friday afternoon of a long weekend, just before the Sunday launch of a federal election, Harper appointed a paid, Big Oil, Kinder Morgan consultant, Calgary-based petroleum executive Steven Kelly, to the National Energy Board (NEB) in a timed press release that critics say was an attempt to bury the news. Former CEO of BC Hydro, Marc Eliesen said, "The NEB have totally become a captured industry regulator.”
Harper published the faces of Canadian soldiers fighting ISIS on his vanity personal TV Show putting their families at home at risk to terrorists. Then he lied about it in a denial.
Harper’s cynical decision to call a ridiculously early election, in a bid to outspend political opponents, stands in utter defiance of the spirit and purpose of fixed date elections.
Harper Government HOMOPHOBIA: on camera CON MP Tom Lukiwski openly refers to Gays as fagots, have dirt on their Fingernails, and spread diseases
Harper's oil-based economy is sending Canada into a deep 2015 recession according to economists as world barrel prices fall way below the minimum Tar Sands production price. Harpernomics has the Tar Sands selling their oil at a loss!
Harper Government misogyny takes DIRECT SHOT at working mothers: if they use day care they are NOT raising their own kids
ref: 2092/2104
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