226. In one of Harper's most fascist, democracy-killing acts as Prime Minister, using his fraudulent-won majority government, Harper has BANNED Elections Canada from using their democratic, independent rights. Harper has actually STRIPPED Elections Canada of their RIGHT to encourage Canadians to get out and vote! Why? It should be noted that 9,251,160* Canadians did not vote on May 2, 2011. This high, suppressed vote result, together with Team Harper's confirmed election fraud, most assuredly gave the CONs their majority and ultimate control of Elections Canada. This control of Elections Canada allowed Harper to pass his fascist election bill which greatly suppresses voter turnout and Canadians' ability to freely vote. And sadly, Harper could win another majority in 2015 because of this fascist law banning ads which encourages all eligible Canadians to vote.
(*out of 23,971,740 eligible voters, only 14,720,580 Canadians voted)
In Twain's day, Harper wasn't using Voter Suppression techniques. Imagine his outrage if he was alive to see this!
The assault rifles banned by the RCMP which Harper approved for sale Canada-wide to win votes in Election 2015

242. Documents expose Harper's obsession with control. Once in power, Harper took extreme steps to control the message at ALL federal events, a process that has blurred the time-honoured separation of non-partisan public servants and that officials and public-policy analysts say is undermining democracy. Harper scripts every CON MP's public event using a potent, little-known communication tools called Message Event Proposals. These Message Event Proposals have become the political tool for literally putting words in the mouths of cabinet ministers, federal bureaucrats, low-profile MPs on the barbecue circuit, and seasoned diplomats abroad. Harper's Message Event Proposals highly contradict, and add further proof to what a hypocrite and liar Harper is, because Harper's core campaign promise that brought Prime Minister Stephen Harper to power; the introduction introducing a new era of transparency and accountability in government. A former Harper office employee stated, “We discussed every single issue and micromanaged every news release — everything. Pretty much any event, or any roll-out of an announcement, would have a Message Event Proposal that would lay out the strategy.” Harper has refused to comment on Message Event Proposals. Is it any wonder Harper takes ONLY prepared questions from the Press? How's that for transparency and accountability! If you know your history, these Message Event Proposals are exactly the kind of fascist-styled, control tools used as a propaganda resource by the 1930's German government to fill the German peoples' minds with lies and innuendo.

ref: 1996/2007