301. E-mail released in Mike Duffy trial, when Nigel Wright testified, suggests Harper initially lied about his knowledge in the Duffy Senate Scandal. Wright has been adamant that when he said "Harper is good to go" it meant Harper knew nothing about Wright giving Duffy money. The new E-mail is far more incriminating against Harper. The E-mail released in court, dated May 14, 2013 at 10:54 AM, (E-mail #553 in the court documents), reads, "The PM knows, in broad terms only, that I personally assisted Duffy when I was getting him to agree to repay the expenses." In other words, Harper KNEW there was a cover up going on in the Prime Minister's Office. Whether he knew about a damn cheque, or if it was done in cash, hardly matters. This E-mail CONFIRMS Harper KNEW what was going on! This is a page right out of the Nixon playbook. Nixon KNEW about Watergate deceiving the American public and he was forced to resign. Likewise, Harper KNEW his office was deceiving the Canadian public! Why is the CON party allowing him to remain in their caucus and as their Leader? This E-mail now puts the WHOLE Conservative Party on trial: for allowing a corrupt Leader to remain in their party. Harper should have been forced out of his party for this blatant corruption, the Crown Prosecutor should have been notified, and the RCMP should have arrested Harper. Canada, under Harper, is lawless!

311. Harper is waging a war on drugs in Canada and scientists say HARPER IS CLUELESS, actually putting our Canadian Youth in MORE danger. Harper's 2015 election campaign spiel on drugs was the last straw for a group of frustrated scientists who say his rhetoric is divorced from science. On Wednesday, the International Center for Science in Drug Policy wanted to set the record straight and released a summary of scientific evidence to debunk Harper's claims about the dangers of marijuana. In a press release, the group, led by Scientist Dan Werb, PhD, a Toronto epidemiologist and researcher, stated "There is a serious danger that the repetition of false claims, especially by our country's leaders, will lead to policies that further put our young at risk. Just yesterday, Stephen Harper stated that cannabis legalization would only serve to make drugs more accessible to our children. In fact, we've seen sustained, high levels of cannabis availability among youth in Canada under our [Harper's] current policies." The International Center for Science in Drug Policy report cites several studies that debunk Harper's argument. They wrote that countries with liberal marijuana laws, such as the Netherlands, actually show lower rates of use than countries with the more punitive approach, which clueless Harper is dictating to Canadians.
312. Harper's former Chief of Staff, Nigel Wright, was and is as deluded as any and all of Harper's ring-kissing lieutenants, caught up in the arrogance and entitlement Harper has created in the Prime Minister's Office, now for a full decade. The lawlessness under Harper was all reflected by Nigel Wright in one sentence in the witness box, under oath, in an Ottawa courtroom on August 13, 2015; which was a complete precis of Harper's psychotic rule: being a COMPLETE LACK OF INTEGRITY! Wright said, "I had an obligation to fulfill my end of the arrangement with him [Duffy]. I couldn't think of another way of doing it." No Nigel, the obligation was NOT to become entangled in a cover up and bribe! This reflects the contempt for Canadians and their money, entrusted to Harper in the tens of billions of dollars annually. Wright simply could NOT and still CANNOT see that the CORRECT solution was to pick up the phone and call the Justice Department because a White Crime had been committed against the People of Canada. This is exactly what Harper bred in his office: lying and deceit, the sickness that grows like a virus, bred by Harper the psychopath wielding power over sociopaths, like Nigel Wright. From Harper down to the thousands of CON civil servants under him: soaking in the limelight of control, they all forgot who they work for and who they are paid by: Canadians; not vice versa. And get this: Harper still has supreme control! And why hasn't Nigel Wright been charged for his role in this crime against Canadians? That one sentence above, under oath, was a confession of his DIRECT INVOLVEMENT in a crime! Right there the judge should have ordered a pair of Del Mastro-styled bracelets! Because of Nigel Wright's cover up MILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS were wasted on audits and getting to the Truth! Is Nigel Wright 'free to go' because the Solicitor General of Canada sits next to Harper? That is how sick it is. Harper's crime against the People of Canada is STILL ongoing, even from a courtroom's witness box. And MILLIONS of Victims watch this Harper-led, white-collar crime unfold on our living room televisions, frustrated and helpless!

317. Harper FASCIST-STYLED CENSORSHIP, Dateline: September, 2014. The CONs purged all Facebook comments critical of the controversial Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with China. One spiked comment stated, "“You sold us out to China, you will be remembered by Canadians and this treaty if passed will come up at every federal election for the next 30 years, you have made us a serfdom, time for the Cons to retire,” And another removed critical comment said, "“This man [Harper] is a traitor and an agent for communist China and you treat him like he’s the Lord of Glory, you poor blind fools,” Yet another removed comment said, “I never thought I’d see the day when My own country would sneak a deal like this behind the Canadian peoples back. No loyalty to her people none at all, border line treason and don’t you dare tell me different, this country should look out for each other and watch each other’s backs, LOYALTY.” Another one purged said, “The Arctic is Our Home. Then why are you trying to destroy it by drilling for oil and melting the ice through climate change?”
JASON KENNY'S IDIOT RANKING: HIGH. It's not every day you're going to see a Minister of the Crown sending out a tweet telling 35 million Canadians what an incompetent fool he is! THIS WAS KENNY'S OWN DEPARTMENT, ON HIS WATCH! So like, what's his next move ... pink slip himself? This is an example of the bungling idiots running Canada. Is it any wonder the huge Liberal surplus has been wiped out!
ref: 1965/1977