Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Day 31: September 1, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 751 to 775

Ashley Burnham is using her new fame to call on Aboriginal people to vote out the CONs and Harper on October 19, 2015. She won Mrs. Universe 2015 on Saturday, August 29th in Belarus. She is first Canadian and First Nations woman to win the title for married women. It has put her into the national and international spotlight and she is using her voice to raise awareness of issues affecting Canada’s Indigenous people. The top issue addressed in the Mrs. Universe competition was discussing ways to combat domestic violence. On the top of Burnham’s list is the issue of Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women. Burnham said, “It’s so crucial that we vote a new prime minister in, because we need a new prime minister. I believe we need to fight for our rights and we need to vote. Now that I have this title people are actually listening to me, which is amazing because now I have a voice. I think that the murdered and missing subject is so crucial. It’s so sad. Say, for example, a Caucasian woman is missing in the news, it’s a big deal, but for First Nations women we are just pushed aside because there’s so many of us missing.” It’s issues like this and the adversarial relationship between the CONs and First Nations that are compelling Burnham to urge her fans to vote in the upcoming election. And she plans to speak out while traveling around the world as Mrs. Universe in the next year.

752. Stop Harper: Stephen Lewis

753. Harper refused to attend the Obama-led, multi-country meeting on the threat to the Arctic. On August 31, 2015, Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada, issued the following statement on Stephen Harper’s absence from Arctic Climate Summit in Alaska: “Stephen Harper’s absence from the Conference on Global Leadership in the Arctic sends a clear message to Canadians that the Conservative government continues to ignore the single largest security threat to Canada. If foreign powers threatened to take as much territory from our Arctic as does the climate crisis, Harper would be mobilizing troops. “Other than Russia, Canada is the only country of the seven circumpolar nations not sending a senior government representative to the meeting. What kind of message does that send to Canadians and the rest of the world? At the same time, the United Nations is meeting in Bonn to prepare for the climate summit in Paris (Aug 31-Sept 4). Canada appears to be a no-show there as well.” “We must take immediate action to cut emissions and protect the Arctic. The shrinking glaciers, melting Arctic sea ice, and indigenous communities threatened by collapsing ground due to permafrost melt are issues that must be addressed on an urgent basis. The rapidly changing Arctic climate is a key indicator of global climate change -- as well as being a driving force in the increasingly destabilized weather patterns. “Harper would have us ignore climate as an election issue, while using the election as an excuse for ducking this critical meeting. He cannot have it both ways. Let's debate climate - now!”

761. Harper is a racist! The definition of racism is, "Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race." On May 16, 2014, a CBC headline read, "[Prime Minister's Office] PMO won't say how many staff earn $150K, citing privacy." Just months later, (!!!!!!!), on November 24, 2014, a Vancouver Sun headline read, "17 B.C. First Nations have not complied with financial transparency act." Can you see the antagonism towards Canada's First nations People when joining those two dots or are you just a little bit stupid?

767. Harper has all but abandoned the protection of fish habitat, according to a statistical analysis of the Harper Government’s changes to environmental laws and procedures. University of Calgary law professor Martin Olszynski stated, “Over the last decade, what we’ve seen is a not-so-gradual abandonment of the fish habitat protection field,” He has sifted through reams of data and dozens of development applications to conclude that federal protection for fisheries and waterways has been declining for more than a decade.Olszynski found environmental oversight by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans dropped dramatically during the 2000s – a time when Canada saw huge spending in the resource industries.And he concludes changes to environmental law in 2012 weren’t intended to cut red tape, as the government suggested, but to lower the environmental bar.

771. Harper should be investigated by the RCMP in the Senate corruption scandal.

ref: 1745/1745