Thursday, September 3, 2015

Day 33: September 3, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 876 to 950

884. Harper refused to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Canada WINNING the Nobel Peace Prize for Canada's INCREDIBLE Middle East peace initiative.

905. Harper's President of the Treasury Board, CON MP Tony Clement, stole $50,000,000 from the public purse on false pretenses, from money originally allotted by Parliament for alleviating congestion at Canada’s borders, and spent it beautifying his own Parry Sound-Muskoka riding on parks, walkways, toilets and gazebos. He would later falsely claim the money was dispersed for the G8 Summit. Clement is protected from being charged for this theft under Parliamentary Privilege. Auditor General Shelia Fraser investigated what happened to the $50-million, she could find little paperwork showing how it was decided the money be spent. Documents later unearthed through the Access to Information Act showed Clement was encouraging mayors in his riding to apply for this cash prior to the 2008 election – and used federal civil servants to help dole it out. When the $50-million scandal broke in 2011, Clement was not dropped from cabinet or even reprimanded. Globe and Mail columnist Lawrence Martin wrote, “On the Clement case, team Harper’s strategy appears to be to simply ride out the criticism. Stonewall the media and the opposition until fatigue with the issue has set in and everyone moves on. It has worked in the past. It will likely work now.”

907. Harper’s proclivity for corruption was buried in the 2015 budget. After the government got rid of the long gun-registry in 2012, the RCMP was ordered to destroy its records. By then, however, an access to information request for this data had been made. The RCMP eviscerated the information anyway – which is a criminal offence if an access request is being processed. Suzanne Legault, Canada’s information commissioner, recommended charges be laid against the responsible RCMP members – which included high-ranking officers.But in its most recent omnibus bill the Harper government simply rewrote the access laws retroactively to erase the RCMP's mishandling of gun registry records – in order to protect these officers from facing criminal charges.This, of course, sets a precedent of simply arbitrarily changing laws in order to protect political allies. According to Legault: “We could, for example, with this bill, set a precedent whereby, if there were findings of electoral fraud, the government could just pass a law and say: ‘No, these provisions never applied.'”

909. Harper was in the dead centre of the F-35 jet scandal! The F-35 jet fighter contract. The plan was to buy 65 of Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighters with the Tories claiming the price tag would be $9-billion to purchase and $7-billion to maintain. Yet the contract was never put out to tender – even though Canadian law requires this must happen for major defense purchases. A 2012 Auditor General’s report said the government did not conduct a fair competition or proper due diligence. Moreover, when the government signed an agreement with Lockheed Martin in the fall of 2006, unlike previous agreements, this one did not guarantee a minimum amount of production be done in Canada. Soon the price tag became wishful thinking. The Parliamentary Budget Officer Kevin Page estimated the fighter would actually cost nearly $30-billion over 30 years. The Harper government condemned Page, even though he was vindicated by estimates drawn up by the Auditor General. Page even said the Harper government appeared to be keeping two sets of books on the F-35 - one in secret, and another for the public. One other estimate suggested the total cost could be as high as $126 billion – or $110-billion more than the Tories originally said. Yet the Tories refused to answer questions about these estimates, and religiously stuck to the story the planes would cost less. Only after years of denial did the government shelve the order for the time being.

912. Harper has allowed China to sue Canadian taxpayers if the Tar Sands pipeline is not built! Osgoode Hall law professor and investment treaty expert Gus Van Harten said, "Chinese investors can sue Canada for any actions by the federal government or the B.C. government (or legislature or courts) relating to Chinese assets connected to the [Enbridge] Northern Gateway pipeline. More troubling, there is no requirement in the treaty for the federal government to make public the fact of a Chinese investor's lawsuit against Canada until an award has been issued by a tribunal. This means that the federal government could settle the lawsuit by paying out public money before an award is issued, and we would never know. One small B.C. First Nation, the Hupacasath, issued a legal challenge in 2012 against FIPA, arguing that the deal threatened constitutionally protected Indigenous land rights, and that it was signed without any consultation. The Federal Court and Federal Court of appeal dismissed the case, claiming any claims of FIPA’s impact were “speculative.”"

938. Harper's staff have some VERY stupid rules. In fact, so funny they are asininely ridiculous. Here, let a reporter tell you about the dog they endure on the Hustings for Election 2015: 
"Eventually, an RCMP sniffer dog was brought in to check all reporters' bags and camera equipment for illicit stashes of, one presumes, kibbles, Milk-Bones and other doggie treats. No other political party does this to accredited journalists covering campaign events. The police dog was a beautiful king shepherd. Lest the idea occur to any ink-stained wretch to write about the dog instead of a canned speech, we were immediately told that the pretty dog could not be photographed. We didn't try. After all, you never know when a police dog might be an undercover sniffer. Blowing the cover of undercover pooches serves no compelling public interest and might expose them, their families and other members of their pack to violence or even nasty social media howlers. The certified kibble-free journalists were then ushered into a ballroom where Harper was to meet with Saultites [CONs from Sault Ste. Marie or 'The Soo']. But these were not ordinary Saultites. They were hand-picked Tories, every one carefully screened to ensure only the bluest of blue-blooded Harper supporters got in the room. Everything was scripted with meticulous care. There was no way the Conservative leader was going to be taken off-message by hecklers or tough questioning. Even so, reporters were instructed that no interviews with these sterling supporters could be conducted inside the inn, largely eliminating the possibility of getting local reaction to Harper's speech. Even getting identifications of people photographed with the Conservative leader was next to impossible." 
This is the Harper team that runs Canada. Is it ANY wonder Harper has become the laughing stock of the whole world!

ref: 1745/1731