Harper Fact Checker Index
Aunty Harper Graphics, by mikey
Monday, August 3, 2015
Day 2: August 3, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 26 to 50
Harper Government's FORCED Wheat Board Closure has resulted in a Drastic REDUCTION in Wheat Quality. Canada is now at Risk of Losing Sales on the World Market!
Harper Government attempting to BLOCK Class Action Law Suit launched against them by Canada's War Veterans.
Harper Government DENIED rightful applicants, including TERMINALLY Ill patients, from EARNED Canada Pension Plan disability benefits, as ALL CON MPs continued to collect their salaries ON TIME!
Environment Minister Leona Aglukkaq read a newspaper in the House and ignored the Discussion of Starving Canadians eating in her ridings Town Dumps!
Harper's spending sprees and years and years of deficits wipes out the huge Liberal surplus handed to him by the Liberal Party
Harper has spent HUNDREDS of MILLIONS of Taxpayers' Dollars promoting the Tar Sands DESPITE Green Energy providing MORE JOBS to Canadians.
Where's the logic in that!?!?
Harper REFUSED to be TRANSPARENT on his spending of hard-working Canadian Taxpayers' Money promoting Big Oil Companies DESPITE 2011 Election Promise to be Transparent. Harper has acted like it was HIS money and NOT the People's!
Harper Government accepted ILLEGAL Funds from SNC-Lavelin during Federal Election. It was two SNC-Lavelin Directors who financed Harper's Rise to Power. Connect those two dots!
Harper has REFUSED to call in the Police DESPITE fraudsters using his Conservatives’ Constituent Information Management System, (CIMS), during Election 2011 to conduct Robocalls. If ANYONE steals your PERSONAL INFORMATION, don't you call the police? Hmmmm ...... just why didn't Harper call the cops? Did Harper in fact know about this fraud?
Harper Government using fascist-styled, Nixonian-like secret operatives to SPY on Canadians!
Harper Government BLOCKED criminal investigations of robocalls by the Conservative Party of Canada in SIX RIDINGS!
Harper Government LOANED billions of dollars to the automakers. $4,000,000,000 went MISSING! This CORRUPTION and POLITICAL ABUSE makes Gomery, which Harper screamed and screamed and screamed about, look like bread crumbs!
Harper is spending BILLIONS of dollars of hard-working Taxpayers' Money on a war, (READ: NOT HARPER'S MONEY!), and he REFUSES to account for ANY of it! Where's the transparency Harper promised during the last election? This is yet ANOTHER of his continual stream of lies and broken promises to the Electorate!
Harper playing the role of Colonial Master, treating First Nations like "savages", (as John A. MacDonald called First Nations People), giving them NO RESPECT
Harper Government has SHIRKED its responsibility to protect endangered plants and wildlife. 'Harper' and 'Scorched Earth' have become synonymous.
Harper considering police for profit
Joe Clark rates Harper a failure in Foreign Policy and diplomacy.
Harper's 2015 early election call costs hard-working Canadian Taxpayers an extra $125,000,000!
The Organization for Security and Economic Co-operation in Europe, (OSCE), to monitor the 2015 Canadian Election because of Harper's fraud in the 2006, 2008 and 2011 elections and the fascist-styled passing of the "Fair Elections Act".
Harper Government threatened to sue Rankin Inlet Deputy Mayor Sam Tutanuak for openly complaining about the high cost of food in Northern Canada
Under Harper, Canada now has the most dysfunctional and undemocratic parliament in the British Commonwealth. Canadians have been reduced to electoral democracy, not parliamentary democracy.
Harper's Veterans Affairs Minister Julian Fantino hid out in Italy as Auditor General released his scathing report on Fantino's inhumane treatment of Veterans
Harper screwing Veterans with PTSD out of full pensions!
Harper Government using Canadian Taxpayers' hard-earned money for self promotion during elections!
Harper Government shamelessly REFUSED to apologize to a Liberal Candidate they DEFAMED in Parliament!
ref: 2125/2147
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