1028. Harper and Peter Mansbridge held one of the WORST political interviews ever conducted in political history on CBC on September 7, 2015. Mansbridge had the opportunity to literally cross-examine Harper on any of thousands of issues covered and to be covered in the 2015 Election Manual. (SEE: www.consbegonemanual.blogspot.ca )Instead, for the questions Peter chose, Harper had immediate and pat answers obviously on the ready, without a thought. Mansbridge refused to dig. It looked like a fixed prize fight. Peter Mansbridge should be ashamed. He had zero objectivity. Harper was his Master.Harper said Justin Trudeau is planning a deficit. What a hypocrite! AND, Mansbridge said NOTHING about Harper just having EIGHT deficits in a row! How's that for not only letting a slime-ball off the hook, but letting him get in a completely unfair jab at Trudeau! Repeatedly, Harper rolled himself up in the flag like he was a 6 foot doobie saying, "I am dedicated to my country". Peter said NOTHING. Mansbridge SHOULD have said, "Oh, dedication is forcing a Vet with no legs to prove every year they are still gone? Dedication is allowing companies to pollute 2 million lakes? Dedication is shutting down women's shelters. Dedication is a boil alert at 50% of First Nations homes in Ontario for the last 10 years, plus, 1,000 more things from the Harper Fact Checker....." (SEE: www.harperfactchecker.blogspot.ca)Peter should have NAILED Harper's butt to the cross. Right there! Dedicated? Ya, right. Liar. Harper said, "I have a great team of people." Again, Mansbridge, RIGHT THERE, should have rolled off the names of the dozen crooks Harper has personally hired or appointed. Harper said the world's economy is unstable! WHAT? Why didn't Mansbridge, again: RIGHT THERE, say, "Then why is the USA's booming? What has Obama done that you have failed to do?"Peter asked Harper about the Duffy trial. Harper said the evidence in the trial "is in dispute". WHAT? Again, Mansbridge said NOTHING! Right there for the sake of 35,000,000 Canadians footing the millions of dollars to pay for the RCMP investigation and trial costs, Peter should have said, "Really Harper, okay, then who has perjured themselves?" Peter had a piece of paper listing all the names of those charged or to be charged, who were hand picked by Harper. (Harper's eye language here was extreme nervousness, dart-like, from Peter to the paper and back.) Basically, (but more diplomatically), Peter asked Harper how he could have vetted so many crooks. Harper replied, "It is a reflection on the institution". WHAT! Peter said NOTHING! What kind of answer was that? Did Harper mean HIS "institution" - whatever that is - is crooked or the "institution" gives him a free pass for picking crooks? What the hell? Mansbridge did NOT ask him to clarify that moronic stupid answer! Right there, on National TV, 35 million Canadians were fed "Harperspeak" and Peter REFUSED to make him translate! Harper said, "We are going to win and we are going to win strong." AGAIN, right there, Harper handed Peter an opportunity to go for the throat, but again: NOTHING! Peter had the chance to ask about Harper's election frauds in 2006, 2008, and 2011 and what assurance Canadians have that this fourth election won't be fraudulent too. Additionally, Peter said NOTHING about how 50%+ plus of Canada's First Nations voters who apparently do NOT have civic addresses on their driver's licences, meaning they do NOT have valid ID in their wallets for this election, due to the prohibitive Fair Elections Act. Finally, Harper finished the interview by saying, "We've done a good job." Wow. Harper is deluded or a liar. Canadians KNOW he is a liar, so the conclusion must be: Harper is both.
1030. Harper's Canada has more than one refugee death on its hands. That sentence was the actual headline in Britain's Guardian newspaper on September 4, 2015, under which they wrote, (in part), "[Harper's] Conservative government’s fortress-style border policies at home and its wars abroad are a lethal contribution to a global refugee crisis. Undeserving people exploiting the generosity of a benevolent government. Cheating an application process. Taking advantage of welfare. Stealing our jobs. That is the image of “bogus refugees” that Canada’s Conservative government has spent years carefully cultivating. But a single photo of a drowned child has shattered all the stories meant to harden Canadians. 3-year old Alan Kurdi’s fate off Turkey’s shore has seared the reality of the refugee crisis into our consciousness and left Canadians stunned about our government’s complicity in the death of a child. Those now putting Canada’s refugee policies under scrutiny will realize that this much else is clear: the Harper government has more than one refugee’s death on its hands. Under the Harper government’s overhaul of the immigration and refugee system, those fleeing war, poverty or persecution arrive not to a haven but a hazard. Never has this country been more unkind and unwelcoming. Refugees that reach Canada discover it resembles more a fortress than a liberal country. The government throws into detention any “irregular arrivals” – as desperate people are bound to be. 10,000 people every year – including hundreds of children – wallow in detention facilities that go by disturbing names like Montreal’s “Immigration Prevention Centre,” surrounded by razor-wire fences, on the outskirts of major cities. Others are thrown into provincial prisons, including maximum-security: that makes Canada the only western country that jails refugees and migrants in the same place as convicts. Conservative cuts denied refugees access to temporary basic healthcare – including pregnant women and cancer patients. A staggering 100,000 people in the last ten years have simply been deported. The Canadian government has a hand in creating the global refugee crisis in the first place. Under the Harper government, Canada has been an enthusiastic participant in US-led wars throughout North Africa and the Middle East. In Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, societies have been torn apart, fueling extremist movements like ISIS and spilling hundreds of thousands of people into Europe and beyond. Prime Minister Harper cynically suggested yesterday that more war is a solution; it is in fact a key source of the problem. Canada’s fortress-style border policies at home and its wars abroad have never been a help, but a lethal contribution."
ref: 1682/1698