376. The Harper Regime has given permission to Shell Oil to drill off Nova Scotia's coast for oil. GET THIS: to save stocking emergency equipment, Shell does NOT have to cap an oil blowout for TWENTY-ONE DAYS, (yes, three weeks)! Harper has allowed Shell the possibility to freely spill oil into the ocean for almost a month; wreaking environmental havoc on Nova Scotia's amazing marine life, major fishing grounds, coastal communities and the Sable Island National Park Reserve, the world's largest breeding colony of grey seals. And Harper's deal is so Shell can save a few bucks by not having to keep safety equipment nearby! In comparison, the U.S. requires oil companies to cap blowouts within 24 hours. Just where is the nearest capping equipment? NORWAY!!! An ocean and 5,000 kilometres away! Shell wants to drill up to seven exploratory wells, which are especially risky and prone to large spills, off the coast of Nova Scotia in the next four years. If a blowout did happen, it would be catastrophic for Nova Scotia's major fishing grounds. Haddock, lobster and crab stocks would be at risk, as would whales, dolphins, sharks, sea turtles and hundreds of species of migratory birds. IT GETS WORSE: some of the backup safety equipment is located in SOUTH AFRICA, a staggering 12,000 kilometres away.

Possibly coming to Nova Scotia, thanks to the Harper Regime: this is the April, 2010 explosion at British Petroleum’s Deepwater Horizon offshore rig in the Gulf of Mexico which has done irreparable harm to the environment, tourism and jobs. It killed 11 workers.
377. The Union of Canadian Correctional Officers, which represents Canada’s prison guards, is urging its 7,500 members NOT to vote for Harper and the CONs in Election 2015. Jason Godin, National Vice President at the Union of Canadian Correctional Officers stated, “They’ve done more damage in three years than any government has done in our entire history. We’re reaching crisis proportions in terms of double-bunking, and [the government] just completely ignores all the research. When they get tough on crime, they get tough on correctional officers. At the same time they’re making our working conditions get more dangerous, they’re gutting the Canada Labour Code, which is the most important piece of protection that we have. In ten years time, Canadians are gonna go, ‘Oh my God what just happened?’ Because all of those people they’re putting in jail, guess what? 80 per cent of them are going to get out.” Although the union’s constitution forbids the guards from endorsing political parties, Godin said he will be encouraging his members to vote against Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s Conservatives in 2015.
382. Harper the Hypocrite hosted the "Saving Every Woman, Every Child" global summit on maternal, newborn and child health in Toronto from May 28 to 30, 2014. Very nice. At the Summit, Harper announced Canada's commitment of $3.5 billion to improve the health of mothers and children for the period of 2015–2020 and to support global efforts to end the preventable deaths of mothers, newborn and children younger than age five. Also very, very nice! On September 25, 2014, during his address at the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Harper also announced that Canada, along with its partners, had founded the Global Financing Facility for Every Woman Every Child, in order to provide the critical financial infrastructure to mobilize the capital to improve health services for women and children, and would contribute $200 million in its support from its $3.5 billion five year commitment. Even nicer Harper! BUT BUT BUT! Here's the Harper HYPOCRISY: during his speech, when donating billions of dollars to this cause, Harper stated, "There is a moral imperative to saving the lives of vulnerable women and children in some of the poorest countries around the world when it is in our power to do so." SAY WHAT HARPER! Why do you commit BILLIONS of dollars and see the moral imperative for women and children around the world but you do NOT see the moral imperative, or commit a dime, for an Inquiry for Missing & Murdered Women and Children in your own country!
384. Harper's inexperience, government waste, and ineptness was reflected perfectly in his CON-highly-touted, but Titanic-like, disastrous maternity leave Employment Insurance Preggie Programme for self-employed business people. This stupidity was a major and integral part of Harper's vote-getting strategy of the 2008 CON election platform, which many voters bought into; hook, line and sinker. (Seriously: if Harper says a CON scheme will work, some people actually believe him!) Well, read on. Harper SHOULD have consulted experts, including self-employed business people FIRST. In one minute he'd have learned he would WASTE tens of millions of dollars. (Then again, he does not consult with scientists on scientific matters ...) Harper would have learned that hard-working, self-employed Canadians take as LITTLE TIME OFF as possible. It is the nature of their SUCCESS. But Harper, who shuts down Parliament at will when he is a failure, (repeatedly sending 308 highly-paid MPs home), wouldn't comprehend the nature of self-employment: to keep it successful you MUST keep working. This proves that his ineptness is another factor in how Harper destroyed Canada's once-Liberal-rich Treasury; by proroguing Parliament at will. From documents obtained through the Access to Information Act, Harper's idiotic and highly touted Preggie Programme, (administered by Harper's ring-kisser, then Employment Minister, CON MP Pierre "Skippy" Poilievre, who has never worked in business), INSERT: [but has nice hair though], which promised to be a "self-paying" CON scheme, actually COST hard-working Canadian Taxpayers millions of dollars! Harper and Skippy told Canadians an estimated 300,000 to 500,000 pregnant Canadians would sign up. It has been learned 2,316 claims were filed, worth $21,100,000 in benefits. The CON participation projections were out by 99.5 PER CENT! How much did this "self-paying" CON scheme cost to administer? $39,600,000! Harper's lack of business knowledge cost hard-working Canadians $18,500,000! And RIGHT now, during the summer and fall of 2015, Harper is going coast to coast to coast touting new, UNTRIED programmes. Again! After this schmozzle, which helped to blow away a Treasury filled by the Liberals with tens of billions of dollars, Harper does not have an ounce of credibility left!

387. Harper's HYPOCRISY could BACKFIRE because of his CON Caucus CON Johns: Harper passed Bill C-36, his new, oppressive Prostitution Law which targets "Johns" or men who use Sexual Workers. Harper wants to eliminate the world's oldest profession from Canadian soil. In fact, Sexual Workers claim Harper has done nothing but make their profession highly more dangerous. Under oath, in a Senate Committee Hearing, (from which she was tossed by CON Chairman of the committee, Senator Bob Runciman), retired dominatrix Terri-Jean Bedford testified that many of Harper's CON MPs are in fact CON Johns, regularly using sexual workers in Ottawa when they are sitting, away from their wives. (Or would that be lying?) Under oath, Ms. Bedford claimed she has all the CON Johns' names, and threatened to release them to the public. Is this CON JOHN threat why so many "rats have jumped ship"? Many political junkie inquiring minds want to know.
388. Harper's Vetting skills are ridiculous. He has appointed:
Patrick Brazeau - criminally charged, assault, drug possession
Pamela Wallin – under RCMP investigation
Michael Sona - criminally convicted, election fraud
Arthur Porter- charges pending, fraud, conspiracy, money laundering, since deceased.
Vic Toews- convicted for violating Manitoba Election Law, affair with nanny.
Bev Oda- resigned after lavish expenses
Mike Duffy - criminally charged, fraud
Nigel Wright - resigned after Duffy payoff
John Duncan - resigned after writing to Tax Court, ignored State of Emergency- Attawapiskat
Bruce Carson - already convicted of fraud, charged again in 2012 for influence peddling
Julian Fantino- demoted from cabinet post for incompetence.
Irving Gerstein- charged for violating Elections Act, charges dropped when Tories paid $52,000 fine
Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu – Under investigation, senate expenses
Nathan Jacobson – criminally charged, fraud, racketeering
Peter Penashue - resigned because of illegal campaign contributions.
Dean Del Mastro- criminally convicted for election fraud.
Saulie Zajdel – MP candidate/on James Moore's staff, convicted of corruption and breach of trust.
Don Meredith – had affair with a minor.
390. Harper HYPOCRISY: went all goo-goo over history when Franklin's ship was located, this ... after DESTROYING libraries, archives and historical documents! Where's the sense in that?
ref: 1902/1926