252. Harper pledges $9,000,000 to the fight for religious freedoms in the Middle East, another politicizing tactic for Election 2015, because Harper NEVER mentioned this commitment until August, 2015, years after it has been an issue. Conversely, Harper closed nine Veterans Affairs offices in seven provinces by the end of February 2014, located in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador; Charlottetown, P.E.I.; Sydney, N.S.; Windsor, Ont.; Thunder Bay, Ont.; Brandon, Man.; Saskatoon, Sask.; Kelowna, B.C.; and Prince George, B.C. saving the Harper Government an estimated $3,780,000. Doesn't charity begin at home first? Religious Freedom over Veterans Services! What does Harper think all those Veterans went abroad to fight for?
253. The UN General Assembly unanimously passed a resolution on July 28, 2010 recognizing the right to water and sanitation. 122 countries voted in favour of the resolution, no country opposed the resolution, and Harper's Canada ABSTAINED! Is it any wonder Canada is an embarrassment on the World Stage? This abstaining from the vote showed Harper does not believe everyone in this world should be free from their own excrement! This truth was soon revealed to the World when it was learned Harper had ignored a State of Emergency in Attawapiskat, Manitoba for months. The news bulletin included the case of a young girl having to dump a bucket of her own excrement in a ditch outside her home every time she moved her bowels. In his 2010 budget, Harper allocated $330,000,000 million over two years for the First Nation Water and Wastewater Action plan, (FNWWAP). Where did this money go? Was it mismanaged? Why didn't this little girl get a toilet instead of the unhealthy and despicable chore of handling her bowel movements? Harper hides as much of his spending as he can, making the Harper Government spending of hard-earned Canadian Taxpayers' dollars all but impossible to check. $3,100,000,000, (yes, billion), has been reported missing from the Treasury, unaccounted for! This magnifies Harper's transparency and accountability lie, explaining why he is resorting to racism, bigotry, fear and terror as his Election 2015 platform: to cover his complete lack of governance. Harper is a joke Canada!
254. On November 18, 2007, Chalk River's nuclear reactor was shut down for routine maintenance and inspection. It was immediately discovered that the safety risk at this nuclear reactor was 1,000 times higher than acceptable. Based on this hazard, the President of Canada's Nuclear Safety Commission, Linda Keen, ordered it shut down temporarily to repair and restore the reactor to accepted safety levels; to meet industry safety standards. Keen said, "Canadians should not have to choose between nuclear safety and medical isotopes." Her decision came from some very sad historical experience at this site. There had already been two nuclear accidents at Chalk River, subsequently killing many of the clean-up crew from radiation-induced cancers. The exact number of Canadians who died from this radiation was never known: the government never conducted medical follow-up. 600 Canadians were on those clean-up crews. Now get this! Through a Parliamentary vote, Harper forced the re-opening of the nuclear reactors! Keen refused. Harper fired her for not following the directives of Members of Parliament who Harper apparently deemed were more expert than Keen on nuclear reactors. Reports said it did not help Linda that she was also a Liberal supporter. Harper forced the reactors to start up and on December 5, 2008, heavy water containing tritium leaked from the reactor. Evidently, Keen had been right! Harper had caused a nuclear accident at Chalk River. Thankfully, the spill was contained. Considering Harper could have been responsible for a major nuclear accident, how dangerous could his lust for power and control have been to Canadians living near and downwind from the Chalk River nuclear reactor?
256. In her endless quest to understand Harper, a Concerned Canadian lists the things Harper hates in a very hard-hitting Letter to the Editor.

259. Harper expects his staff to donate $1,000 each in kickback money to the CON Party, according to a report in the Globe and Mail, (which has now disappeared). In this way, Harper could be funneling money from Canadian Taxpayers' pockets, (via the Treasury), into the CON Party war chest. This should be investigated by the Crown and RCMP. With over 3,000 staff, Harper could be raking in $3,000,000 per annum for the CON Party, siphoned from Taxpayers, through the Treasury, into his staffs' pockets and then into the CON bank account.
This is where the story USED to be in the Globe and Mail. The URL is:

264. Harper is MORE OPEN with Americans than his own countrymen, ESPECIALLY CONSIDERING it was their lives Harper was about to put on the line! In September, 2014, while Harper was in the USA apprising Americans of Canada's intentions on the War in Iraq, his Parliamentary Spokesman, CON MP Paul Calandra REFUSED to tell Canadians, during the televised Commons Question Period, ANYTHING about the War in Iraq commitments which Harper was making simultaneously, on behalf of Canada, to the Americans. Canadians, whose lives were at stake and who were going to foot the bill for billions of dollars, were the last to know!
265. Harper's CON MP Michelle Rempel, in yet another act of apparent CON-entitlement, allegedly spent $2689.10 of hard-working Canadian Taxpayers' money, including transport and two nights accommodations, to go on a wine-tasting trip fundraiser for a CON Party Candidate. Using Taxpayers' money from the Treasury for party business is AGAINST THE LAW, but she has NOT been charged. In comparison, if a Canadian stole $2689.10 from a company he worked for he would be arrested and charged. Additionally, he would be fired immediately. Harper, her boss, has refused to fire her for stealing from Canadians. Rempel is STILL a Member of Parliament, despite this theft! Where's the investigation? Does Harper control the courts and police?

270. Harper was sternly rebuked by former CON Prime Minister Brian Mulroney on September 4, 2014, on National television, (CTV’s Power Play), slamming Harper's terrible record as Prime Minister, including Harper's under-estimation of Justin Trudeau, Harper's refusal to call an Inquiry into Missing & Murdered Women, Harper's Little League approach to foreign affairs, Harper's spat with the head of Canada's Supreme Court, Justice Beverley McLachlin, Harper's tense relations with the UN, Harper's negative relationship with U.S. President Barack Obama, and Harper's negligence in dealing with the environment. When such a powerful figure as a former Prime Minister from Harper's own Party destroys their Leader on National TV, on so many important topics, ... and the CON Caucus doesn't immediately fire him ... just how much more proof do Canadians need to see that CON MPs are nothing more than barking trained seals under their taskmaster, "rolling balls on the tips of their noses" in the House of Commons on his command, (more commonly known as reading scripts like Fifth Graders when it is their turn to make fun of Canada's supposed democracy on CPAC TV)?
ref: 1987/1995