1211. Harper LIED his way through the 2015 Election debate held on September 17, 2015. What was wrong with the moderator? The lies were OBVIOUS! Why didn't he call Harper on them? The moderator was as useless as screen doors on a submarine. Harper said the CONs have given adequate health care to refugees. NOT. He has refused cancer treatments and maternity care for them! Harper said the CONs have provided infrastructure funds to the cities. Say what? When Toronto pleaded for infrastructure money Baird is actually on record telling them to eff off! Harper blamed the job losses in Alberta on the NDP! They just got elected! That's like the GOP blaming Katrina losses on Obama! Harper actually said, "The opposition wants to open our borders to hundreds of thousands of refugees." NO Opposition Leader has asked for those settlement numbers. Justin's 25,000 has been the highest request. The moderator said, "Mr. Harper, is Mr. Trudeau on to something [with his infrastructure program]?" Harper, "Absolutely not." even though you could tell he wished he had thought of an Infrastructure Bank. So we can deem Harper lied there too. Finally, there is a First Nations hurting because Harper has refused to call an Inquiry. Yet he stops the debate before it could even start to mention the loss of 2-year-old Hayley. If Harper was truly sincere and not going for political points on that tragedy, why didn't he also offer condolences for her Dad? Cold. Extremely cold.
1220. Harper declares the slaughter of 15-year-old Native Girl a 'Crime,' NOT a 'Sociological Phenomenon.'
ref: 1639/1646