Sunday, August 23, 2015

Day 22: August 23, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 526 to 550

527. Harper's JEWISH PROFILING offends voter in Montreal! Campaigning just doesn't get much more classless and ignorant than this CON hustings tactic! CON campaign workers in Montreal are telling Jewish voters at their doors to remember WHAT THEY ARE! During the 2015 Election electioneering by the CONs, campaign workers for Robert Libman, the CON candidate running in the riding of Montreal's Mount Royal, knocked on Michael Hollander's door in order to ask whether Libman and Harper could count on his support. When Hollander told them that he wasn’t interested, one of the campaign workers proceeded to tap on the mezuzah* affixed to Hollander's doorpost and said “Okay, but remember what you are.”Hollander said that he was so appalled he told the campaign worker that statements like that were precisely the reason he would not be voting for the CONs. 
* A mezuzah is a piece of parchment, (often contained in a decorative case). inscribed with specified Hebrew verses from the Torah. A mezuzah is affixed to the door-frame in Jewish homes to fulfill the mitzvah (Biblical commandment) to inscribe the words of the Shema "on the doorposts of your house."

528. Harper's unethical, fascist-styled, classless spying culture was perfectly demonstrated when his Health Minister CON MP Rona Ambrose's ministerial intern Robert Stack went underground with a secret recording device. Robert Stack zeroed in on Liberal MP John McKay. Stack covertly asked McKay questions about Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau, hoping to find dirt the CONs could use politically: without asking John MacKay his PERMISSION to be recorded. All Stack got was that MacKay and Trudeau had opposing views on abortion. MP McKay had no clue Stack was secretly taping him and was planning to use his conversation against him. Stack then gave his recording to the CON-scum SUN, which rag published in an effort to make political hay. The SUN failed miserably. McKay apologized to Trudeau. Justin accepted the apology. The Liberals went on with business as usual and turned the page. Left over was a public viewing into Harper's own-grown, filthy, lying and morally corrupt culture. It was out there on full display; a deprived, hateful man with an equally corrupt, deceiving and lying team, running a once-proud country into the ground; morally, economically, ecologically, financially and an embarrassment on the World Stage. And Stack? He became another nobody used CON stooge: abused, spit out and thrown under Harper's bus, among a fast-growing crowd of pathetic, used-up CONmen, liars, and cheats.

ref: 1831/1845