Sunday, September 13, 2015

Days 42 & 43: September 12 & 13, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 1101 to 1125

1102. Harper's Citizenship and Immigration Canada has been blamed by Abdullah Kurdi for the tragedy that killed his wife Rehanna and two sons. Kurdi is the father of a three-year-old Syrian boy whose little body washed up on a Turkish beach, was photographed, and shocked the world. His sister, Tima Kurdi, who lives in Coquitlam, B.C. said their plight was brought to the attention of Immigration Minister Chris Alexander when her local NDP MP handed over a letter to him in the House of Commons earlier this year. The fact that the Kurdis encountered red tape in their attempts to come to Canada has shone an international spotlight on Canada. As the world’s media relayed images of the lifeless boy, many outlets on different continents noted the Canadian connection to the tragic story. The Kurdi boys , Alan, 3, and Ghalib 5, and their mother were among at least 12 migrants, including five children, who drowned September 2, 2015 when two boats carrying them to the Greek island of Kos capsized. The grieving father said he paid smugglers 4,000 euros for the deadly voyage; the money his sister sent to him from Canada.

1107. Harper's CON MP Cheryl Gallant, (Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke, Ontario), wrote an over-the-top climate change rant in The Renfrew Mercury on June 25, 2015. Gallant attributed Ontario's financial troubles to the “extremists” and “alarmists” who “cost the Ontario economy tens-of-thousands of jobs.” Gallant also claimed that “livestock producers would be put out of business as these extremists believe we all should be plant-eaters only.” On September 10, 2015, Kevin Grandia of DeSmogCanada, in analyzing Gallant's absurd claims, wrote, "This use of political rhetoric is unhelpful at best and damaging and insulting at worst as we try to do our part as a nation to deal with what is clearly a serious global issue. The issue of climate change, if dismissed and derided as Gallant would like, will cost Canada's economy much more dearly in the long run. It will particularly cost the rural farmers she tries to position herself as the champion of. We are already seeing the signs of protracted drought and not just in far off places like sub-Saharan Africa, but much closer to home in places like California and the American Midwest. And while it could be argued that in the short term there could be some net economic benefits to farmers in the great white north who will evade the initial damaging effects of climate change, the long-term outlook is much more dismal."
1108. Harper took $350,000,000.00, specifically earmarked to help refugees, from the Immigration Department and put it in the Federal Treasury to create a false surplus for the 2015 Election.

ref: 1656/1656