Harper Fact Checker Index
Aunty Harper Graphics, by mikey
Monday, September 14, 2015
Days 44: September 14, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 1126 to 1150
Harper had a Veteran KICKED OUT of his Election Rally in Ottawa on September 11, 2015. Harper has zero shame. And get this: AFTER he had been approved to enter! Harper did this on the ANNIVERSARY of so many Canadians being killed at the World Trade Centre! Who would think Harper would throw out ANY Veteran who has fought and risked his or her life for the Freedom of all Canadians!
Harper's Big Oil-loving Health Canada abruptly fired whistle-blowing Alberta Tar Sands Doctor John O’Connor, by threatening him with the loss of his license, because he had raised “undue alarm” over cancers being caused by the Tar Sands!
Harper mocked Justin Trudeau for his interest in the 'root causes' of terror. THEN Harper the hypocrite ORDERED studies into the root causes of terror!
Harper is NOT a Federalist!
Harper abuses the Office of Prime Minister!
1131. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May understands climate change. Harper doesn’t want to.
1132. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May is a far more skilled presenter than Harper.
1133. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May is every bit as smart as Harper, if not more so.
1134. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May, who is a very skilled politician, lawyer, writer, and activist, knows Harper is trying to subvert Canada’s democratic institutions. If Stephen Harper and Elizabeth May were to debate, one-on-one, in public, the prime minister’s incremental destruction of Canada’s democracy would be laid bare, for all to see.
1135. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May is a women and Harper, the misogynist, has DESTROYED millions of Canadian women across a large number of issues. Because there are simply more women, they OWN a majority of the vote and Harper cannot afford being destroyed by May in front of the largest voter base.
1136. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May is a seasoned, deeply intelligent, ethically driven extrovert with a life-long history of confronting large and powerful political dragons with solid documentation and slaying them dead. As a 23-year-old student in Cape Breton, May took on the powerful lobby of the forest industry, (who wanted to spray chemicals on their forests), and won.
1137. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May’s deeply informed, photographic, steel-trap mind has a tighter grip than Harper's on what the majority of Canadians, especially young Canadians, really want in their lives: seasoned and robust and diverse public debate, and action oriented towards our common future.
1138. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because the difference between May and Harper is that she would not let her own ideological and religious reasons destroy the Canada most Canadians once had pride in.
1139. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May is a much more fluid and relaxed debater.
1140. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May can muster an astonishing array of facts and details about subjects that the prime minister wishes to ignore and suppress, such as how government works, and how the economy and the environment are linked together.
1141. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because in front of a group of unselected or unsympathetic listeners, Harper always stiffens and retreats into silence. When others are watching, especially people he doesn’t know well (or who haven't been pre-screened by his party), Harper has become rigidly fixated on presenting the only image he's comfortable with, (operative word: “bland”), a cover for the fact that his policies are relentlessly and coldly focused on the elimination of anyone or anything he wants out of the way. May would brings this moronic character out in the open and destroy him.
1142. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May can confidently laugh out loud, make a self-effacing joke, or stray from a presentation into an illuminating anecdote. Conversely, Harper undoubtedly knows the contrast would make him look stodgy and cold.
1143. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because May has a depth of tangible integrity that outstrips Canada’s prime minister by a country mile.
1144. Harper refuses to debate Elizabeth May because the vast majority of Canadians want Elizabeth May included in all election debates. A fearful Stephen Harper does not.
Harper allowed ONLY supporters with invitations in to see him on his P.E.I. 2015 Election Tour!
Harper the Control Freak has controlled, and will stick it to any CON nomination contestant for the 2015 Federal election, if he gets upset with them! They are all placed under a gag order and are forced to pay a $1,000 “Good Conduct Bond” when they stood for a nomination. The $1000 is HELD by the CONs until AFTER the 2015 Election, even if they LOST the nomination! If Harper decides they have not met his criteria for good conduct, they FORFEIT their $1000!
Harper, in yet another fog of delusion, says Canada is the 'Most Admired' country in the world, according to data he has. Evidently, talking to an empty UN General Assembly hall did not clue him in.
Harper AXED $226,000,000 from the Veterans budget, sticking it BIG TIME to EVERY Veteran in Canada and 147 CON Members of Parliament VICIOUSLY voted for it!
Harper is delusional, disconnected and doomed; headed over the cliff. by an Iconoclastic Narcissist out for Himself
Harper is an iconoclastic narcissist out for himself.
ref: 1656/1656
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