656. Harper has put the lives of both Banff residents and tourists in possible danger because of his 2015 Election Press censorship! Just like all CON candidates, Banff National Park employees have been ordered NOT to speak to the Press during the 2015 Election campaign, even on operational issues such as wolves chasing deer through the townsite, bears being killed and rescues by the public safety team. Questions were initially raised after Parks Canada spokeswoman, Christina Tricomi, declined a Calgary [Alberta] Herald’s request for interviews on several operational issues, including a potential public safety issue on August 11, 2015 after two wolves killed a deer in the Banff townsite. It took officials ALMOST A WEEK to notify the public through the media! Colleen Campbell, president of the Bow Valley Naturalists, concerned with the issue of wolves and immediate public interest said, “It’s important for people to manage their pets and their own behaviour. It’s important for people to know what’s happening in their community.” In addition, she said timely information is also important for tourists who may not know how to act around wolves.“Wolves are typically not dangerous to people, but it depends on people’s behaviour,” said Campbell, who has worked as a wildlife specialist for Banff National Park. “It seems that the policies might be impairing the quality of safety for residents and visitors alike.” Even non-controversial rescues are taking days to get approvals from Ottawa to release a statement with the details.
666. Harper was compared to the devil by the Toronto Press for being anti-gay, a magnet for racists, anti-immigration, a Human Rights violator, a nightmare to First Nations, a Western separatist, an artful flip-flopper, a Quebec hater, a Yankee lover, a health care profiteer, a Big Business shill, and an Eco terrorist.
667. Harper, who has run up EIGHT DEFICITS IN A ROW and WIPED OUT a huge SURPLUS inherited from the Liberals, hypocritically ridiculed Trudeau in a Hamilton, Ontario 2015 Election speech on August 27, 2015 for Trudeau's admission he might have to run in a deficit position to clean up the disaster Harper is leaving behind. Who could buy such hypocrisy? Naturally, the Hamilton Press reported, "Harper did not take questions from local or national media after his speech." As usual, Harper the Bubble Man made yet another ridiculous, farcical speech, filled with his getting old fear and terror absurdities, to a dog-sniffed, clap-on-cue, hand-picked crowd, then ran from the Press to avoid having his delusional bubble burst!
668. Harper's racism: he said, ""You've got to remember that west of Winnipeg the ridings the Liberals hold are dominated by people who are either recent Asian immigrants or recent migrants from eastern Canada: people who live in ghettos and who are not integrated into western Canadian society."
669. Harper's hate for those out of work: he said, ""In terms of the unemployed, of which we have over a million-and-a-half, don't feel particularly bad for many of these people. They don't feel bad about it themselves, as long as they're receiving generous social assistance and unemployment insurance."
ref: 1777/1778