Harper Fact Checker Index
Aunty Harper Graphics, by mikey
Friday, August 7, 2015
Day 6: August 7, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 131 to 155
“Harper runs the most secretive government that ever existed in Canada. [According to Richard Nixon], if the Office of the Presidency does it, it’s not wrong. Harper wraps himself in the flag and he wraps himself in the office. But he isn’t worthy of the office. And he’s proven it time after time by lying to us about things, and in a democracy you can’t run a democracy on lies…. If we stand up and we do something about it we can stop this man. But if we sit back and count all the reasons why we can’t do a thing, that steamroller that Stephen Harper has rolled over the institutions of this country will continue to flatten everything in its path. And I for one don’t want to live like a rabbit. I don’t think you do either.” ~ Michael Harris, Canadian investigative reporter
Harper RENEGING on Canada's greenhouse gas emissions commitment under the Copenhagen Accord!
Bloomberg Business Report: "Keystone Be Darned: Canada Finds Oil Route Around Obama" In other words, outside of Canada, Harper's actions are destroying our country's once-proud reputation. They note, "And if you’re a fed-up Canadian, like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, there’s a bonus: Obama can’t do a single thing about it."
Harper uses majority vote and forces Canada to go to War on October 7, 2014
Harper calls Alberta NDP a disaster rejected by Albertans
Harper Government LIE to Canadians: CONs MP Lisa Raitt says railways are safer. CBC says 75% of freight train engineers are FALLING ASLEEP at the switch! Harper deems three-quarters of Canada's train engineers falling asleep while they are moving to be a safer rail system! Sorry Harper: that is too big a discrepancy not to be a lie and cover up by the Harper Government. Isn't ONE Lac Megantic enough Harper?
Harper connected to Mount Polley Mine disaster.
Harper's policies making ISIS and terrorism stronger.
Harper's $300,000 free plane ride for German friends, funded by hard-working Canadian Taxpayers, violated the European Union's code of conduct; plus, Harper's excuses offered for the free ride was a lie.
Harper tells Canadians that war is noble! It must be hard to sell that to a widow when their spouse's body is returned.
Harper LIE: he deployed the Canadian Military to the Iraq War Zone WITHOUT Parliamentary approval, AS AGREED!
Harper's Citizenship Minister Chris Alexander tells media it was impolite to ask questions about Canada's plans for the Iraq War!
Harper is always gung-ho about war.
Harper was clueless about ISIS when he declared war. Harper’s Iraq plan may make matters worse, according to former ambassador.
Harper Government's IDEAS on how to beat ISIS is WRONG, according to General Sir David Richards, Former UK Armed Forces Chief. NB: this was ONE DAY before Canada's Parliament Voted on the war in Iraq. How can you vote to go to a war your are clueless about?
Harper's Health Canada is ALLOWING cancer-causing, formaldehyde-laden Chinese flooring to be SOLD IN CANADA! Did Harper let this one SNEAK by Canadians so as NOT to jeopardize the 31-year Tar Deal?
Harper's foreign affairs HYPOCRISY: optics show Harper sides with COMMUNISM in Hong Kong, because he has been silent, refusing to speak out for democracy! Is this because the Communist side has bought Alberta tar? The hypocrisy lies in the fact Harper has had no problem taking sides in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. It appears Harper does not choose on the side of diplomacy, and what is right, but who has the biggest cheque book.
Harper sets lowest standard at World Conference on Indigenous Peoples. Matthew Coon Come says Canada contradicted own endorsement of UN Declaration
Harper LIE: his deluded "same old, same old" rhetoric that the Canadian economy is okay is nothing but a myth; an Election 2015 Smoke & Mirrors sales pitch, Harper's specialty, to win votes under false pretenses.
Harper giveth, then Harper taketh away. Every election Harper makes promises then as soon as he wins he cancels them. One such promise was his multi-billion dollar New Building Canada Fund. Once elected he slashed it by 87%! Harper's foundation is built
on lies.
Harper's foreign policy is nothing short of scary. He is all over the map. Harper wanted to go to war against Bashar al-Assad in September, 2013. Thirteen months later, in October, 2014 Harper announced he wanted to be Bashar al-Assad's Ally!
Harper's lack of accountability and transparency: Harper refused to release the expected budgeted cost of the war in Iraq to Canadian Taxpayers before spending their hard-earned money! And get this: Harper's CON spokesperson for this lack of transparency travesty, expected to run into the billions of dollars, was none other than Treasury Board President Tony Clement who STOLE $50,000,000 from the Border Account during the G8/20 CON Spending Fraud!
Harper REFUSES to fund an Inquiry into Missing & Murdered Native Women but spent Taxpayers' Money on a search for Extraterrestrials. How's THAT for a CON racist slap in the face!
Harper ENTITLEMENT: authorizes sale of British Columbian wine to CON MPs in Ontario despite it being barred from Ontario residents due to Inter-provincial trade barriers.
Harper HYPOCRISY: Harper is sending Canadians to the war in Iraq but a poppy box to help Veterans on their return was REFUSED in a CON office!
Ref: 2049/2070
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