Fact Checker Index
The Harper Mismanagement & Corruption in a Nutshell
Number Refers to Reason # in Manual
2008, Harper created deficit, 518
2009, Harper created deficit, 519
2010, Harper created deficit, 520
2011, Harper created deficit, 521
2012, Harper created deficit, 522
2013, Harper created deficit, 523
2014, Harper created deficit, 524
2015, Harper created deficit, 525
41st Parliament of Canada, completely broken, 530
75% of all Canadian rail engineers falling asleep at the switch: Harper Gov't deems this now safer, 136
$45,000 cost of Harper's weekend fun trip to NYC, 567
55,000 Voter Block, all unionized, to vote against Harper & the CONs in Election 2015, 452
111,800, Private sector jobs lost under Harper, 540
150,000 Old Age Pensioners screwed out of SEVEN years of some of their pensions, 414
840,000 starving Canadians using Food Banks, 71
$300,000 blown on fees for late cell phone payments, 334
$300,000 Harper's free plane ride for friends, 139
$694,071 legal fees to fight Afghanistan Veterans, 440
$786,000 Harper's bill to visit Franklin wreck site, 63
1,000,000 Number of children starving in Canada due to Harper's social programme cutbacks, 368
$1,000,000 Harper paid to ship his limo to India, 189
$1,000,000 RCMP charges to investigate Duffy, Wallin and Brazeau, 386
$6,500,000 spent defending unconstitutional legislation, 314
$7,000,000 spent, Harper refused to divulge where, 307
$18,500,000 blown on Preggie Programme, 384
$20,000,000 to monitor/spy on the press, 281
$22,500,000 kickback scheme by Harper appointee, 431
$27,000,000 Amount approved by Harper's new Election Law: to take from hard-working Canadians to give directly to CON Party to spend on Election 2015, 180
$30,000,000 pulled on Youth Employment Strategy Programme, 293
$40,000,000 Amount handed by Harper to a crook with a five conviction criminal record to do oil lobbying, 236
$97,100,000 cancelled on Social Service programmes, 294
$116,000,000 cost of Harper's new Arctic closed-all-winter naval base to fend off a Russian attack, 461
$300,000,000 give-away to foreign company, 18
$800,000,000 arms-length deal by Harper, 124
$1,100,000,000 approved but withheld from Veterans, 67
1,600,000,000, Muslims racially slurred by Harper, 383
$1,800,000,000 stolen from Employment Insurance Fund, 323
$3,100,000,000 missing from Treasury, per AG, 324
$4,000,000,000 loaned and missing, 37
$15,000,000,000 arms deal with unethical Saudis, 292
$158,000,000,000, debt, Harper added 2008-2015, 506
$200,000,000,000 off-shore protected from taxation by Harper, 332
Abortion pill approval, 17
Above the law, Harper broke his own Bill C-51 anti-terrorist law days after he passed it, 305
Above the law, Harper purged long-gun registry, 306
Above the law, using Parliamentary Privilege, 124, 501
Access to Information not reformed, as promised, 239
Access to Information requests, majority censored, 488
Action Plan on Clean Water, funds slashed, 433
Activists, spied on by Harper, 167
Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
Afghanistan soldier deaths: as at September 12, 2014, more suicides in Canada than in combat, 349
AG slams Harper for inhumane treatment of Vets, 55
Agent for Communist China, 317
Aglukkaq, heckles call for M&MIW Inquiry, 186
Aglukkaq, ignores starving people debate, 29
Aglukkaq, UN speech: claimed Canada is a "Global Clean Energy Leader", 272
Agriculture and Agri-Food Lethbridge Research Centre, shut down, 514
Air Quality Health Index, funding slashed, 460
Alberta NDP a disaster, per Harper, 135
Alexander, Chris, CON MP, 142
Alligator tears in Commons, Calandra, 213
Altheim, Matthew, reported corruption to PMO, ignored, 448
Ambrose, Health Minister Rona, refuses to fast-track cancer cell-killing marijuana, 538
Am I Next, FN Women campaign against Harper, 473
Amnesty International slammed Harper over Human Rights, 308
Anti-abortionist privileges on Hill, 17
Archives destruction, 9, 390
Arctic drilling criticized, 317
Arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Harper tried to hide it, 292
Arms-length favouritism by Harper on contracts, 124
Arms-length Harper spy, 167
Arms Trade Treaty, UN, Harper refused to sign, 229
Armstrong, CON MP Scott, solicited cancer victims during their treatments for their votes, 512
Arnold's Cove Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 542
Asbestos elimination, ignored by Harper, 451
Attack ads, 103
Attack on democracy, 197
Attacked Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, 209
Attacked Justin's plan to tax the 1%, 401
Attacked Justin's terrorism root cause philosophy, 261
Attacks on Justin deemed stupid by Mulroney, 561
Attacks on the Media, 491
Attacks Women's rights, 172
Attawapiskat, State of Emergency, ignored, 220
Attempt to control the Senate, 426
Attwood, Margaret, slammed Harper, 511
Austerity hypocrisy, Harper slashed budgets on all social programmes helping Canadians but increased them by 70% in his own CON offices, 340
Australian case study destroys Harper's governance, 54
Autocrat, Harper, 491
Bachman, Randy, Harper stole his music, 354
Backbench CON MPs, controlled, 493
Baddeck, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office funds slashed, 543
Bank deregulation, on Harper's wish list, 249
Bashar al-Assad, 151
Bayne, Donald, Duffy's lawyer, 507
Bedford, Dominatrix Terri-Jean, 387
Bees, threatens naturalist group trying to save them, 109
Belligerent, Harper, 487
Bibi, Jamila, deported to face death by stoning, 352
Big Oil threatens Canadians, 179
Big Pharma, 538
Bigotry, 86, 122, 153, 246, 303, 383, 403, 409
Bill C-36, prostitution bill, 387
Bitumen/tar/cancerous/transport danger, 110
Black Holes: secret regional Cabinet offices, 200
Black out of media, Harper-ordered, 196
Blackstock, Dr. Cindy, Harper surveillance, 313
Blaney, CON MP Stephen, circulated defamatory lie about LPC decriminalization plan, 402
Blaney, CON MP Stephen, not taking high rate of prison suicides seriously, 407
Blocked investigation of Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
Blocked Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
Blocked PMO staff testimony at Committees, 181
Blokhuis, Irene, CONs call for her daughter, (deceased for 10 years!), looking for her vote, distresses Mom, 347
Bloomberg Report: Harper says to hell with Obama, 133
Blows $1,700,000,000 on one plane, 14
B'nai Brith, Human Rights award, 430
Boil water alerts in half of FN communities ignored for 10 years, 492
Boisvenu, Pierre-Hugues, 388
Bonus programme to screw Vets out of services, 23
Border Account, 152
Boston bombing, criticized Justin immediately, 261
Brazeau, Senator Patrick, 386, 388
Bribery, 177
British Press labeled Harper secretive, vindictive & patronizing, 486
Broke copyright law, stole Bachman's song, 354
Bubble Boy, Harper refuses to mix with Canadians, 257
Bullying, 2, 3, 16, 27, 28, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 93, 100, 121, 130, 195, 209, 210, 211, 225, 267
Burgeo, Newfoundland Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 535
Butt, CON MP Brad, lied in House of Commons, 207
Buzreba, Ala, Liberal candidate bullied due to social media comments she made as a kid, 484
Calandra, Paul, theft & death threat record, 192
Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, 393
Canada-European Trade Agreement, Harper sold out Canada, 472
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, admin costs out-of-hand under Harper, 565
Canada Post, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Canada: suffering from Harper's militarism, 75
Canada: NOT improved under Harper, according to Canadians surveyed, 358
Canada: now worst climate change country, 68, 81
Canada's embarrassment to Rest of World: Harper, 201
Canada's Press, controlled by Harper, 217
Canada's risk of bombing innocents high, 127
Canada Without Poverty charges Harper for Human Rights violations at United Nations, 309
Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, funding slashed, 458
Canadian children starving, 364
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, funds slashed, 424
Canadian Firearms Institute, non profit doing political work during 2015 Election, 267
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, funds slashed, 420
Canadian Judiciary in Harper's crosshairs, 211
Canadian Medical Association, hammers Harper's health care plans, 451
Canadians for Tax Fairness, 332
Canadians have been getting poorer under Harper, per experts, 405
Canadians living paycheque to paycheque in fast-increasing numbers under Harper, 411
Canadians personal tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Canadians personal medical records leaked to USA, 61
Canadians tortured/hanged, Harper covered up, 374
Cancer-causing Chinese flooring allowed in Canada, 146
Cancer Plan by Harper, 413
Canso, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 544
Capitalism, Harper says it will cure World Poverty, 223
Carbon Bubble Theory, 123
Carney, Mark, Tar Sands warning, 123
Carniol, Professor Emeritus Ben, Ryerson University, Harper clueless about Jewish values, 556
Carson, Bruce, 236, 388, 398
CBC funding, 396
CBC, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Censorship, Harper, 491
Centre for Offshore Oil & Gas Energy Research, funds slashed, 482
Cheater, Harper, 76
Chemicals Management Plan, slashed funding, 457
Chief Public Health Officer, post vacant for 15 months, 288
Child Poverty under Harper much worse, 57
Child Poverty under Harper an acute emergency, 368
China, persecuting Christians, 7
Chinese trade pack, 393
Chretien, Jean, Former PM, 105, 320
Clark, Economist Scott, economy in coma, 415
Clark, Former CON PM Joe, critical of Harper, 487
Clarke, Veteran Ron, 389
Class Action against Harper Gov't by soldiers, 176
Clean Air Agenda, funding slashed, 459
Clearwater, British Columbia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 575
Clement, Tony, CON MP, 152, 191
Climate change, 68, 81, 317
Climate Change Summit, UN, Harper refused to attend, 537
Climate Villain, Harper named World's Worse, 21
Closes Vancouver Coast Guard Communications base, 298
Collapse of Canadian journalism under Harper, 128
Collecting Canadians' metadata, Harper lied, 221
Communications Security Establishment, 221
Communism in Hong Kong supported by Harper, 147
Compliance Promotion Programme, funds slashed, 429
Compromised health of all Canadians, 288
Conflict of interest, 95
Confuse Canadians about War in Iraq, 166
CON campaign volunteers, spied on, 448
CON corruption on Canadian university campuses, 400
CON Johns, CON MPs using Sexual Workers in Ottawa, 387
CON MPs drink Ontario-banned wine in Ottawa, 154
CON MPs gagged by PMO staff, 471
CON MPs must bark on command, 493
CON office budgets increased by 70%, 340
CONs use secret recording device on LPC Candidate, 56
Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 500
Conservative Party wants Harper gone, 336
Contempt for Canadian Press, 214
Contempt of Parliament, 1st time in history, 174
Control freak: Harper, 174, 181, 195, 219, 225, 230, 232, 491, 539
Control of Backbenchers, 225, 242
Control of Caucus, 219,
Control of charitable organizations, 267
Control of CON MPs, 242
Control of Courts, 230
Control of Parliamentary Budget Office, 178
Control of PMO staff, 181
Control of press, 107
Control of RCMP, 175, 230, 232, 279, 553
Control of Senate, 539
Control over messaging, 491
Co-op housing subsidies cancelled, 74
Copenhagen Accord, 132
Copyright law, music, stole song, 354
Copyright law, cancel so Harper can steal material, 129
Corrupt, 353
Corruption, PMO, 446, 448
Council of Canadians, Harper spying on, 339
Court fight with Afghanistan Veterans, 440
Cover-up, PMO, 448
Criminal record handed over to USA, despite wiped clean, man denied USA entry, loses job, 381
Criticism against Harper purged, 317
CRTC, 463
Culture of fear, Harper, 491
Cynicism, Harper, 97
Daniel, CON MP Joe, refused all media interviews during 2015 Election, 476
Day care, 100
Dangerous: Harper, 101
Daviau, Debi, President, PIPSC, 332, 452, 514
Deadly flooring allowed to be sold in Canada, 146
Death by a Thousand Cuts, (study on Harper), 54
Debate shut down in House 100 times in last Session before 2015 Election, 291
Debt policies risking Canada's future, Harper, 508
Decade of Diplomatic Darkness, 231
Deceive Canadians, Prime Minister's Office, 507
Dechert, 6
Defamation of Liberal Candidate, 50
Defamation of Muslims, 2, 246
Defending unconstitutional legislation, $6,500,000 spent, 314
Deficits 8 years in a row, 30, 443
Deforestation, Canada tops Brazil under Harper to become Global Leader, 330
Degradation of Canadian politics, 210
Del Mastro, Dean, 88, 388
DeLorey, CON Dir. of Political Operations Fred, 385
Deluded, Harper, 449, 496
Delusions of grandeur, Harper, 465
Demers, Master Cpl, Denis, suicide, 349
Democracy in Harper's garbage can, 147, 291
Department of Aboriginal Affairs, spying on FN, 313
Deployed military to war zone without approval, 141
Deported a woman to a death by stoning, 352
Desertification Convention, UN, Harper pulled Canada, 228
Desperate, 129
Desperate and very needy unemployed Canadians refused unemployment by Harper, who used it to try to balance his budget, 323
Destroying Canada's worldwide reputation, 102, 487
Destroying Parliament, 102
DeVries, Economist Peter, economy in coma, 415
DFO Marine Science Libraries, funds slashed, 481
Diplomats abroad, controlled by Harper, 242
Disbanded public inquiries on health care, 451
Dishonoured War Dead, 70
Disloyalty to Canada, 317
Dismissive, Harper, 487
Disputes with press, 489
Dithered on public health measures, 451
Divisive, Harper, 487
Dogwood Initiative, Harper spying on, 339
Double-standard, Harper's: white women/FN women, 475
Duffy, Senator Mike, 173, 312, 386, 388, 446, 493, 501
Duncan, John, 388
Dykstra, CON MP Rick, CONs distress voter in his riding, 347
Dysfunctional parliament, 46
Early '15 election call cost extra $125,000,000, 43
Early '15 election call defies spirit of fixed dates, 97
Economic record, Harper's worst in 69 years, 112
Economic stability claimed by Harper an absurd myth, 552
Economy dependent on Tar Sands, 541
Economy hurt by Harper decisions, 99, 104
Ego, Harper's 80, 96, 277
Election 2015 Harper rhetoric, "same old, same old", 149
Election 2015, rigged
Elections Canada, democratic rights removed, 226
Election fraud, CMIS, illegal use, 34
Election fraud, CON Party promotion during, 49
Election fraud, Del Mastro, 88
Election fraud, illegal funds from SNC-Lavelin, 33
Election fraud, illegal use of foreign agent, 20
Election fraud, "In and Out Scheme", 90
Election fraud, Michael Sona, 119
Election fraud, Penashue, illegal donations, 89
Election fraud, six robocall investigations blocked, 36
Election gag law, 22
Elimination of scientific facts, 491
Embarrassment to Canada & Canadians, 269, 486
Employment Insurance Fund, robbed to balance budget, 378
Employment rate declining, 114
Enemies List, Harper's, 163
Enemy List Membership: 7500 prison guards, 377
Entitlement, 154, 277
Entrapment of Opposition MPs with spy technique, 528
Environment, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270, 549
Environmental Effects Monitoring Programme funds slashed, 447
Environmental Emergency Response Program, funds slashed, 418
Environmental Protection Operations, funds slashed, 427
Environmentalists more dangerous than terrorists according to the Harper-controlled RCMP, 342
Evangelical mission, Harper, 356
ExPats banned from voting, 92
Experimental Lakes Area, funds slashed, 480
Exports down, 115
F-35 Scandal, 182, 462
Fantino, Julian, 388
Fascism, 107, 195, 196, 219, 222, 226, 227, 242, 267, 279, 290, 317, 341, 345, 426, 469
Fair Elections Act, now harder to vote, 91, 197, 226
Fair Elections Act, CONs screwing Canadians with huge, multi-million dollar post-election rebate for the CON Party, 203
Falsify Canadian International Dev. Agency report, 184
Falsify G8/G20 Parliamentary Spending Report, 183
Falsify Senate report, 185
Fantasy by Harper: Canadians in danger, 337
Fantino's inhumane treatment of Veterans, 47
Fear Bandwagon by Harper, 342
Fear cultured, Harper, 491
Fear of terrorists, 8, 85, 235, 248
Fear pandering of Muslims, 1
Federal civil servants EARNED benefits to be unilaterally cut by Harper, 397
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan, 456
Federal Court does NOT trust Harper, 301
Federal scientists against Harper, 159
Fires CON MP Candidate for having an Opposition Leader's picture on his Facebook page, 195
First Ministers Accord on Health Care, 451
First Ministers Meetings abolished by Harper, 59
First Nations against Harper, 158, 312
First Nations, Harper claim: strengthening relationship, 449
First Nations health care atrocious under Harper, 496
First Nations: no respect for, 39, 478
First Nations, provoked by Harper, 322, 478
First Nations, spied on by Harper, 167, 312
First Nations transparency, 5
First Nations: UN report, Harper broke Canada's relations with, 289
Fiscal mismanagement by Harper a disaster, 300
Flip flopper Harper, 130
Food Banks used by 840,000 starving Canadians, 71
Forces Canada to go to war, 134
Ford, Buddy, pot-smoking CON candidate, 271
Foreign Affairs, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270
Foreign Aid of $125,000,000 cancelled, 66
Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with China, 317
Foreign Worker Programme, imported slave labour, 435
Foreign Worker Programme, death, 435
Foreign monitors for 2015 election, 44
Foreign policy: total failure, 42, 128, 133, 151
Foreign scientists destroy Harper's reputation, 83
Foreign Workers, 122
ForestEthics Group, Harper spying on, 339
Formaldehyde cancerous flooring selling in Canada, 146
Fortier, Yves, Harper's Head Watchdog, 167
Fossil fuel economy by Harper has collapsed, 205
France forced to cover Veterans' travel re: D-Day, 188
Franklin search, 218, 364, 390, 403
Fraser, Auditor General Sheila, 183
Fraud, Harper-appointed Senators, 296
Frechette, Parliamentary Budget Officer Jean-Denis threatened Harper with court for lack of transparency, 399
Free plane ride for friends cost Canadians $300,000, 139
Full of Dirty Tricks, 353
Gag orders, 222
Gays rant: fagots, dirty fingernails, spread diseases, 98
Gaza, genocide, 428
Gaza hush money bribe, 177
Genocide, 428, 430, 449
Gerstein, Irving, 388
Global leader in deforestation under Harper, topping Brazil, 330
Goldring, CON MP Peter, alleged criminality, 448
Google criticized Harper's policies, 463
Government waste, 384
Granatstein, Jack, Harper's militarism, 465
Green Energy $321 Million Allocation cancelled, 10
Green Energy offers more jobs than Tar: ignored, 31
Greenwald, Glenn, defined Harper's Gaza racism, 428
Gross Domestic Product worst since World War II, 117
Guerrero, Ivan, foreign worker killed, 435
Gun Owners solicited by non-profit during 2015 Election, 267
Hallsor, Bruce, CON supporter, sparked outrage using Scouts for partisan purposes, 510
Harper clueless about ISIS: former Ambassador, 144
Harper clueless about war in Iraq: Gen. Richards, 145
Harper electoral game plan: cheat to win, 76
Harper giveth, Harper taketh away, 150
Harper going backwards in thinking and values, 171
Harper is always gung-ho about war, 143
Harper intimidates Canada into war; no exit strategy, 72
Harper militarism escalating on home soil, 73
Harper most dangerous politician ever per Mowat, 101
Harper photo op dishonoured Canadian War Dead, 70
Harper puts Big Oil exec on National Energy Board, 95
Harper lets $125,000,000 in foreign aid lapse, 66
Harpernomics: 160,000 more jobless Canadians, 504
Harpernomics: a perpetual failure to Canada, 53
Harpernomics: Bank of England's collapse warning, 123
Harpernomics: economy in a coma, 415
Harpernomics: employment rate declining, 114
Harpernomics: exports stagnated under Harper, 115
Harpernomics: GDP worst since World War Two, 117
Harpernomics: Tar Sands selling below cost, 99
Harpernomics: undermining Canadian productivity, 54
Harpernomics: worst economic record in 69 years, 112
Harpernomics: worst job creation stats in 49 years, 113
Harper's agenda has made Canada a terrorism target, 78
Harper's brutal vetting skills, 192
Harper's ego sent Canada to war, 80
Harper smiled when declaring War in Iraq, 126
Harris, Michael, 102, 131
Hate, 103, 246, 256, 343
Hates accepting climate change is real, 256
Hates accountability, 256
Hates addicts, 256
Hates animals, 256
Hates archives. 256
Hates books, 256
Hates Canadian laws, 256
Hates Canadians' privacy, 256
Hates children, 256
Hates democracy, 256
Hates disabled, 256
Hates environment, 256
Hates facts, 256
Hates farmers, 256
Hates First Nations, 256
Hates food safety, 256
Hates Freedom of Speech, 256
Hates health care system, 256
Hates immigrants, 256
Hates journalists, 493
Hates Israel critics, 243
Hates Liberals, 240
Hates libraries, 256
Hates long form census, 256
Hates Missing & Murdered Aboriginal women, 256
Hates Mrs. Rose Fairchild, 601
Hates Muslims, 383
Hates peace, 256
Hates poor, 256
Hates press, 256
Hates Putin, 343
Hates science, 256, 366
Hates scientists, 256, 371
Hates senior citizens, 256
Hates solar power, 256
Hates surpluses, 256, (none in 8 years)
Hates teachers, 631
Hates transparency, 256
Hates truth, 256
Hates Veterans, 256
Hates women, 352
Hates unemployed, 378
Hates unions, 256
Have-not provinces transfer payments slashed, 451
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, funds slashed, 422
Hébert, Chantal, Harper's oil economy collapse, 205
Historical documents destroyed, 390
Home Equity Assistance Programme for soldiers, 176
Homophobia, 98
Human rights award, 430
Human rights violations by Harper, 168, 308, 309, 352
Hypocrite, 22, 130, 147, 218, 220, 261, 267, 292, 303, 305, 340, 382, 387, 390, 430, 493, 501, 516, 517, 537, 551
Idle No More, Harper spying on, 339
Ignored Canadian ways, Harper, 487
iMarketing Solutions Group, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Immigration & Refugee Board, Judge tossed their case out of court for trying to deport a family to Iran, a country they were NOT from, or even visited, 404
Immoral, Harper, 353, 443
In and Out Scheme, 90
Inciting terrorism fear in Commons on little info, 85
Income splitting: socialism for the wealthy, 258
Incompetent, Harper, 443
Ineptness, Harper, 384
Inept Mint staff, 533
Inept PMO staff, 531, 532
Inexperience, Harper, 384
Influence peddling, Bruce Carson, 398
Information suppressed by Harper, 491
Inquiry into Missing & Murdered Native Women, 153, 170, 186, 204, 218, 270, 548
Interfered in military acquisition, 124
International shame, Harper, 355, 395
Intimidation, 267, 491
Inuvik, NWT Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 573
Iraq War a mistake, Former PM Jean Chretien, 105
Iraq War a mistake, Professor James Laxer, 125
Iraq War a mistake, Simpson, Jeffrey, 165
Irresponsibility, making fun of Canada's unemployed, 378
ISIS, 138, 151, 166
ISIS terrorists getting stronger under Harper, 138
Islamicism: Harper's new word, racially slurs Muslims, 383
Israelis being brought in to work on Harper's 2015 election campaign, 303
Israel-Palestine conflict, 147
Jacobson, Nathan, 388
Jewish profiling, 527
Jewish values, Harper clueless, 556
Job creation has bottomed out under Harper, 113
Jobs for Canadians given to foreign workers, 122
Journalists make bad politicians because they tell the truth, according to Harper, 493
Judiciary in Harper's crosshairs, 211
Keen, Linda, President, CNSC, fired for being a Liberal, 240
Kedgwick, New Brunswick Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 571
Kenny, Jason, offended every unemployed Canadian, 378
Kenny, Jason, Temp. Foreign Worker Program, bungled, 319
Kenny, Jason, Twitter slug fest, 379
Kenny, Jason, kills Leave Out Violence programme, 58
Killed job growth with small business plan, 367
Kirkland, Corporal Glen, discharged for speaking out at Parliamentary Committee about injured soldiers treated inhumanely, 315
Kitchen Accord, site destroyed by Harper, 320
Kitoko, Augustin Ali, Hochelaga's fired candidate, 195
Kitsilano Coast Guard Station, closed, 483
Knowledge massacre, Harper's destruction of records, 557
Koch Brothers, 74
Lack of fiscal responsibility, 565
Lack of health care leadership, 451
Lack of loyalty to Canada, 317
Lack of integrity, Harper & staff, 312
Lack of transparency/accountability, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104, 152, 178, 242, 307, 324, 399, 488
Lac Megantic tragedy, 563
Landmarks' names being changed to CON names, 410
L'Anse au Loup, Newfoundland Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 509
Lawlessness in Harper's Office, 312
Laxer, Prof. James, Harper's FAIL on Iraq War, 125
Leadnow, Harper spying on, 339
Leave Out Violence Programme killed by Jason Kenny, 58
LeBreton, CON Senate Leader Marjory, 185, 417
Legal advice ignored, Harper, 455
Leitch, CON MP Kelly, solicited cancer victims during their treatments for their votes, 512
Leslie, Lieutenant General Andrew, bullied, 121
Liar, compulsive, 19, 22, 96, 131, 136, 139, 141, 149, 150, 182, 194, 203, 217, 221, 233, 239, 242, 244, 526
Liberal historic site destroyed by Harper, 320
Liberal ridings screwed out of Harper's "Perks Pie" government handouts, 380
Libraries destroyed, 390
Libman, Robert, CON candidate, Jewish profiling, 527
Lie, Aglukkaq, UN speech: claimed Canada is a "Global Clean Energy Leader", 272
Lie, Blaney, LPC decriminalization plan, 402
Lie, Butt, election fraud, 207
Lie, Clement, long form census, 191
Lie, Gill, CON MP Parm, Ruby Sahota, LPC Candidate, 557
Lie, Harper, 2008: promised 5 surpluses in a row, 505
Lie, Harper, Access to Information NOT reformed, 239
Lie, Harper, Canada's involvement in torture, 19
Lie, Harper, Climate Change, 537
Lie, Harper, CSED collecting Canadians' metadata, 221
Lie, Harper, denied spying on ordinary Canadians, 341
Lie, Harper, Election '15 rebate for CON Party, 203
Lie, Harper, environmental assessment, 217
Lie, Harper, knew about Duffygate, per lawyer, 503
Lie, Harper, on a Justin quote, caught by Huff Post, 233
Lie, Harper, propaganda-styled advertising, 413
Lie, Harper, puts soldier's families at risk to terrorists, 96
Lie, Harper, railway safety, 563
Lie, Harper, said a politician like himself should resign, 551
Lie, Harper, said backbenchers independent, NOT, 217
Lie, Harper, said budget balanced, was not, 217
Lie, Harper, said business taxes rising, are not, 217
Lie, Harper, said economy growing, is not, 217
Lie, Harper, said GHG emissions down, NOT, 217
Lie, Harper, said jobs created when in fact, jobs lost, 516
Lie, Harper, said USA asked for war in Iraq help, 244
Lie, Harper, said top employment in G7, NOT, 217
Lie, Harper, Senate reform
Lie, Harper, took credit for businessman's decades of hard work, 318
Lie, Harper, who REALLY found Franklin wreck, 403
Lie, Oliver, said Americans don't use facts/science, 360
Lie, Oliver, said CONs don't suppress scientists, 361
Lies, CON MPs, under PMO orders to, 471
Lockheed-Martin missile deal by Harper personally, 124
Lone wolf, 85
Long form census, 191, 351, 451
Long-gun registry, 306
Lukiwski, Tom, CON MP's Gay hate rant, 98
MacDonald, CON candidate Mark, 2015 Election, refusing to debate Opposition Opponents, 477
MacDonald, John A., fund birthplace search, 218
MacDougall, Andrew, Director of Communications, PMO, Duffy cover-up, 417
Mailbox contract awarded to foreign country, 104
Manipulate Senate Committees, 185
Marijuana, 164, 224, 285, 538
Marine Safety Plan relies on USA tug 20 hours away, 82
Maritime's Health Care, screwed by Harper, 357
Mayrand, Marc, personally attacked by Poilievre, 93
McArthur, David, spying on FN, 313
McLachlin, Beverley, Chief Justice, 94, 270
McLachlin, Beverley, Chief Justice, attacked, 209
McMurtry, Ontario Attorney General Roy, 320
Media black out, Harper-ordered, 196
Mediating reputation, international, destroyed by Harper, 487
Mental health positions for soldiers not filled, 347
Merchant of Venom: Harper, 103
Micromanaging by Harper, 242
Meredith, Don, 388
Message Event Proposals, controlling CON MPs, 242
Militarism, (see also Warmonger), 38, 62, 72, 73, 75, 80, 96, 105, 124, 125, 126, 127, 134, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 151, 165, 166, 169, 242, 244, 465
Military in disarray because of Harper's fiscal mess, 564
Military on Viagra, Harper kept info top secret, 370
Military suicide pandemic, 347
Milke, Mark, Twitter slug fest with Kenny, 379
Miller, CON MP Larry, bigot, attack on Muslims, 246
Miller, Kristi, Scientist, muzzled by Harper, 394
Minister of Propaganda, 469
Misogyny, 100, 156, 204, 261, 495
Misrepresentation, Harper, 491
Missing & Murdered Native Women, 153, 170, 186, 218, 382, 549
Monitor the press, $20,000,000, 281
Montague, PEI Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 572
Montgomery, Chris, Dir. of Parliamentary Affairs, 185
Mount Polley Mine Disaster: Harper connected to it, 137
Mount Polley Mine Disaster: Harper refused to visit, 570
Mowat, Farley, 101
MPs say NO to expense account audits, 365
Mysterious regional Cabinet Ministers' offices, 200
Mulroney, Former PM Brian, praises Harper, 432
Mulroney, Former PM Brian, slams Harper, 270, 548, 549, 550
Municipal Water and Wastewater Survey, funds slashed, 425
Muslims, 1, 2, 15, 303, 383
Muslims slurred by Harper on National television, 383
Muzzled Canadian military Generals, 464
Muzzled scientists, 451, 469
National Cancer Institute, confirms pot kills cancer, 538
National Household Survey, 351
National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, funds slashed, 423
New Building Canada Fund, billions promised, then 87% cut, 150
New York Times hammers Harper's regime, 359
Nixon, Richard, amazing similarities to Harper, 454
Notley, Alberta Premier Rachel, 135
Novak, Chief of Staff Ray, 446, 507
Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
Obama, President, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270
Obama, slammed Harper in UN speech, 280
Obstructive force on our planet, 299
Ocean Contaminants & Marine Toxicology Program, funds slashed, 479
Oda, CON MP Bev, falsified CIDA document, 184, 388
Offend Canada's unemployed, Kenny, 378
Offensive Hamilton, Ontario speech by Harper, 328
Off-shore accounts not taxed, 332
Olsen, CON Senator Carolyn Stewart, Duffy cover-up, 417
Omnibus Bills were wrong / Judge, 4
Omnibus budget bill used to wipe out RCMP fraud, 227
One Last Move Programme for Veterans eliminated, 350
Ontario Court of Appeal rules Harper's sentencing laws unconstitutional, 369
Ontario, does NOT understand, 391
Opposition MP blocked from House of Commons, 232
Opposition MPs barred from talking to Military, 326
Original Conservative Party fielding 2015 Election candidates to beat Harper, 336
Outspend Opposition in election, 97
Pandering terrorism, 248
Paradis, CON MP Christian, barred scientists from talking to press, 392
Paranoid, Harper, 108
Parliamentary Budget Office stonewalled, 178
Parliamentary Committee Chairs, controlled by Harper, 219
Parliamentary Council, Harper refused to hire for 2 years, 536
Parliamentary Law Clerk, Harper refused to hire for 2 years, 536
Parliamentary privilege, 2, 124, 501
Party of One, Michael Harris, 102
Paul, Ron, Congressman, criticizes Harper militarism, 75
Peaceful protests, Harper spied on, 341
Peacekeeping reputation, destroyed by Harper, 487
Pelaschuk, Frank A., Harper's modus operandi, 210
Penashue, Peter, 89, 388
Pensioners screwed by Harper, 534
Perks Pie Handouts by Harper, 380
Perrin, Benjamin, Harper's Lawyer, Duffy cover-up, 417, 455, 501, 503, 507
Personal income tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Personal medical records leaked to USA by Harper, 61
Philosophy, Harper's personal, most people are stupid, 206
Photo Op to make Harper look good cost $338,055
Pipeline threat against Canadians by Big Oil, 179
Poilievre, Pierre, 93, 384
Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory, funds slashed, 437
Police for profit, 41
Police State overtaking Canadian justice, 227
Politicians are liars, according to Harper, 493
Politicized Canadian soldier's death, 286
Politicized terrorism, 248, 261
Poll on pot favouring legalization hidden by Harper, 164
Poroshenko makes fun of Harper in USA Congress, 335
Porter, Arthur, Harper appointee, 388, 431
Port Hood, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 554
Post-election multi-million dollar rebate for CON Party, 203
Pot, (see also Marijuana),164, 224, 285, 538
Potvin, Terry, life destroyed by Harper, 381
Poverty under Harper, 411
Power corrupts: Harper forces unsafe nuclear reactor to re-open which causes nuclear accident, 254
Preggie Programme, CON failure, 384
Premiers, Refuse to meet with, 16, 24
Premise of press questions disliked by Harper, 453
Press conferences with scientists, Q&A's fixed, 392
Press controlled by Harper, 217
Press shut down by Harper in Election 2015, 566
Press told not to ask about Iraq War plans, 142
Press verbally assaulted, 412
Prison guards against Harper, 157, 377
Prison suicides, 407
Privacy Commissioner, investigated Harper-controlled RCMP, 279
Privatization of prisons, 372, 373
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, 332, 452
Propaganda, 107, 413, 469, 516
Provoking FN into a conflict, 322
Psychopath, Harper, 312, 385
PTSD, 315
Public fatigue with Harper is widespread, per Mulroney, 562
Puppets: Harper's Senators, 490
Purged criticism on Chinese trade agreement, 317
Quebec persecuted by Harper, 104, 110
Radicals, spied on by Harper,167
Racism, 15, 86, 122, 153, 218, 383, 409, 428, 436, 474, 478, 492
Racism, Ebola victims, 86
Racism, First Nations, 122, 153, 218, 436, 474, 478, 492
Racism, Gaza, 428
Racism, Muslims, 383, 484
Racism, Refugees: Yes to Christians, No to Muslims, 15
Radicalization, 261
Raitt, CON MP Lisa, 136
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed,
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Mayor threatened with law suit, 45
Rape of First Nations Women by RCMP, 204
Rathgeber, Brent, 414, 462, 493
Rats jump from Harper's sinking ship, 247
Raynolds, Mario, Liberal, spied on by Harper Gov't, 56
RCMP blocks Opposition MP from Parliament, 232
RCMP charges to investigate corrupt Senators, 386
RCMP, controls, 175
RCMP fraud wiped out by Harper, 227
RCMP, Harper-controlled, spreads fear, 342
RCMP raided Harper's offices for Elections Canada, 65
RCMP spied on Canadians, 279
Rebate for CONs, charged to hard-working Canadians, 203
Recession 2015, 99
Redacted Harper E-mails, Duffy Scandal, 321
Red tide warnings, deadly, muzzled, 470
Reductions in regulatory oversight, 491
Refusal by CON candidates to debate, 2015 Election, 477
Refusal by CON candidates to give media interviews, 2015 Election, 476
Refusal by CONs to discuss Robocalls, 64
Refusal to campaign in public for 2015 Election, 237
Refusal to discuss PMO corruption, 445, 453
Refusal to speak to press, 242
Rempel taunted terrorists with selfie from bed, 79
Reneges on emissions targets due to Tar Sands, 297
Reneging on Copenhagen Accord, 132
Reporter barred from Harper Election '15 event, 199
Reporter tossed from Harper rally, asked about pot, 285
Research destroyed, 390
Residency requirements, Senators, Harper ignored the law, 501
Residential School Survivor bullied in court, 51
Responsive Marketing Group, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Retroactive law change by Harper to wipe out RCMP fraud, 227
Richest Canadians off-shore tax havens protected by Harper, 332
Right to vote, "Unfair" Elections Act, 197
Rigolet, Newfoundland, Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 529
Robocalls, 64, 119
Rogers, Lt Shawna kills self, parents threatened, 84
Romanow, Saskatchewan Attorney General, 320
Sable Island National Park Reserve under oil spill threat by Shell's Harper-allowed risque drilling, 376
Routley, Doreen, former CON voter protesting against Harper in Winnipeg, 502
Runciman, Senator Bob, tossed Dominatrix from hearing, 387
St. Anthony's Marine Traffic Centre, funds slashed, 498
St. Johns Marine Traffic Centre, funds slashed, 498
Sandborn Calvin, Environmental Law Centre, criticism of Harper's muzzling scientists, 469
Scientist muzzled, 394, 469
Scientist muzzled on depleted Pacific salmon, 394
Scientists against Harper, 159, 355
Scientists barred from talking to press, 392
Scientists labeled as "Radical Ideologues", 371
Scorched Earth Policy by Harper, 40
Scottish separation referendum, Harper interference, 416
Search for extraterrestrials, 153
Secrecy, 491
Secret handbook for CON Committee Chairs, 219
Secret Harper operatives spy on Canadians, 35
Secret recording device on Opposition, 56
Secretive government, 131
Security Intelligence Review Committee, 167
Sell out governance when cheque book big enough, 147
Senate Hush Money Scandal, 173
Senate Reform, 490
Senator residency requirements, legal advice ignored by Harper, 455
Senior off-shore tax auditors fired by Harper, 332
Seniors screwed by Harper, 534
Serial abuser of power, 87
Service Clubs tax relief, 555
Seven photographers needed to support Harper's ego, 277
Shamelessness, Harper, 77, 443
Sheet Harbour Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 545
Shell Oil to drill off Nova Scotia: nearest capping equipment 3 weeks away in Norway, 376
Sheikh, Munir, StatsCan, 508
Sierra Club, Harper spying on, 339
Singh, Jakeet, University at State Illinois, Harper is a racist, 475
Singular Management of government, Harper, 491
Small Business Job Credit, 367
Smoke & Mirrors, Harper's specialty, 149
Smokestacks Emissions Monitoring Team, funds slashed, 421
Sneaked through Chinese trade pack, 393
Sniffer dogs search reporters before seeing Harper, 198
Social programmes, $97,100,000 cancelled, 294
Social Programmes staff cuts, 12
Sociological phenomenon, Harper's idiotic comment, 473, 474
Sociopath, Harper, 385
Sociopaths, Harper's staff, 312
Sold out to China, 317
Soldiers against Harper, 161, 176
Soldiers forced to hide health problems to retain pensions, 316
Sona, Michael, 119, 388
Species at Risk Programme, funding slashed, 466
Spying on Canadians, 290
Stack, Robert, Harper spy operative, 528
Starve the poor to feed the rich, 74
State of Emergency, Manitoba children starving, ignored, 220
StatsCan, 516
Steal intellectual property and material, 129
Stevens, Sinclair, Conservative wants Harper gone, 336
Stiffed lipped on Viagra use, Harper, 370
Strahl, Chuck, spying on FN, 313
Stanbrook, Dr. Matthew, hammers Harper's health care plans, 451
Staples, Steven, Harper's militarism a waste of time, 465
Strauss, Leon, Harper believes most people are stupid, 206
Strogan, Pat, Veterans' ombudsman, 441
Student science programme shut down, 366
Substance and Waste Management, funding slashed, 468
Suicide, soldiers, pandemic, 348
Suicide, soldiers, 84
Supertanker risk to environment with Alberta tar, 110
Suppression of information, Harper, 491
Supreme Court of Canada, 94
Sustainable Water Management Division, funds slashed, 442
Sutherland, Donald, banned from voting, 92, 304
Syria, 151
Tar Sands genocide, 430
Tar Sands advertising & promotion costs hidden, 32
Tar Sands tankers threaten UNESCO biosphere, 118
Tar Sands collapse warning by Bank of England, 123
Tax breaks for the rich, 555
Tax Havens off-shore protected by Harper, 332
Temporary Foreign Worker Programme, 379
Teneycke, Tory, CON spokesperson, 507
Terminally ill patients denied CPP disability cheques, 28
Terror to win Election '15 votes, 69, 76
Terrorism, 78, 79, 85, 130, 138, 151, 248
Threats, 45, 84, 108, 109, 172, 179, 195, 210, 267, 471
Theft of Public Purse by CON Party, 230
Thibedeau, Hanna, CTV, Harper refuses to answer her questions on PMO corruption, 453
Tkachuk, CON Senator David, Duffy cover-up, 417
Toews, Vic, 388
Told NY businessmen CONs will win 2015 Election, 215
Toronto Star, labeled Harper a sociopath, 385
Tossed under Harper's bus, 528
Tote bag, "My Prime Minister Embarrasses Me", 269
Tough on Crime by Harper a selective joke, 408
Tracking EVERY Canadian's foreign travel, 212
Transparency refusal, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104
Travel ban, fear & terror election tactic, 235
Trepassey, Newfoundland, Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 515
Trudeau, Justin, 169
Trudeau, Justin, Harper under-estimates him, per Mulroney, 270, 549
Trudeau, ridicules Justin's Boston Massacre speech, 130
Turner, Garth, 493
Two sets of laws, one for Harper, one for Canadians, 501
UNESCO biosphere threatened by tar shipments, 118
UN Arms Trade Treaty, Harper refused to sign, 229
UN Climate Summit, ignored meeting, ate the dinner, 277
UN Climate Summit, refused to attend, 537
UN Convention to Combat Desertification, Harper pulled Canada, 228
UN Declaration on Rights to Indigenous Peoples, Canada only nation in world refused to sign, 478
UN Human Rights Committee criticizes Harper, 168
UN Human Rights Committee hears case against Harper, 309
UN Human Rights Committee investigates treatment of First Nations by Harper, 310
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, slammed Harper, 541
UN Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
UN report: Harper broke Canada's relationship with First Nations, 289
UN Security Council Seat, gave up, 248, 431
UN speech, Harper, nobody came, 201
UN speech, Harper, hypocrite dictated to the Rest of the World to solve poverty while under his regime children are suffering nationwide, 220
UN speech, Harper, hypocrite, used Justin's ideas, 261
Unethical, 353
Unfortunate incident, Harper term for soldier's death, 62
Unions against Harper, 162, 172
Unist’ot’en Nation, provoked by Harper, 322
University lectures, Harper spies on, 341
Untrustworthy, per NFLD Premier Davis, 13
Unworthy of being Prime Minister, 131
Urban Wastewater Program, funds slashed, 419
Vancouver Coast Guard Communications base closed, 298
Vellacott, CON MP Maurice, labels Harper's backbencher control as a blight on democracy, 225
Veterans, 3, 23, 27, 47, 48, 55, 67, 84, 160, 315, 349, 350, 389, 568
Veterans Affairs Service Offices closed, 444
Veterans against Harper, 160, 389
Veterans approved benefits of $1.1 billion withheld, 67
Veterans blocked from Harper rally: at THEIR Legion Hall, 568
Veterans class action blocked by Harper, 27
Veterans entitlements slashed, 439
Veterans exaggerating injuries, 3
Veterans inhumanely treated by Harper, 55, 315
Veterans screwed on D-Day travel costs, 188
Veterans' Service Offices closed, (Calgary excepted), 63
Veterans Suicide Prevention Programme, not working, 349
Veterans with PTSD denied pensions, 48, 315
Vetting losers, 271, 386
Victim Surcharge Law, ruled unconstitutional, 569
Voter Information Cards, 438
Voter Outreach Centre, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Voter suppression, 91, 92, 226, 438
Walked away from federal-provincial health care collaboration, 451
Wallace, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 559
Wallin, Senator Pamela, 386, 388, 493
Walsh, CON Party President John, alleged cover-up, 448
War costs not released, no transparency, 38
War Dead dishonoured, 70
War Dead graves maintenance dropped, 25
War Declarations by Canada, Harper-only decision, 242
War in Iraq, 126, 127, 140, 152, 165, 166, 169, 264, 450
War in Iraq, Harper was more open with Americans about Canada's commitment than with Canadians, 264
War is noble, per Harper, 140
Warmonger, (see also Militarism), 38, 62, 72, 73, 75, 80, 96, 105, 124, 125, 126, 127, 134, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 151, 165, 166, 169, 242, 244, 465
Warning Harper's Tar Sands economy will collapse, 123
War on Science, 255, 395
War on Women, 156
Weather and Environmental Services, funding slashed, 467
Wet’suwet’en Nation, provoked by Harper, 322
Wheat Board closure, 26
Wheat Board given to Saudi Arabia for free, 52
Wheat quality drops after Wheat Board closure, 26
Wheeldon, NDP Candidate Morgan, forced to resign, 547
White Collar Crime, PMO, 312
Wikileaks, Harper selling off CBC/Canada Post, 111
Wilks, CON MP David, dictates what RCMP Commish cannot say about pot, 224
Williams, Premier Danny, slammed Harper, 513
Williamson, CON MP John, politicized soldier's death, 286
Withheld information from Opposition MPs, 174
Withheld medical supplies from Ebola pandemic, 86
Women struggling under Harper, 495
Woodcock, Chris, Director of Issues Management, PMO, Duffy cover-up, denial under oath, 417, 560
Woodstock, New Brunswick Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 546
World Conference on Indigenous People, 148
World Federalist Movement criticizes Harper for politicizing ISIS terror as an Election '15 tool, 248
World oil prices low, destroying Canada's economy, 99
Working mothers bullied for using day care, 100
Worst government record since Confederation, 329
Worst job record in Canadian history, Harper, 540
Worst Prime Minister in Canadian history, 329
Wraps himself in flag, Harper, 345
Wright, Nigel, 312, 321, 388, 445, 507, 553, 560
Wynne, Kathleen, 16, 24
Youth Employment Strategy Programme, $30,000,000 pulled, 293
Zajdel, Saulie, 388
Zero compassion, 352
Zero ethics, 378
2008, Harper created deficit, 518
2009, Harper created deficit, 519
2010, Harper created deficit, 520
2011, Harper created deficit, 521
2012, Harper created deficit, 522
2013, Harper created deficit, 523
2014, Harper created deficit, 524
2015, Harper created deficit, 525
41st Parliament of Canada, completely broken, 530
75% of all Canadian rail engineers falling asleep at the switch: Harper Gov't deems this now safer, 136
$45,000 cost of Harper's weekend fun trip to NYC, 567
55,000 Voter Block, all unionized, to vote against Harper & the CONs in Election 2015, 452
111,800, Private sector jobs lost under Harper, 540
150,000 Old Age Pensioners screwed out of SEVEN years of some of their pensions, 414
2009, Harper created deficit, 519
2010, Harper created deficit, 520
2011, Harper created deficit, 521
2012, Harper created deficit, 522
2013, Harper created deficit, 523
2014, Harper created deficit, 524
2015, Harper created deficit, 525
41st Parliament of Canada, completely broken, 530
75% of all Canadian rail engineers falling asleep at the switch: Harper Gov't deems this now safer, 136
$45,000 cost of Harper's weekend fun trip to NYC, 567
55,000 Voter Block, all unionized, to vote against Harper & the CONs in Election 2015, 452
111,800, Private sector jobs lost under Harper, 540
150,000 Old Age Pensioners screwed out of SEVEN years of some of their pensions, 414
840,000 starving Canadians using Food Banks, 71
$300,000 blown on fees for late cell phone payments, 334
$300,000 blown on fees for late cell phone payments, 334
$300,000 Harper's free plane ride for friends, 139
$694,071 legal fees to fight Afghanistan Veterans, 440
$694,071 legal fees to fight Afghanistan Veterans, 440
$786,000 Harper's bill to visit Franklin wreck site, 63
1,000,000 Number of children starving in Canada due to Harper's social programme cutbacks, 368
1,000,000 Number of children starving in Canada due to Harper's social programme cutbacks, 368
$1,000,000 Harper paid to ship his limo to India, 189
$1,000,000 RCMP charges to investigate Duffy, Wallin and Brazeau, 386
$6,500,000 spent defending unconstitutional legislation, 314
$7,000,000 spent, Harper refused to divulge where, 307
$18,500,000 blown on Preggie Programme, 384
$20,000,000 to monitor/spy on the press, 281
$22,500,000 kickback scheme by Harper appointee, 431
$1,000,000 RCMP charges to investigate Duffy, Wallin and Brazeau, 386
$6,500,000 spent defending unconstitutional legislation, 314
$7,000,000 spent, Harper refused to divulge where, 307
$18,500,000 blown on Preggie Programme, 384
$20,000,000 to monitor/spy on the press, 281
$22,500,000 kickback scheme by Harper appointee, 431
$27,000,000 Amount approved by Harper's new Election Law: to take from hard-working Canadians to give directly to CON Party to spend on Election 2015, 180
$30,000,000 pulled on Youth Employment Strategy Programme, 293
$40,000,000 Amount handed by Harper to a crook with a five conviction criminal record to do oil lobbying, 236
$97,100,000 cancelled on Social Service programmes, 294
$116,000,000 cost of Harper's new Arctic closed-all-winter naval base to fend off a Russian attack, 461
$30,000,000 pulled on Youth Employment Strategy Programme, 293
$40,000,000 Amount handed by Harper to a crook with a five conviction criminal record to do oil lobbying, 236
$97,100,000 cancelled on Social Service programmes, 294
$116,000,000 cost of Harper's new Arctic closed-all-winter naval base to fend off a Russian attack, 461
$300,000,000 give-away to foreign company, 18
$800,000,000 arms-length deal by Harper, 124
$1,100,000,000 approved but withheld from Veterans, 67
1,600,000,000, Muslims racially slurred by Harper, 383
$1,800,000,000 stolen from Employment Insurance Fund, 323
$3,100,000,000 missing from Treasury, per AG, 324
1,600,000,000, Muslims racially slurred by Harper, 383
$1,800,000,000 stolen from Employment Insurance Fund, 323
$3,100,000,000 missing from Treasury, per AG, 324
$4,000,000,000 loaned and missing, 37
$15,000,000,000 arms deal with unethical Saudis, 292
$158,000,000,000, debt, Harper added 2008-2015, 506
$200,000,000,000 off-shore protected from taxation by Harper, 332
$15,000,000,000 arms deal with unethical Saudis, 292
$158,000,000,000, debt, Harper added 2008-2015, 506
$200,000,000,000 off-shore protected from taxation by Harper, 332
Abortion pill approval, 17
Above the law, Harper broke his own Bill C-51 anti-terrorist law days after he passed it, 305
Above the law, Harper purged long-gun registry, 306
Above the law, Harper broke his own Bill C-51 anti-terrorist law days after he passed it, 305
Above the law, Harper purged long-gun registry, 306
Above the law, using Parliamentary Privilege, 124, 501
Access to Information not reformed, as promised, 239
Access to Information requests, majority censored, 488
Action Plan on Clean Water, funds slashed, 433
Access to Information not reformed, as promised, 239
Access to Information requests, majority censored, 488
Action Plan on Clean Water, funds slashed, 433
Activists, spied on by Harper, 167
Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
Afghanistan soldier deaths: as at September 12, 2014, more suicides in Canada than in combat, 349
Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
Afghanistan soldier deaths: as at September 12, 2014, more suicides in Canada than in combat, 349
AG slams Harper for inhumane treatment of Vets, 55
Agent for Communist China, 317
Agent for Communist China, 317
Aglukkaq, heckles call for M&MIW Inquiry, 186
Aglukkaq, ignores starving people debate, 29
Aglukkaq, UN speech: claimed Canada is a "Global Clean Energy Leader", 272
Agriculture and Agri-Food Lethbridge Research Centre, shut down, 514
Air Quality Health Index, funding slashed, 460
Aglukkaq, UN speech: claimed Canada is a "Global Clean Energy Leader", 272
Agriculture and Agri-Food Lethbridge Research Centre, shut down, 514
Air Quality Health Index, funding slashed, 460
Alberta NDP a disaster, per Harper, 135
Alexander, Chris, CON MP, 142
Alligator tears in Commons, Calandra, 213
Altheim, Matthew, reported corruption to PMO, ignored, 448
Ambrose, Health Minister Rona, refuses to fast-track cancer cell-killing marijuana, 538
Am I Next, FN Women campaign against Harper, 473
Amnesty International slammed Harper over Human Rights, 308
Altheim, Matthew, reported corruption to PMO, ignored, 448
Ambrose, Health Minister Rona, refuses to fast-track cancer cell-killing marijuana, 538
Am I Next, FN Women campaign against Harper, 473
Amnesty International slammed Harper over Human Rights, 308
Anti-abortionist privileges on Hill, 17
Archives destruction, 9, 390
Arctic drilling criticized, 317
Arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Harper tried to hide it, 292
Arctic drilling criticized, 317
Arms deal with Saudi Arabia, Harper tried to hide it, 292
Arms-length favouritism by Harper on contracts, 124
Arms-length Harper spy, 167
Arms Trade Treaty, UN, Harper refused to sign, 229
Armstrong, CON MP Scott, solicited cancer victims during their treatments for their votes, 512
Arnold's Cove Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 542
Asbestos elimination, ignored by Harper, 451
Armstrong, CON MP Scott, solicited cancer victims during their treatments for their votes, 512
Arnold's Cove Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 542
Asbestos elimination, ignored by Harper, 451
Attack ads, 103
Attack on democracy, 197
Attacked Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, 209
Attacked Justin's plan to tax the 1%, 401
Attacked Justin's terrorism root cause philosophy, 261
Attacks on Justin deemed stupid by Mulroney, 561
Attacks on the Media, 491
Attacked Justin's plan to tax the 1%, 401
Attacked Justin's terrorism root cause philosophy, 261
Attacks on Justin deemed stupid by Mulroney, 561
Attacks on the Media, 491
Attacks Women's rights, 172
Attawapiskat, State of Emergency, ignored, 220
Attempt to control the Senate, 426
Attwood, Margaret, slammed Harper, 511
Austerity hypocrisy, Harper slashed budgets on all social programmes helping Canadians but increased them by 70% in his own CON offices, 340
Attempt to control the Senate, 426
Attwood, Margaret, slammed Harper, 511
Austerity hypocrisy, Harper slashed budgets on all social programmes helping Canadians but increased them by 70% in his own CON offices, 340
Australian case study destroys Harper's governance, 54
Autocrat, Harper, 491
Bachman, Randy, Harper stole his music, 354
Backbench CON MPs, controlled, 493
Baddeck, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office funds slashed, 543
Bank deregulation, on Harper's wish list, 249Autocrat, Harper, 491
Bachman, Randy, Harper stole his music, 354
Backbench CON MPs, controlled, 493
Baddeck, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office funds slashed, 543
Bashar al-Assad, 151
Bayne, Donald, Duffy's lawyer, 507
Bedford, Dominatrix Terri-Jean, 387
Bayne, Donald, Duffy's lawyer, 507
Bedford, Dominatrix Terri-Jean, 387
Bees, threatens naturalist group trying to save them, 109
Belligerent, Harper, 487
Bibi, Jamila, deported to face death by stoning, 352
Belligerent, Harper, 487
Bibi, Jamila, deported to face death by stoning, 352
Big Oil threatens Canadians, 179
Big Pharma, 538
Big Pharma, 538
Bigotry, 86, 122, 153, 246, 303, 383, 403, 409
Bill C-36, prostitution bill, 387
Bill C-36, prostitution bill, 387
Bitumen/tar/cancerous/transport danger, 110
Black Holes: secret regional Cabinet offices, 200
Black out of media, Harper-ordered, 196
Blackstock, Dr. Cindy, Harper surveillance, 313
Blaney, CON MP Stephen, circulated defamatory lie about LPC decriminalization plan, 402
Blaney, CON MP Stephen, not taking high rate of prison suicides seriously, 407
Blackstock, Dr. Cindy, Harper surveillance, 313
Blaney, CON MP Stephen, circulated defamatory lie about LPC decriminalization plan, 402
Blaney, CON MP Stephen, not taking high rate of prison suicides seriously, 407
Blocked investigation of Afghanistan prisoner torture, 190
Blocked Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
Blocked Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
Blocked PMO staff testimony at Committees, 181
Blokhuis, Irene, CONs call for her daughter, (deceased for 10 years!), looking for her vote, distresses Mom, 347
Blokhuis, Irene, CONs call for her daughter, (deceased for 10 years!), looking for her vote, distresses Mom, 347
Bloomberg Report: Harper says to hell with Obama, 133
Blows $1,700,000,000 on one plane, 14
B'nai Brith, Human Rights award, 430
Boil water alerts in half of FN communities ignored for 10 years, 492
Boisvenu, Pierre-Hugues, 388
B'nai Brith, Human Rights award, 430
Boil water alerts in half of FN communities ignored for 10 years, 492
Boisvenu, Pierre-Hugues, 388
Bonus programme to screw Vets out of services, 23
Border Account, 152
Boston bombing, criticized Justin immediately, 261
Brazeau, Senator Patrick, 386, 388
Boston bombing, criticized Justin immediately, 261
Brazeau, Senator Patrick, 386, 388
Bribery, 177
British Press labeled Harper secretive, vindictive & patronizing, 486
Broke copyright law, stole Bachman's song, 354
Bubble Boy, Harper refuses to mix with Canadians, 257
British Press labeled Harper secretive, vindictive & patronizing, 486
Broke copyright law, stole Bachman's song, 354
Bubble Boy, Harper refuses to mix with Canadians, 257
Bullying, 2, 3, 16, 27, 28, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 93, 100, 121, 130, 195, 209, 210, 211, 225, 267
Burgeo, Newfoundland Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 535
Burgeo, Newfoundland Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 535
Butt, CON MP Brad, lied in House of Commons, 207
Buzreba, Ala, Liberal candidate bullied due to social media comments she made as a kid, 484
Buzreba, Ala, Liberal candidate bullied due to social media comments she made as a kid, 484
Calandra, Paul, theft & death threat record, 192
Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, 393
Canada-European Trade Agreement, Harper sold out Canada, 472
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, admin costs out-of-hand under Harper, 565
Canada-China Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement, 393
Canada-European Trade Agreement, Harper sold out Canada, 472
Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, admin costs out-of-hand under Harper, 565
Canada Post, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Canada: suffering from Harper's militarism, 75
Canada: NOT improved under Harper, according to Canadians surveyed, 358
Canada: NOT improved under Harper, according to Canadians surveyed, 358
Canada: now worst climate change country, 68, 81
Canada's embarrassment to Rest of World: Harper, 201
Canada's Press, controlled by Harper, 217
Canada's risk of bombing innocents high, 127
Canada Without Poverty charges Harper for Human Rights violations at United Nations, 309
Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, funding slashed, 458
Canadian children starving, 364
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, funds slashed, 424
Canadian Firearms Institute, non profit doing political work during 2015 Election, 267
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, funds slashed, 420
Canada Without Poverty charges Harper for Human Rights violations at United Nations, 309
Canadian Centre for Inland Waters, funding slashed, 458
Canadian children starving, 364
Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, funds slashed, 424
Canadian Firearms Institute, non profit doing political work during 2015 Election, 267
Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences, funds slashed, 420
Canadian Judiciary in Harper's crosshairs, 211
Canadian Medical Association, hammers Harper's health care plans, 451
Canadians for Tax Fairness, 332
Canadians have been getting poorer under Harper, per experts, 405
Canadians living paycheque to paycheque in fast-increasing numbers under Harper, 411
Canadian Medical Association, hammers Harper's health care plans, 451
Canadians for Tax Fairness, 332
Canadians have been getting poorer under Harper, per experts, 405
Canadians living paycheque to paycheque in fast-increasing numbers under Harper, 411
Canadians personal tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Canadians personal medical records leaked to USA, 61
Canadians tortured/hanged, Harper covered up, 374
Canadians tortured/hanged, Harper covered up, 374
Cancer-causing Chinese flooring allowed in Canada, 146
Cancer Plan by Harper, 413
Canso, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 544
Cancer Plan by Harper, 413
Canso, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 544
Capitalism, Harper says it will cure World Poverty, 223
Carbon Bubble Theory, 123
Carney, Mark, Tar Sands warning, 123
Carniol, Professor Emeritus Ben, Ryerson University, Harper clueless about Jewish values, 556
Carson, Bruce, 236, 388, 398
CBC funding, 396
Carniol, Professor Emeritus Ben, Ryerson University, Harper clueless about Jewish values, 556
Carson, Bruce, 236, 388, 398
CBC funding, 396
CBC, Harper selling off, per Wikileaks, 111
Censorship, Harper, 491
Centre for Offshore Oil & Gas Energy Research, funds slashed, 482
Censorship, Harper, 491
Centre for Offshore Oil & Gas Energy Research, funds slashed, 482
Cheater, Harper, 76
Chemicals Management Plan, slashed funding, 457
Chief Public Health Officer, post vacant for 15 months, 288
Chemicals Management Plan, slashed funding, 457
Chief Public Health Officer, post vacant for 15 months, 288
Child Poverty under Harper much worse, 57
Child Poverty under Harper an acute emergency, 368
Child Poverty under Harper an acute emergency, 368
China, persecuting Christians, 7
Chinese trade pack, 393
Chinese trade pack, 393
Chretien, Jean, Former PM, 105, 320
Clark, Economist Scott, economy in coma, 415
Clark, Former CON PM Joe, critical of Harper, 487
Clarke, Veteran Ron, 389
Clark, Economist Scott, economy in coma, 415
Clark, Former CON PM Joe, critical of Harper, 487
Clarke, Veteran Ron, 389
Class Action against Harper Gov't by soldiers, 176
Clean Air Agenda, funding slashed, 459
Clearwater, British Columbia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 575
Clean Air Agenda, funding slashed, 459
Clearwater, British Columbia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 575
Clement, Tony, CON MP, 152, 191
Climate change, 68, 81, 317
Climate Change Summit, UN, Harper refused to attend, 537
Climate Change Summit, UN, Harper refused to attend, 537
Climate Villain, Harper named World's Worse, 21
Closes Vancouver Coast Guard Communications base, 298
Closes Vancouver Coast Guard Communications base, 298
Collapse of Canadian journalism under Harper, 128
Collecting Canadians' metadata, Harper lied, 221
Communications Security Establishment, 221
Communism in Hong Kong supported by Harper, 147
Compliance Promotion Programme, funds slashed, 429
Compromised health of all Canadians, 288
Compliance Promotion Programme, funds slashed, 429
Compromised health of all Canadians, 288
Conflict of interest, 95
Confuse Canadians about War in Iraq, 166
CON campaign volunteers, spied on, 448
CON corruption on Canadian university campuses, 400
CON Johns, CON MPs using Sexual Workers in Ottawa, 387
CON campaign volunteers, spied on, 448
CON corruption on Canadian university campuses, 400
CON Johns, CON MPs using Sexual Workers in Ottawa, 387
CON MPs drink Ontario-banned wine in Ottawa, 154
CON MPs gagged by PMO staff, 471
CON MPs must bark on command, 493
CON office budgets increased by 70%, 340
CON MPs gagged by PMO staff, 471
CON MPs must bark on command, 493
CON office budgets increased by 70%, 340
CONs use secret recording device on LPC Candidate, 56
Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 500
Conservative Party wants Harper gone, 336
Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 500
Conservative Party wants Harper gone, 336
Contempt for Canadian Press, 214
Contempt of Parliament, 1st time in history, 174
Control freak: Harper, 174, 181, 195, 219, 225, 230, 232, 491, 539
Control of Backbenchers, 225, 242
Control of Caucus, 219,
Control of charitable organizations, 267
Control of CON MPs, 242
Control of Courts, 230
Control of charitable organizations, 267
Control of CON MPs, 242
Control of Courts, 230
Control of Parliamentary Budget Office, 178
Control of PMO staff, 181
Control of press, 107
Control of RCMP, 175, 230, 232, 279, 553
Control of Senate, 539
Control over messaging, 491
Control of Senate, 539
Control over messaging, 491
Co-op housing subsidies cancelled, 74
Copenhagen Accord, 132
Copyright law, music, stole song, 354
Copyright law, music, stole song, 354
Copyright law, cancel so Harper can steal material, 129
Corrupt, 353
Corruption, PMO, 446, 448
Council of Canadians, Harper spying on, 339
Court fight with Afghanistan Veterans, 440
Cover-up, PMO, 448
Criminal record handed over to USA, despite wiped clean, man denied USA entry, loses job, 381
Criticism against Harper purged, 317
CRTC, 463
Culture of fear, Harper, 491
Corrupt, 353
Corruption, PMO, 446, 448
Council of Canadians, Harper spying on, 339
Court fight with Afghanistan Veterans, 440
Cover-up, PMO, 448
Criminal record handed over to USA, despite wiped clean, man denied USA entry, loses job, 381
Criticism against Harper purged, 317
CRTC, 463
Culture of fear, Harper, 491
Cynicism, Harper, 97
Daniel, CON MP Joe, refused all media interviews during 2015 Election, 476
Daniel, CON MP Joe, refused all media interviews during 2015 Election, 476
Day care, 100
Dangerous: Harper, 101
Daviau, Debi, President, PIPSC, 332, 452, 514
Daviau, Debi, President, PIPSC, 332, 452, 514
Deadly flooring allowed to be sold in Canada, 146
Death by a Thousand Cuts, (study on Harper), 54
Debate shut down in House 100 times in last Session before 2015 Election, 291
Debt policies risking Canada's future, Harper, 508
Decade of Diplomatic Darkness, 231
Deceive Canadians, Prime Minister's Office, 507
Debate shut down in House 100 times in last Session before 2015 Election, 291
Debt policies risking Canada's future, Harper, 508
Decade of Diplomatic Darkness, 231
Deceive Canadians, Prime Minister's Office, 507
Dechert, 6
Defamation of Liberal Candidate, 50
Defamation of Muslims, 2, 246
Defending unconstitutional legislation, $6,500,000 spent, 314
Defending unconstitutional legislation, $6,500,000 spent, 314
Deficits 8 years in a row, 30, 443
Deforestation, Canada tops Brazil under Harper to become Global Leader, 330
Deforestation, Canada tops Brazil under Harper to become Global Leader, 330
Degradation of Canadian politics, 210
Del Mastro, Dean, 88, 388
DeLorey, CON Dir. of Political Operations Fred, 385
Deluded, Harper, 449, 496
Delusions of grandeur, Harper, 465
Demers, Master Cpl, Denis, suicide, 349
DeLorey, CON Dir. of Political Operations Fred, 385
Deluded, Harper, 449, 496
Delusions of grandeur, Harper, 465
Demers, Master Cpl, Denis, suicide, 349
Democracy in Harper's garbage can, 147, 291
Department of Aboriginal Affairs, spying on FN, 313
Department of Aboriginal Affairs, spying on FN, 313
Deployed military to war zone without approval, 141
Deported a woman to a death by stoning, 352
Deported a woman to a death by stoning, 352
Desertification Convention, UN, Harper pulled Canada, 228
Desperate, 129
Desperate and very needy unemployed Canadians refused unemployment by Harper, who used it to try to balance his budget, 323
Desperate and very needy unemployed Canadians refused unemployment by Harper, who used it to try to balance his budget, 323
Destroying Canada's worldwide reputation, 102, 487
Destroying Parliament, 102
DeVries, Economist Peter, economy in coma, 415
DFO Marine Science Libraries, funds slashed, 481
Diplomats abroad, controlled by Harper, 242
Disbanded public inquiries on health care, 451
DeVries, Economist Peter, economy in coma, 415
DFO Marine Science Libraries, funds slashed, 481
Diplomats abroad, controlled by Harper, 242
Disbanded public inquiries on health care, 451
Dishonoured War Dead, 70
Disloyalty to Canada, 317
Dismissive, Harper, 487
Disputes with press, 489
Dithered on public health measures, 451
Divisive, Harper, 487
Dogwood Initiative, Harper spying on, 339
Double-standard, Harper's: white women/FN women, 475
Disloyalty to Canada, 317
Dismissive, Harper, 487
Disputes with press, 489
Dithered on public health measures, 451
Divisive, Harper, 487
Dogwood Initiative, Harper spying on, 339
Double-standard, Harper's: white women/FN women, 475
Duffy, Senator Mike, 173, 312, 386, 388, 446, 493, 501
Duncan, John, 388
Dykstra, CON MP Rick, CONs distress voter in his riding, 347
Duncan, John, 388
Dykstra, CON MP Rick, CONs distress voter in his riding, 347
Dysfunctional parliament, 46
Early '15 election call cost extra $125,000,000, 43
Early '15 election call defies spirit of fixed dates, 97
Economic record, Harper's worst in 69 years, 112
Economic stability claimed by Harper an absurd myth, 552
Economy dependent on Tar Sands, 541
Economic stability claimed by Harper an absurd myth, 552
Economy dependent on Tar Sands, 541
Economy hurt by Harper decisions, 99, 104
Ego, Harper's 80, 96, 277
Election 2015 Harper rhetoric, "same old, same old", 149
Election 2015, rigged
Election 2015, rigged
Elections Canada, democratic rights removed, 226
Election fraud, CMIS, illegal use, 34
Election fraud, CON Party promotion during, 49
Election fraud, Del Mastro, 88
Election fraud, illegal funds from SNC-Lavelin, 33
Election fraud, illegal use of foreign agent, 20
Election fraud, "In and Out Scheme", 90
Election fraud, Michael Sona, 119
Election fraud, Penashue, illegal donations, 89
Election fraud, six robocall investigations blocked, 36
Election gag law, 22
Elimination of scientific facts, 491
Embarrassment to Canada & Canadians, 269, 486
Employment Insurance Fund, robbed to balance budget, 378
Elimination of scientific facts, 491
Embarrassment to Canada & Canadians, 269, 486
Employment Insurance Fund, robbed to balance budget, 378
Employment rate declining, 114
Enemies List, Harper's, 163
Enemy List Membership: 7500 prison guards, 377
Enemy List Membership: 7500 prison guards, 377
Entitlement, 154, 277
Entrapment of Opposition MPs with spy technique, 528
Environment, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270, 549
Environmental Effects Monitoring Programme funds slashed, 447
Environmental Emergency Response Program, funds slashed, 418
Environmental Protection Operations, funds slashed, 427
Environmentalists more dangerous than terrorists according to the Harper-controlled RCMP, 342
Evangelical mission, Harper, 356
Entrapment of Opposition MPs with spy technique, 528
Environment, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270, 549
Environmental Effects Monitoring Programme funds slashed, 447
Environmental Emergency Response Program, funds slashed, 418
Environmental Protection Operations, funds slashed, 427
Environmentalists more dangerous than terrorists according to the Harper-controlled RCMP, 342
Evangelical mission, Harper, 356
ExPats banned from voting, 92
Experimental Lakes Area, funds slashed, 480
Experimental Lakes Area, funds slashed, 480
Exports down, 115
F-35 Scandal, 182, 462
Fantino, Julian, 388
Fantino, Julian, 388
Fascism, 107, 195, 196, 219, 222, 226, 227, 242, 267, 279, 290, 317, 341, 345, 426, 469
Fair Elections Act, now harder to vote, 91, 197, 226
Fair Elections Act, CONs screwing Canadians with huge, multi-million dollar post-election rebate for the CON Party, 203
Falsify Canadian International Dev. Agency report, 184
Falsify G8/G20 Parliamentary Spending Report, 183
Falsify Senate report, 185
Fantasy by Harper: Canadians in danger, 337
Fantasy by Harper: Canadians in danger, 337
Fantino's inhumane treatment of Veterans, 47
Fear Bandwagon by Harper, 342
Fear cultured, Harper, 491
Fear Bandwagon by Harper, 342
Fear cultured, Harper, 491
Fear of terrorists, 8, 85, 235, 248
Fear pandering of Muslims, 1
Federal civil servants EARNED benefits to be unilaterally cut by Harper, 397
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan, 456
Federal Court does NOT trust Harper, 301
Federal civil servants EARNED benefits to be unilaterally cut by Harper, 397
Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan, 456
Federal Court does NOT trust Harper, 301
Federal scientists against Harper, 159
Fires CON MP Candidate for having an Opposition Leader's picture on his Facebook page, 195
First Ministers Accord on Health Care, 451
First Ministers Accord on Health Care, 451
First Ministers Meetings abolished by Harper, 59
First Nations against Harper, 158, 312
First Nations, Harper claim: strengthening relationship, 449
First Nations health care atrocious under Harper, 496
First Nations: no respect for, 39, 478
First Nations, provoked by Harper, 322, 478
First Nations health care atrocious under Harper, 496
First Nations: no respect for, 39, 478
First Nations, provoked by Harper, 322, 478
First Nations, spied on by Harper, 167, 312
First Nations transparency, 5
First Nations: UN report, Harper broke Canada's relations with, 289
Fiscal mismanagement by Harper a disaster, 300
First Nations: UN report, Harper broke Canada's relations with, 289
Fiscal mismanagement by Harper a disaster, 300
Flip flopper Harper, 130
Food Banks used by 840,000 starving Canadians, 71
Forces Canada to go to war, 134
Ford, Buddy, pot-smoking CON candidate, 271
Foreign Affairs, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270
Ford, Buddy, pot-smoking CON candidate, 271
Foreign Affairs, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270
Foreign Aid of $125,000,000 cancelled, 66
Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with China, 317
Foreign Worker Programme, imported slave labour, 435
Foreign Worker Programme, death, 435
Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement with China, 317
Foreign Worker Programme, imported slave labour, 435
Foreign Worker Programme, death, 435
Foreign monitors for 2015 election, 44
Foreign policy: total failure, 42, 128, 133, 151
Foreign scientists destroy Harper's reputation, 83
Foreign Workers, 122
ForestEthics Group, Harper spying on, 339
ForestEthics Group, Harper spying on, 339
Formaldehyde cancerous flooring selling in Canada, 146
Fortier, Yves, Harper's Head Watchdog, 167
Fossil fuel economy by Harper has collapsed, 205
France forced to cover Veterans' travel re: D-Day, 188
Franklin search, 218, 364, 390, 403
Fraser, Auditor General Sheila, 183
Fraud, Harper-appointed Senators, 296
Frechette, Parliamentary Budget Officer Jean-Denis threatened Harper with court for lack of transparency, 399
Fraud, Harper-appointed Senators, 296
Frechette, Parliamentary Budget Officer Jean-Denis threatened Harper with court for lack of transparency, 399
Free plane ride for friends cost Canadians $300,000, 139
Full of Dirty Tricks, 353
Full of Dirty Tricks, 353
Gag orders, 222
Gays rant: fagots, dirty fingernails, spread diseases, 98
Gaza, genocide, 428
Gaza, genocide, 428
Gaza hush money bribe, 177
Genocide, 428, 430, 449
Gerstein, Irving, 388
Granatstein, Jack, Harper's militarism, 465
Genocide, 428, 430, 449
Gerstein, Irving, 388
Global leader in deforestation under Harper, topping Brazil, 330
Goldring, CON MP Peter, alleged criminality, 448
Google criticized Harper's policies, 463
Government waste, 384Goldring, CON MP Peter, alleged criminality, 448
Google criticized Harper's policies, 463
Granatstein, Jack, Harper's militarism, 465
Green Energy $321 Million Allocation cancelled, 10
Green Energy offers more jobs than Tar: ignored, 31
Greenwald, Glenn, defined Harper's Gaza racism, 428
Greenwald, Glenn, defined Harper's Gaza racism, 428
Gross Domestic Product worst since World War II, 117
Guerrero, Ivan, foreign worker killed, 435
Gun Owners solicited by non-profit during 2015 Election, 267
Hallsor, Bruce, CON supporter, sparked outrage using Scouts for partisan purposes, 510
Guerrero, Ivan, foreign worker killed, 435
Gun Owners solicited by non-profit during 2015 Election, 267
Hallsor, Bruce, CON supporter, sparked outrage using Scouts for partisan purposes, 510
Harper clueless about ISIS: former Ambassador, 144
Harper clueless about war in Iraq: Gen. Richards, 145
Harper electoral game plan: cheat to win, 76
Harper giveth, Harper taketh away, 150
Harper going backwards in thinking and values, 171
Harper is always gung-ho about war, 143
Harper intimidates Canada into war; no exit strategy, 72
Harper militarism escalating on home soil, 73
Harper most dangerous politician ever per Mowat, 101
Harper photo op dishonoured Canadian War Dead, 70
Harper puts Big Oil exec on National Energy Board, 95
Harper lets $125,000,000 in foreign aid lapse, 66
Harpernomics: 160,000 more jobless Canadians, 504
Harpernomics: 160,000 more jobless Canadians, 504
Harpernomics: a perpetual failure to Canada, 53
Harpernomics: Bank of England's collapse warning, 123
Harpernomics: economy in a coma, 415
Harpernomics: economy in a coma, 415
Harpernomics: employment rate declining, 114
Harpernomics: exports stagnated under Harper, 115
Harpernomics: GDP worst since World War Two, 117
Harpernomics: Tar Sands selling below cost, 99
Harpernomics: undermining Canadian productivity, 54
Harpernomics: worst economic record in 69 years, 112
Harpernomics: worst job creation stats in 49 years, 113
Harper's agenda has made Canada a terrorism target, 78
Harper's brutal vetting skills, 192
Harper's ego sent Canada to war, 80
Harper smiled when declaring War in Iraq, 126
Harris, Michael, 102, 131
Hate, 103, 246, 256, 343
Hates accepting climate change is real, 256
Hates accountability, 256
Hates addicts, 256
Hates animals, 256
Hates archives. 256
Hates books, 256
Hates Canadian laws, 256
Hates Canadians' privacy, 256
Hates children, 256
Hates democracy, 256
Hates disabled, 256
Hates environment, 256
Hates facts, 256
Hates farmers, 256
Hates First Nations, 256
Hates food safety, 256
Hates Freedom of Speech, 256
Hates health care system, 256
Hates immigrants, 256
Hates journalists, 493
Hates Israel critics, 243
Hates Liberals, 240
Hates libraries, 256
Hates long form census, 256
Hates Missing & Murdered Aboriginal women, 256
Hates Mrs. Rose Fairchild, 601
Hates Muslims, 383
Hates peace, 256
Hates poor, 256
Hates press, 256
Hates Putin, 343
Hates science, 256, 366
Hates scientists, 256, 371
Hates senior citizens, 256
Hates solar power, 256
Hates surpluses, 256, (none in 8 years)
Hates teachers, 631
Hates transparency, 256
Hates truth, 256
Hates Veterans, 256
Hates women, 352
Hates unemployed, 378
Hates unions, 256
Have-not provinces transfer payments slashed, 451
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, funds slashed, 422
Hates accepting climate change is real, 256
Hates accountability, 256
Hates addicts, 256
Hates animals, 256
Hates archives. 256
Hates books, 256
Hates Canadian laws, 256
Hates Canadians' privacy, 256
Hates children, 256
Hates democracy, 256
Hates disabled, 256
Hates environment, 256
Hates facts, 256
Hates farmers, 256
Hates First Nations, 256
Hates food safety, 256
Hates Freedom of Speech, 256
Hates health care system, 256
Hates immigrants, 256
Hates journalists, 493
Hates Israel critics, 243
Hates Liberals, 240
Hates libraries, 256
Hates long form census, 256
Hates Missing & Murdered Aboriginal women, 256
Hates Mrs. Rose Fairchild, 601
Hates Muslims, 383
Hates peace, 256
Hates poor, 256
Hates press, 256
Hates Putin, 343
Hates science, 256, 366
Hates scientists, 256, 371
Hates senior citizens, 256
Hates solar power, 256
Hates surpluses, 256, (none in 8 years)
Hates teachers, 631
Hates transparency, 256
Hates truth, 256
Hates Veterans, 256
Hates women, 352
Hates unemployed, 378
Hates unions, 256
Have-not provinces transfer payments slashed, 451
Hazardous Materials Information Review Commission, funds slashed, 422
Hébert, Chantal, Harper's oil economy collapse, 205
Historical documents destroyed, 390
Historical documents destroyed, 390
Home Equity Assistance Programme for soldiers, 176
Homophobia, 98
Human rights award, 430
Human rights award, 430
Human rights violations by Harper, 168, 308, 309, 352
Hypocrite, 22, 130, 147, 218, 220, 261, 267, 292, 303, 305, 340, 382, 387, 390, 430, 493, 501, 516, 517, 537, 551
Idle No More, Harper spying on, 339
Ignored Canadian ways, Harper, 487
iMarketing Solutions Group, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Immigration & Refugee Board, Judge tossed their case out of court for trying to deport a family to Iran, a country they were NOT from, or even visited, 404
Immoral, Harper, 353, 443
Idle No More, Harper spying on, 339
Ignored Canadian ways, Harper, 487
iMarketing Solutions Group, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Immigration & Refugee Board, Judge tossed their case out of court for trying to deport a family to Iran, a country they were NOT from, or even visited, 404
Immoral, Harper, 353, 443
In and Out Scheme, 90
Inciting terrorism fear in Commons on little info, 85
Income splitting: socialism for the wealthy, 258
Incompetent, Harper, 443
Ineptness, Harper, 384
Inept Mint staff, 533
Inept PMO staff, 531, 532
Inexperience, Harper, 384
Influence peddling, Bruce Carson, 398
Information suppressed by Harper, 491
Income splitting: socialism for the wealthy, 258
Incompetent, Harper, 443
Ineptness, Harper, 384
Inept Mint staff, 533
Inept PMO staff, 531, 532
Inexperience, Harper, 384
Influence peddling, Bruce Carson, 398
Information suppressed by Harper, 491
Inquiry into Missing & Murdered Native Women, 153, 170, 186, 204, 218, 270, 548
Interfered in military acquisition, 124
International shame, Harper, 355, 395
Intimidation, 267, 491
Inuvik, NWT Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 573
International shame, Harper, 355, 395
Intimidation, 267, 491
Inuvik, NWT Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 573
Iraq War a mistake, Former PM Jean Chretien, 105
Iraq War a mistake, Professor James Laxer, 125
Iraq War a mistake, Simpson, Jeffrey, 165
Irresponsibility, making fun of Canada's unemployed, 378
Irresponsibility, making fun of Canada's unemployed, 378
ISIS, 138, 151, 166
ISIS terrorists getting stronger under Harper, 138
Islamicism: Harper's new word, racially slurs Muslims, 383
Israelis being brought in to work on Harper's 2015 election campaign, 303
Islamicism: Harper's new word, racially slurs Muslims, 383
Israelis being brought in to work on Harper's 2015 election campaign, 303
Israel-Palestine conflict, 147
Jacobson, Nathan, 388
Jewish profiling, 527
Jewish values, Harper clueless, 556
Jacobson, Nathan, 388
Jewish profiling, 527
Jewish values, Harper clueless, 556
Job creation has bottomed out under Harper, 113
Jobs for Canadians given to foreign workers, 122
Journalists make bad politicians because they tell the truth, according to Harper, 493
Journalists make bad politicians because they tell the truth, according to Harper, 493
Judiciary in Harper's crosshairs, 211
Keen, Linda, President, CNSC, fired for being a Liberal, 240
Kedgwick, New Brunswick Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 571
Kenny, Jason, offended every unemployed Canadian, 378
Kenny, Jason, Temp. Foreign Worker Program, bungled, 319
Kenny, Jason, Twitter slug fest, 379
Keen, Linda, President, CNSC, fired for being a Liberal, 240
Kedgwick, New Brunswick Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 571
Kenny, Jason, offended every unemployed Canadian, 378
Kenny, Jason, Temp. Foreign Worker Program, bungled, 319
Kenny, Jason, Twitter slug fest, 379
Kenny, Jason, kills Leave Out Violence programme, 58
Killed job growth with small business plan, 367
Kirkland, Corporal Glen, discharged for speaking out at Parliamentary Committee about injured soldiers treated inhumanely, 315
Kitchen Accord, site destroyed by Harper, 320
Kitoko, Augustin Ali, Hochelaga's fired candidate, 195
Kitsilano Coast Guard Station, closed, 483
Knowledge massacre, Harper's destruction of records, 557
Killed job growth with small business plan, 367
Kirkland, Corporal Glen, discharged for speaking out at Parliamentary Committee about injured soldiers treated inhumanely, 315
Kitchen Accord, site destroyed by Harper, 320
Kitoko, Augustin Ali, Hochelaga's fired candidate, 195
Kitsilano Coast Guard Station, closed, 483
Knowledge massacre, Harper's destruction of records, 557
Koch Brothers, 74
Lack of fiscal responsibility, 565
Lack of health care leadership, 451
Lack of loyalty to Canada, 317
Lack of integrity, Harper & staff, 312
Lack of fiscal responsibility, 565
Lack of health care leadership, 451
Lack of loyalty to Canada, 317
Lack of integrity, Harper & staff, 312
Lack of transparency/accountability, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104, 152, 178, 242, 307, 324, 399, 488
Lac Megantic tragedy, 563
Landmarks' names being changed to CON names, 410
L'Anse au Loup, Newfoundland Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 509
Lawlessness in Harper's Office, 312
Lac Megantic tragedy, 563
Landmarks' names being changed to CON names, 410
L'Anse au Loup, Newfoundland Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 509
Lawlessness in Harper's Office, 312
Laxer, Prof. James, Harper's FAIL on Iraq War, 125
Leadnow, Harper spying on, 339
Leadnow, Harper spying on, 339
Leave Out Violence Programme killed by Jason Kenny, 58
LeBreton, CON Senate Leader Marjory, 185, 417
Legal advice ignored, Harper, 455
Leitch, CON MP Kelly, solicited cancer victims during their treatments for their votes, 512
Legal advice ignored, Harper, 455
Leitch, CON MP Kelly, solicited cancer victims during their treatments for their votes, 512
Leslie, Lieutenant General Andrew, bullied, 121
Liar, compulsive, 19, 22, 96, 131, 136, 139, 141, 149, 150, 182, 194, 203, 217, 221, 233, 239, 242, 244, 526
Liberal historic site destroyed by Harper, 320
Liberal ridings screwed out of Harper's "Perks Pie" government handouts, 380
Libraries destroyed, 390
Libman, Robert, CON candidate, Jewish profiling, 527
Lie, Aglukkaq, UN speech: claimed Canada is a "Global Clean Energy Leader", 272
Lie, Blaney, LPC decriminalization plan, 402
Liar, compulsive, 19, 22, 96, 131, 136, 139, 141, 149, 150, 182, 194, 203, 217, 221, 233, 239, 242, 244, 526
Liberal historic site destroyed by Harper, 320
Liberal ridings screwed out of Harper's "Perks Pie" government handouts, 380
Libraries destroyed, 390
Libman, Robert, CON candidate, Jewish profiling, 527
Lie, Aglukkaq, UN speech: claimed Canada is a "Global Clean Energy Leader", 272
Lie, Blaney, LPC decriminalization plan, 402
Lie, Butt, election fraud, 207
Lie, Clement, long form census, 191
Lie, Gill, CON MP Parm, Ruby Sahota, LPC Candidate, 557
Lie, Harper, 2008: promised 5 surpluses in a row, 505
Lie, Harper, Access to Information NOT reformed, 239
Lie, Gill, CON MP Parm, Ruby Sahota, LPC Candidate, 557
Lie, Harper, 2008: promised 5 surpluses in a row, 505
Lie, Harper, Access to Information NOT reformed, 239
Lie, Harper, Canada's involvement in torture, 19
Lie, Harper, Climate Change, 537
Lie, Harper, Climate Change, 537
Lie, Harper, CSED collecting Canadians' metadata, 221
Lie, Harper, denied spying on ordinary Canadians, 341
Lie, Harper, denied spying on ordinary Canadians, 341
Lie, Harper, Election '15 rebate for CON Party, 203
Lie, Harper, environmental assessment, 217
Lie, Harper, knew about Duffygate, per lawyer, 503
Lie, Harper, on a Justin quote, caught by Huff Post, 233
Lie, Harper, propaganda-styled advertising, 413
Lie, Harper, knew about Duffygate, per lawyer, 503
Lie, Harper, on a Justin quote, caught by Huff Post, 233
Lie, Harper, propaganda-styled advertising, 413
Lie, Harper, puts soldier's families at risk to terrorists, 96
Lie, Harper, railway safety, 563
Lie, Harper, said a politician like himself should resign, 551
Lie, Harper, railway safety, 563
Lie, Harper, said a politician like himself should resign, 551
Lie, Harper, said backbenchers independent, NOT, 217
Lie, Harper, said budget balanced, was not, 217
Lie, Harper, said business taxes rising, are not, 217
Lie, Harper, said economy growing, is not, 217
Lie, Harper, said GHG emissions down, NOT, 217
Lie, Harper, said jobs created when in fact, jobs lost, 516
Lie, Harper, said USA asked for war in Iraq help, 244
Lie, Harper, said jobs created when in fact, jobs lost, 516
Lie, Harper, said USA asked for war in Iraq help, 244
Lie, Harper, said top employment in G7, NOT, 217
Lie, Harper, Senate reform
Lie, Harper, took credit for businessman's decades of hard work, 318
Lie, Harper, who REALLY found Franklin wreck, 403
Lie, Oliver, said Americans don't use facts/science, 360
Lie, Oliver, said CONs don't suppress scientists, 361
Lies, CON MPs, under PMO orders to, 471
Lie, Harper, Senate reform
Lie, Harper, took credit for businessman's decades of hard work, 318
Lie, Harper, who REALLY found Franklin wreck, 403
Lie, Oliver, said Americans don't use facts/science, 360
Lie, Oliver, said CONs don't suppress scientists, 361
Lies, CON MPs, under PMO orders to, 471
Lockheed-Martin missile deal by Harper personally, 124
Lone wolf, 85
Long form census, 191, 351, 451
Long-gun registry, 306
Long-gun registry, 306
Lukiwski, Tom, CON MP's Gay hate rant, 98
MacDonald, CON candidate Mark, 2015 Election, refusing to debate Opposition Opponents, 477
MacDonald, CON candidate Mark, 2015 Election, refusing to debate Opposition Opponents, 477
MacDonald, John A., fund birthplace search, 218
MacDougall, Andrew, Director of Communications, PMO, Duffy cover-up, 417
MacDougall, Andrew, Director of Communications, PMO, Duffy cover-up, 417
Mailbox contract awarded to foreign country, 104
Manipulate Senate Committees, 185
Marijuana, 164, 224, 285, 538
Marine Safety Plan relies on USA tug 20 hours away, 82
Maritime's Health Care, screwed by Harper, 357
Maritime's Health Care, screwed by Harper, 357
Mayrand, Marc, personally attacked by Poilievre, 93
McArthur, David, spying on FN, 313
McArthur, David, spying on FN, 313
McLachlin, Beverley, Chief Justice, 94, 270
McLachlin, Beverley, Chief Justice, attacked, 209
McMurtry, Ontario Attorney General Roy, 320
McMurtry, Ontario Attorney General Roy, 320
Media black out, Harper-ordered, 196
Mediating reputation, international, destroyed by Harper, 487
Mental health positions for soldiers not filled, 347
Mediating reputation, international, destroyed by Harper, 487
Mental health positions for soldiers not filled, 347
Merchant of Venom: Harper, 103
Micromanaging by Harper, 242
Meredith, Don, 388
Message Event Proposals, controlling CON MPs, 242
Micromanaging by Harper, 242
Meredith, Don, 388
Message Event Proposals, controlling CON MPs, 242
Militarism, (see also Warmonger), 38, 62, 72, 73, 75, 80, 96, 105, 124, 125, 126, 127, 134, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 151, 165, 166, 169, 242, 244, 465
Military in disarray because of Harper's fiscal mess, 564
Military on Viagra, Harper kept info top secret, 370
Military suicide pandemic, 347
Milke, Mark, Twitter slug fest with Kenny, 379
Miller, CON MP Larry, bigot, attack on Muslims, 246
Miller, Kristi, Scientist, muzzled by Harper, 394
Minister of Propaganda, 469
Military in disarray because of Harper's fiscal mess, 564
Military on Viagra, Harper kept info top secret, 370
Military suicide pandemic, 347
Milke, Mark, Twitter slug fest with Kenny, 379
Miller, CON MP Larry, bigot, attack on Muslims, 246
Miller, Kristi, Scientist, muzzled by Harper, 394
Minister of Propaganda, 469
Misogyny, 100, 156, 204, 261, 495
Misrepresentation, Harper, 491
Misrepresentation, Harper, 491
Missing & Murdered Native Women, 153, 170, 186, 218, 382, 549
Monitor the press, $20,000,000, 281
Montague, PEI Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 572
Monitor the press, $20,000,000, 281
Montague, PEI Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 572
Montgomery, Chris, Dir. of Parliamentary Affairs, 185
Mount Polley Mine Disaster: Harper connected to it, 137
Mount Polley Mine Disaster: Harper refused to visit, 570
Mount Polley Mine Disaster: Harper refused to visit, 570
Mowat, Farley, 101
MPs say NO to expense account audits, 365
MPs say NO to expense account audits, 365
Mysterious regional Cabinet Ministers' offices, 200
Mulroney, Former PM Brian, praises Harper, 432
Mulroney, Former PM Brian, slams Harper, 270, 548, 549, 550
Municipal Water and Wastewater Survey, funds slashed, 425
Mulroney, Former PM Brian, praises Harper, 432
Mulroney, Former PM Brian, slams Harper, 270, 548, 549, 550
Municipal Water and Wastewater Survey, funds slashed, 425
Muslims, 1, 2, 15, 303, 383
Muslims slurred by Harper on National television, 383
Muzzled Canadian military Generals, 464
Muzzled scientists, 451, 469
National Cancer Institute, confirms pot kills cancer, 538
National Household Survey, 351
National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, funds slashed, 423
Muslims slurred by Harper on National television, 383
Muzzled Canadian military Generals, 464
Muzzled scientists, 451, 469
National Cancer Institute, confirms pot kills cancer, 538
National Household Survey, 351
National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, funds slashed, 423
New Building Canada Fund, billions promised, then 87% cut, 150
New York Times hammers Harper's regime, 359
Nixon, Richard, amazing similarities to Harper, 454
New York Times hammers Harper's regime, 359
Nixon, Richard, amazing similarities to Harper, 454
Notley, Alberta Premier Rachel, 135
Novak, Chief of Staff Ray, 446, 507
Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
Obama, President, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270
Obama, slammed Harper in UN speech, 280
Obstructive force on our planet, 299
Ocean Contaminants & Marine Toxicology Program, funds slashed, 479
Novak, Chief of Staff Ray, 446, 507
Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
Obama, President, Harper = Loser, per Mulroney, 270
Obama, slammed Harper in UN speech, 280
Obstructive force on our planet, 299
Ocean Contaminants & Marine Toxicology Program, funds slashed, 479
Oda, CON MP Bev, falsified CIDA document, 184, 388
Offend Canada's unemployed, Kenny, 378
Offensive Hamilton, Ontario speech by Harper, 328
Off-shore accounts not taxed, 332
Olsen, CON Senator Carolyn Stewart, Duffy cover-up, 417
Offend Canada's unemployed, Kenny, 378
Offensive Hamilton, Ontario speech by Harper, 328
Off-shore accounts not taxed, 332
Olsen, CON Senator Carolyn Stewart, Duffy cover-up, 417
Omnibus Bills were wrong / Judge, 4
Omnibus budget bill used to wipe out RCMP fraud, 227
One Last Move Programme for Veterans eliminated, 350
Ontario Court of Appeal rules Harper's sentencing laws unconstitutional, 369
Ontario, does NOT understand, 391
Opposition MP blocked from House of Commons, 232
Opposition MPs barred from talking to Military, 326
Original Conservative Party fielding 2015 Election candidates to beat Harper, 336
One Last Move Programme for Veterans eliminated, 350
Ontario Court of Appeal rules Harper's sentencing laws unconstitutional, 369
Ontario, does NOT understand, 391
Opposition MP blocked from House of Commons, 232
Opposition MPs barred from talking to Military, 326
Original Conservative Party fielding 2015 Election candidates to beat Harper, 336
Outspend Opposition in election, 97
Pandering terrorism, 248
Paradis, CON MP Christian, barred scientists from talking to press, 392
Pandering terrorism, 248
Paradis, CON MP Christian, barred scientists from talking to press, 392
Paranoid, Harper, 108
Parliamentary Budget Office stonewalled, 178
Parliamentary Committee Chairs, controlled by Harper, 219
Parliamentary Council, Harper refused to hire for 2 years, 536
Parliamentary Law Clerk, Harper refused to hire for 2 years, 536
Parliamentary Council, Harper refused to hire for 2 years, 536
Parliamentary Law Clerk, Harper refused to hire for 2 years, 536
Parliamentary privilege, 2, 124, 501
Party of One, Michael Harris, 102
Paul, Ron, Congressman, criticizes Harper militarism, 75
Peaceful protests, Harper spied on, 341
Peacekeeping reputation, destroyed by Harper, 487
Peaceful protests, Harper spied on, 341
Peacekeeping reputation, destroyed by Harper, 487
Pelaschuk, Frank A., Harper's modus operandi, 210
Penashue, Peter, 89, 388
Pensioners screwed by Harper, 534
Perks Pie Handouts by Harper, 380
Perrin, Benjamin, Harper's Lawyer, Duffy cover-up, 417, 455, 501, 503, 507
Pensioners screwed by Harper, 534
Perks Pie Handouts by Harper, 380
Perrin, Benjamin, Harper's Lawyer, Duffy cover-up, 417, 455, 501, 503, 507
Personal income tax info leaked by Harper, 60
Personal medical records leaked to USA by Harper, 61
Philosophy, Harper's personal, most people are stupid, 206
Photo Op to make Harper look good cost $338,055
Pipeline threat against Canadians by Big Oil, 179
Poilievre, Pierre, 93, 384
Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory, funds slashed, 437
Police for profit, 41
Police State overtaking Canadian justice, 227
Politicians are liars, according to Harper, 493
Politicized Canadian soldier's death, 286
Politicized terrorism, 248, 261
Politicians are liars, according to Harper, 493
Politicized Canadian soldier's death, 286
Politicized terrorism, 248, 261
Poll on pot favouring legalization hidden by Harper, 164
Poroshenko makes fun of Harper in USA Congress, 335
Porter, Arthur, Harper appointee, 388, 431
Port Hood, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 554
Poroshenko makes fun of Harper in USA Congress, 335
Porter, Arthur, Harper appointee, 388, 431
Port Hood, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 554
Post-election multi-million dollar rebate for CON Party, 203
Pot, (see also Marijuana),164, 224, 285, 538
Potvin, Terry, life destroyed by Harper, 381
Poverty under Harper, 411
Power corrupts: Harper forces unsafe nuclear reactor to re-open which causes nuclear accident, 254
Preggie Programme, CON failure, 384
Potvin, Terry, life destroyed by Harper, 381
Poverty under Harper, 411
Power corrupts: Harper forces unsafe nuclear reactor to re-open which causes nuclear accident, 254
Preggie Programme, CON failure, 384
Premiers, Refuse to meet with, 16, 24
Premise of press questions disliked by Harper, 453
Press conferences with scientists, Q&A's fixed, 392
Premise of press questions disliked by Harper, 453
Press conferences with scientists, Q&A's fixed, 392
Press controlled by Harper, 217
Press shut down by Harper in Election 2015, 566
Press shut down by Harper in Election 2015, 566
Press told not to ask about Iraq War plans, 142
Press verbally assaulted, 412
Press verbally assaulted, 412
Prison guards against Harper, 157, 377
Prison suicides, 407
Privacy Commissioner, investigated Harper-controlled RCMP, 279
Privatization of prisons, 372, 373
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, 332, 452
Prison suicides, 407
Privacy Commissioner, investigated Harper-controlled RCMP, 279
Privatization of prisons, 372, 373
Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, 332, 452
Propaganda, 107, 413, 469, 516
Provoking FN into a conflict, 322
Psychopath, Harper, 312, 385
PTSD, 315
Public fatigue with Harper is widespread, per Mulroney, 562
Puppets: Harper's Senators, 490
Purged criticism on Chinese trade agreement, 317
Provoking FN into a conflict, 322
Psychopath, Harper, 312, 385
PTSD, 315
Public fatigue with Harper is widespread, per Mulroney, 562
Puppets: Harper's Senators, 490
Purged criticism on Chinese trade agreement, 317
Quebec persecuted by Harper, 104, 110
Radicals, spied on by Harper,167
Racism, 15, 86, 122, 153, 218, 383, 409, 428, 436, 474, 478, 492
Racism, 15, 86, 122, 153, 218, 383, 409, 428, 436, 474, 478, 492
Racism, Ebola victims, 86
Racism, First Nations, 122, 153, 218, 436, 474, 478, 492
Racism, Gaza, 428
Racism, Muslims, 383, 484
Racism, Gaza, 428
Racism, Muslims, 383, 484
Racism, Refugees: Yes to Christians, No to Muslims, 15
Radicalization, 261
Radicalization, 261
Raitt, CON MP Lisa, 136
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed,
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed,
Rankin Inlet, Nunavut Mayor threatened with law suit, 45
Rape of First Nations Women by RCMP, 204
Rathgeber, Brent, 414, 462, 493
Rats jump from Harper's sinking ship, 247Rathgeber, Brent, 414, 462, 493
Raynolds, Mario, Liberal, spied on by Harper Gov't, 56
RCMP blocks Opposition MP from Parliament, 232
RCMP charges to investigate corrupt Senators, 386
RCMP blocks Opposition MP from Parliament, 232
RCMP charges to investigate corrupt Senators, 386
RCMP, controls, 175
RCMP fraud wiped out by Harper, 227
RCMP, Harper-controlled, spreads fear, 342
RCMP, Harper-controlled, spreads fear, 342
RCMP raided Harper's offices for Elections Canada, 65
RCMP spied on Canadians, 279
RCMP spied on Canadians, 279
Rebate for CONs, charged to hard-working Canadians, 203
Recession 2015, 99
Redacted Harper E-mails, Duffy Scandal, 321
Red tide warnings, deadly, muzzled, 470
Reductions in regulatory oversight, 491
Refusal by CON candidates to debate, 2015 Election, 477
Refusal by CON candidates to give media interviews, 2015 Election, 476
Redacted Harper E-mails, Duffy Scandal, 321
Red tide warnings, deadly, muzzled, 470
Reductions in regulatory oversight, 491
Refusal by CON candidates to debate, 2015 Election, 477
Refusal by CON candidates to give media interviews, 2015 Election, 476
Refusal by CONs to discuss Robocalls, 64
Refusal to campaign in public for 2015 Election, 237
Refusal to discuss PMO corruption, 445, 453
Refusal to speak to press, 242
Refusal to campaign in public for 2015 Election, 237
Refusal to discuss PMO corruption, 445, 453
Refusal to speak to press, 242
Rempel taunted terrorists with selfie from bed, 79
Reneges on emissions targets due to Tar Sands, 297
Reneges on emissions targets due to Tar Sands, 297
Reneging on Copenhagen Accord, 132
Reporter barred from Harper Election '15 event, 199
Reporter tossed from Harper rally, asked about pot, 285
Research destroyed, 390
Residency requirements, Senators, Harper ignored the law, 501
Reporter tossed from Harper rally, asked about pot, 285
Research destroyed, 390
Residency requirements, Senators, Harper ignored the law, 501
Residential School Survivor bullied in court, 51
Responsive Marketing Group, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Responsive Marketing Group, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Retroactive law change by Harper to wipe out RCMP fraud, 227
Richest Canadians off-shore tax havens protected by Harper, 332
Richest Canadians off-shore tax havens protected by Harper, 332
Right to vote, "Unfair" Elections Act, 197
Rigolet, Newfoundland, Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 529
Rigolet, Newfoundland, Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 529
Robocalls, 64, 119
Rogers, Lt Shawna kills self, parents threatened, 84
Romanow, Saskatchewan Attorney General, 320
Sable Island National Park Reserve under oil spill threat by Shell's Harper-allowed risque drilling, 376
Routley, Doreen, former CON voter protesting against Harper in Winnipeg, 502
Runciman, Senator Bob, tossed Dominatrix from hearing, 387
St. Anthony's Marine Traffic Centre, funds slashed, 498
St. Johns Marine Traffic Centre, funds slashed, 498
Sandborn Calvin, Environmental Law Centre, criticism of Harper's muzzling scientists, 469
Scientist muzzled, 394, 469
Scientist muzzled on depleted Pacific salmon, 394
Romanow, Saskatchewan Attorney General, 320
Sable Island National Park Reserve under oil spill threat by Shell's Harper-allowed risque drilling, 376
Routley, Doreen, former CON voter protesting against Harper in Winnipeg, 502
Runciman, Senator Bob, tossed Dominatrix from hearing, 387
St. Anthony's Marine Traffic Centre, funds slashed, 498
St. Johns Marine Traffic Centre, funds slashed, 498
Sandborn Calvin, Environmental Law Centre, criticism of Harper's muzzling scientists, 469
Scientist muzzled, 394, 469
Scientist muzzled on depleted Pacific salmon, 394
Scientists against Harper, 159, 355
Scientists barred from talking to press, 392
Scientists labeled as "Radical Ideologues", 371
Scientists barred from talking to press, 392
Scientists labeled as "Radical Ideologues", 371
Scorched Earth Policy by Harper, 40
Scottish separation referendum, Harper interference, 416
Scottish separation referendum, Harper interference, 416
Search for extraterrestrials, 153
Secrecy, 491
Secrecy, 491
Secret handbook for CON Committee Chairs, 219
Secret Harper operatives spy on Canadians, 35
Secret recording device on Opposition, 56
Secretive government, 131
Security Intelligence Review Committee, 167
Sell out governance when cheque book big enough, 147
Senate Hush Money Scandal, 173
Senate Reform, 490
Senator residency requirements, legal advice ignored by Harper, 455
Senior off-shore tax auditors fired by Harper, 332
Seniors screwed by Harper, 534
Serial abuser of power, 87
Service Clubs tax relief, 555
Senate Reform, 490
Senator residency requirements, legal advice ignored by Harper, 455
Senior off-shore tax auditors fired by Harper, 332
Seniors screwed by Harper, 534
Serial abuser of power, 87
Service Clubs tax relief, 555
Seven photographers needed to support Harper's ego, 277
Shamelessness, Harper, 77, 443
Sheet Harbour Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 545
Shell Oil to drill off Nova Scotia: nearest capping equipment 3 weeks away in Norway, 376
Sheikh, Munir, StatsCan, 508
Sierra Club, Harper spying on, 339
Singh, Jakeet, University at State Illinois, Harper is a racist, 475
Singular Management of government, Harper, 491
Small Business Job Credit, 367
Sheet Harbour Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 545
Shell Oil to drill off Nova Scotia: nearest capping equipment 3 weeks away in Norway, 376
Sheikh, Munir, StatsCan, 508
Sierra Club, Harper spying on, 339
Singh, Jakeet, University at State Illinois, Harper is a racist, 475
Singular Management of government, Harper, 491
Small Business Job Credit, 367
Smoke & Mirrors, Harper's specialty, 149
Smokestacks Emissions Monitoring Team, funds slashed, 421
Sneaked through Chinese trade pack, 393
Smokestacks Emissions Monitoring Team, funds slashed, 421
Sneaked through Chinese trade pack, 393
Sniffer dogs search reporters before seeing Harper, 198
Social programmes, $97,100,000 cancelled, 294
Social programmes, $97,100,000 cancelled, 294
Social Programmes staff cuts, 12
Sociological phenomenon, Harper's idiotic comment, 473, 474
Sociopath, Harper, 385
Sociopaths, Harper's staff, 312
Sold out to China, 317
Sociological phenomenon, Harper's idiotic comment, 473, 474
Sociopath, Harper, 385
Sociopaths, Harper's staff, 312
Sold out to China, 317
Soldiers against Harper, 161, 176
Soldiers forced to hide health problems to retain pensions, 316
Soldiers forced to hide health problems to retain pensions, 316
Sona, Michael, 119, 388
Species at Risk Programme, funding slashed, 466
Spying on Canadians, 290
Stack, Robert, Harper spy operative, 528
Species at Risk Programme, funding slashed, 466
Spying on Canadians, 290
Stack, Robert, Harper spy operative, 528
Starve the poor to feed the rich, 74
State of Emergency, Manitoba children starving, ignored, 220
StatsCan, 516
StatsCan, 516
Steal intellectual property and material, 129
Stevens, Sinclair, Conservative wants Harper gone, 336
Stiffed lipped on Viagra use, Harper, 370
Strahl, Chuck, spying on FN, 313
Stanbrook, Dr. Matthew, hammers Harper's health care plans, 451
Staples, Steven, Harper's militarism a waste of time, 465
Stevens, Sinclair, Conservative wants Harper gone, 336
Stiffed lipped on Viagra use, Harper, 370
Strahl, Chuck, spying on FN, 313
Stanbrook, Dr. Matthew, hammers Harper's health care plans, 451
Staples, Steven, Harper's militarism a waste of time, 465
Strauss, Leon, Harper believes most people are stupid, 206
Strogan, Pat, Veterans' ombudsman, 441
Student science programme shut down, 366
Substance and Waste Management, funding slashed, 468
Suicide, soldiers, pandemic, 348
Strogan, Pat, Veterans' ombudsman, 441
Student science programme shut down, 366
Substance and Waste Management, funding slashed, 468
Suicide, soldiers, pandemic, 348
Suicide, soldiers, 84
Supertanker risk to environment with Alberta tar, 110
Suppression of information, Harper, 491
Suppression of information, Harper, 491
Supreme Court of Canada, 94
Sustainable Water Management Division, funds slashed, 442
Sustainable Water Management Division, funds slashed, 442
Sutherland, Donald, banned from voting, 92, 304
Syria, 151
Tar Sands genocide, 430
Tar Sands genocide, 430
Tar Sands advertising & promotion costs hidden, 32
Tar Sands tankers threaten UNESCO biosphere, 118
Tar Sands collapse warning by Bank of England, 123
Tax breaks for the rich, 555
Tax Havens off-shore protected by Harper, 332
Temporary Foreign Worker Programme, 379
Teneycke, Tory, CON spokesperson, 507
Tax breaks for the rich, 555
Tax Havens off-shore protected by Harper, 332
Temporary Foreign Worker Programme, 379
Teneycke, Tory, CON spokesperson, 507
Terminally ill patients denied CPP disability cheques, 28
Terror to win Election '15 votes, 69, 76
Terrorism, 78, 79, 85, 130, 138, 151, 248
Threats, 45, 84, 108, 109, 172, 179, 195, 210, 267, 471
Theft of Public Purse by CON Party, 230
Thibedeau, Hanna, CTV, Harper refuses to answer her questions on PMO corruption, 453
Tkachuk, CON Senator David, Duffy cover-up, 417
Toews, Vic, 388
Theft of Public Purse by CON Party, 230
Thibedeau, Hanna, CTV, Harper refuses to answer her questions on PMO corruption, 453
Tkachuk, CON Senator David, Duffy cover-up, 417
Toews, Vic, 388
Told NY businessmen CONs will win 2015 Election, 215
Toronto Star, labeled Harper a sociopath, 385
Tossed under Harper's bus, 528
Tote bag, "My Prime Minister Embarrasses Me", 269
Tough on Crime by Harper a selective joke, 408
Toronto Star, labeled Harper a sociopath, 385
Tossed under Harper's bus, 528
Tote bag, "My Prime Minister Embarrasses Me", 269
Tough on Crime by Harper a selective joke, 408
Tracking EVERY Canadian's foreign travel, 212
Transparency refusal, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104
Travel ban, fear & terror election tactic, 235
Trepassey, Newfoundland, Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 515
Transparency refusal, 5, 11, 32, 37, 38, 104
Travel ban, fear & terror election tactic, 235
Trepassey, Newfoundland, Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 515
Trudeau, Justin, 169
Trudeau, Justin, Harper under-estimates him, per Mulroney, 270, 549
Trudeau, Justin, Harper under-estimates him, per Mulroney, 270, 549
Trudeau, ridicules Justin's Boston Massacre speech, 130
Turner, Garth, 493
Two sets of laws, one for Harper, one for Canadians, 501
Turner, Garth, 493
Two sets of laws, one for Harper, one for Canadians, 501
UNESCO biosphere threatened by tar shipments, 118
UN Arms Trade Treaty, Harper refused to sign, 229
UN Climate Summit, ignored meeting, ate the dinner, 277
UN Climate Summit, refused to attend, 537
UN Climate Summit, ignored meeting, ate the dinner, 277
UN Climate Summit, refused to attend, 537
UN Convention to Combat Desertification, Harper pulled Canada, 228
UN Declaration on Rights to Indigenous Peoples, Canada only nation in world refused to sign, 478
UN Declaration on Rights to Indigenous Peoples, Canada only nation in world refused to sign, 478
UN Human Rights Committee criticizes Harper, 168
UN Human Rights Committee hears case against Harper, 309
UN Human Rights Committee investigates treatment of First Nations by Harper, 310
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, slammed Harper, 541
UN Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
UN report: Harper broke Canada's relationship with First Nations, 289
UN Human Rights Committee hears case against Harper, 309
UN Human Rights Committee investigates treatment of First Nations by Harper, 310
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, slammed Harper, 541
UN Nuclear NON-Proliferation Treaty, blocked by Harper, 485
UN report: Harper broke Canada's relationship with First Nations, 289
UN Security Council Seat, gave up, 248, 431
UN speech, Harper, nobody came, 201
UN speech, Harper, hypocrite dictated to the Rest of the World to solve poverty while under his regime children are suffering nationwide, 220
UN speech, Harper, hypocrite, used Justin's ideas, 261
Unethical, 353
University lectures, Harper spies on, 341
UN speech, Harper, hypocrite, used Justin's ideas, 261
Unethical, 353
Unfortunate incident, Harper term for soldier's death, 62
Unions against Harper, 162, 172
Unist’ot’en Nation, provoked by Harper, 322University lectures, Harper spies on, 341
Untrustworthy, per NFLD Premier Davis, 13
Unworthy of being Prime Minister, 131
Urban Wastewater Program, funds slashed, 419
Vancouver Coast Guard Communications base closed, 298
Urban Wastewater Program, funds slashed, 419
Vancouver Coast Guard Communications base closed, 298
Vellacott, CON MP Maurice, labels Harper's backbencher control as a blight on democracy, 225
Veterans, 3, 23, 27, 47, 48, 55, 67, 84, 160, 315, 349, 350, 389, 568
Veterans Affairs Service Offices closed, 444
Veterans Affairs Service Offices closed, 444
Veterans against Harper, 160, 389
Veterans approved benefits of $1.1 billion withheld, 67
Veterans blocked from Harper rally: at THEIR Legion Hall, 568
Veterans blocked from Harper rally: at THEIR Legion Hall, 568
Veterans class action blocked by Harper, 27
Veterans entitlements slashed, 439
Veterans entitlements slashed, 439
Veterans exaggerating injuries, 3
Veterans inhumanely treated by Harper, 55, 315
Veterans screwed on D-Day travel costs, 188
Veterans' Service Offices closed, (Calgary excepted), 63
Veterans Suicide Prevention Programme, not working, 349
Veterans Suicide Prevention Programme, not working, 349
Veterans with PTSD denied pensions, 48, 315
Vetting losers, 271, 386
Victim Surcharge Law, ruled unconstitutional, 569
Voter Information Cards, 438
Voter Outreach Centre, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Vetting losers, 271, 386
Victim Surcharge Law, ruled unconstitutional, 569
Voter Information Cards, 438
Voter Outreach Centre, harassing voters for CONs, 347
Voter suppression, 91, 92, 226, 438
Walked away from federal-provincial health care collaboration, 451
Wallace, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 559
Wallin, Senator Pamela, 386, 388, 493
Walsh, CON Party President John, alleged cover-up, 448
Walked away from federal-provincial health care collaboration, 451
Wallace, Nova Scotia Conservation and Protection Office, slashed funds, 559
Wallin, Senator Pamela, 386, 388, 493
Walsh, CON Party President John, alleged cover-up, 448
War costs not released, no transparency, 38
War Dead dishonoured, 70
War Dead graves maintenance dropped, 25
War Declarations by Canada, Harper-only decision, 242
War in Iraq, 126, 127, 140, 152, 165, 166, 169, 264, 450
War in Iraq, Harper was more open with Americans about Canada's commitment than with Canadians, 264
War in Iraq, Harper was more open with Americans about Canada's commitment than with Canadians, 264
War is noble, per Harper, 140
Warmonger, (see also Militarism), 38, 62, 72, 73, 75, 80, 96, 105, 124, 125, 126, 127, 134, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 151, 165, 166, 169, 242, 244, 465
Warning Harper's Tar Sands economy will collapse, 123
War on Science, 255, 395
War on Science, 255, 395
War on Women, 156
Weather and Environmental Services, funding slashed, 467
Wet’suwet’en Nation, provoked by Harper, 322
Weather and Environmental Services, funding slashed, 467
Wet’suwet’en Nation, provoked by Harper, 322
Wheat Board closure, 26
Wheat Board given to Saudi Arabia for free, 52
Wheat quality drops after Wheat Board closure, 26
Wheeldon, NDP Candidate Morgan, forced to resign, 547
White Collar Crime, PMO, 312
Wheeldon, NDP Candidate Morgan, forced to resign, 547
White Collar Crime, PMO, 312
Wikileaks, Harper selling off CBC/Canada Post, 111
Wilks, CON MP David, dictates what RCMP Commish cannot say about pot, 224
Williams, Premier Danny, slammed Harper, 513
Williamson, CON MP John, politicized soldier's death, 286
Williams, Premier Danny, slammed Harper, 513
Williamson, CON MP John, politicized soldier's death, 286
Withheld information from Opposition MPs, 174
Withheld medical supplies from Ebola pandemic, 86
Women struggling under Harper, 495
Woodcock, Chris, Director of Issues Management, PMO, Duffy cover-up, denial under oath, 417, 560
Woodstock, New Brunswick Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 546
World Conference on Indigenous People, 148
Women struggling under Harper, 495
Woodcock, Chris, Director of Issues Management, PMO, Duffy cover-up, denial under oath, 417, 560
Woodstock, New Brunswick Conservation and Protection Office, funds slashed, 546
World Conference on Indigenous People, 148
World Federalist Movement criticizes Harper for politicizing ISIS terror as an Election '15 tool, 248
World oil prices low, destroying Canada's economy, 99
Working mothers bullied for using day care, 100
Worst government record since Confederation, 329
Worst job record in Canadian history, Harper, 540
Worst Prime Minister in Canadian history, 329
Wraps himself in flag, Harper, 345
Wright, Nigel, 312, 321, 388, 445, 507, 553, 560
Wynne, Kathleen, 16, 24
Worst government record since Confederation, 329
Worst job record in Canadian history, Harper, 540
Worst Prime Minister in Canadian history, 329
Wraps himself in flag, Harper, 345
Wright, Nigel, 312, 321, 388, 445, 507, 553, 560
Wynne, Kathleen, 16, 24
Youth Employment Strategy Programme, $30,000,000 pulled, 293
Zajdel, Saulie, 388
Zero compassion, 352
Zero ethics, 378
Zajdel, Saulie, 388
Zero compassion, 352
Zero ethics, 378