Friday, September 4, 2015

Day 34: September 4, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 951 to 975

957. Harper delivered crocodile tears during his speech about refugees on September 3, 2015. The Press have forgotten! Why this assessment? During his ten year regime Harper has been CRUEL to people arriving in Canada, even denying healthcare coverage to children, pregnant woman, and cancer patients DESPITE their, or their spouses', paying their fair share of payroll taxes as honest and hard-working workers, contributing to our Nation's economy. Consider this summation on Harper's HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES abuses against refugees : "[The] Harper government has tried to instill fear in ordinary Canadians that outsiders, such as refugees, foreign workers or more recent immigrants, are abusing the system. This fear and the resulting indignation are then used to pass measures that are incoherent, mean-spirited, and short-sighted. Any short-term political gain achieved through scapegoating immigrants, refugees and minorities comes at a high cost. It has undermined the rule of law and our multicultural and humanitarian tradition."

966. Harper's "I've got a surplus" was a LIE, as we all know now. But, by cutting every social programme imaginable, Harper tried and failed to create a FALSE SURPLUS on the books to look wonderful and fiscally responsible for Election 2015. That is GOVERNANCE CORRUPTION! Sacrificing Vets, making hungry children hungrier, pushing the poor, the sick, the handicapped, the needy and the elderly even further into poverty ... JUST to try to look good for votes is IMMORAL and CRIMINAL! And what did it get Harper? A RECESSION! So no matter what his books ever say, in black or red ink, Harper was, is, and ALWAYS will be, in no matter what he does in life, the man with an immoral deficit to his character. He hates and he is hateful. And ditto the people who vote for him.

ref: 1731/1719