Harper Fact Checker Index
Aunty Harper Graphics, by mikey
Monday, September 7, 2015
Day 37: September 7, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 1001 to 1025
Harper featured a Doctor in one of his Harper Ego Promotional Videos who is accused of child abduction and on the run from the RCMP.
Harper was told by Former Liberal Prime Minister Jean Chretien A YEAR BEFORE the Syrian Refugee Crisis hit Europe that Canada should offer to immediately take 50,000 refugees fleeing the Islamic State. Harper did nothing!
He probably died because Harper
refused to listen to Chretien!
Harper's CON MPs flooded racist flyers against refugees to households across Canada, sending them out postage free on the Taxpayers' dime!
Harper's CON-imposed control, via omnibus bill, over collective bargaining between Crown Corporations and their Employee Unions was an interfering and UNNECESSARY BIG BROTHER act of legislation, according to labour statistics released under the Access to Information Act.
Harper hid a Department of Justice poll that shows 7 out of 10 Canadians want marijuana legalized or decriminalized; and yet hundreds of thousands of Canadians have been arrested for pot-related crimes since Harper became Prime Minister.
Harper's 2015 Election CON Candidate for Scarborough Rouge Park, Ontario, Jerry Bance, was caught on camera urinating into a homeowner's coffee mug, then dumping his urine into her sink. Seems the CONs don't vet out pissy candidates! Bance, who has run for the Conservatives in both 2006 and 2008 stated, "I take great pride in my work and the footage from that day does not reflect who I am as a professional or a person." Oh, okay Jerry, then what does it reflect ... zero class, but only when no one is looking?
Harper BLOCKED TRANSPARENCY on Foreign Investment Reviews.
Harper's Justice Minister, Peter MacKay, goes PUBLICLY advertised the "No Compromise" T-shirt that symbolized a gun lobby group's goal to repeal Canada's firearms laws and legalize the possession of all semi-automatic weapons.
Harper's Justice Minister Peter MacKay refused to invite Sex Workers to closed door consultations on Sex Workers. Why consult with the experts?
Harper is NOT addressing Canadian child poverty, which is now an epidemic nationwide. BUT, Harper spends $243,000,000 ANNUALLY for 3,325 Spin Doctors in Ottawa to spew his propaganda. How in the HELL can this be Conservatism, caring for family values?
Harper locked himself in a Brazilian bathroom on August 8, 2011 until he got his way. Harper was protesting the Brazilian President Dilma Rouseff's decision that toasts and speeches take place after her lunch with Harper, and not during the lunch, as Harper wanted. Harper refused to leave the bathroom until the Brazilian President gave in to his demands!
Harper's SLASHING of public research and environmental science institutions included the Smoke Stacks Emissions Monitoring Team.
Harper's SLASHING of public research and environmental science institutions included the National Roundtable on the Environment and Economy
Harper's SLASHING of public research and environmental science institutions included the Environmental Protections Operations Compliant Promotion Program.
Harper's SLASHING of public research and environmental science institutions included the Sustainable Water Management Division.
Harper's SLASHING of public research and environmental science institutions included the Environmental Effects Monitoring program.
Harper asked Public Servants to delete E-mails! WHY! What evidence to what corruption was destroyed?
Harper linked to Nazi intellectuals.
Harper the Hypocrite fired CON Candidate Jerry Bance on September 7, 2015 after he had been caught peeing into a coffee mug by a hidden CBC camera in a homeowner's home. Fair enough. But Harper has done NOTHING for Northern Albertan First nations People dying of cancer due to Harper's beloved Tar Sands tailing ponds peeing carcinogens into their water supply for years, causing, per scientists, a genocide. So the CONs condone a genocide but condemn peeing in a coffee cup! Wow. Just wow.
Harper's CON MP and Candidate Gerald Keddy, for the riding of South Shore-St. Margaret's, Nova Scotia, refers to the Unemployed and Out-of-work in Nova Scotia as, "no-good bastards sitting on the sidewalk in Halifax."
Harper and Mulcair BOTH refused to debate Women's Issues in Election 2015 DESPITE the existence of a [once] secret report, (now disclosed by the CBC - on 07Sept15), revealing Canada is falling behind the developed world in women's equality! Shame on them BOTH!
Harper's government review panel denied dozens of First Nations People, who live downstream from Shell Canada Ltd’s Jackpine Tar Sands mine in Alberta, the right to participate at Federal environmental assessment hearings for the mine’s expansion. Chief Bill Erasmus, Dene National Chief and Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief stated, “We have a right to speak on anything that affects our land.” Apparently, Harper disagreed!
Harper the Hypocrite stated, "tout traditional family values in message to party members." Evidently shafting Veterans, First Nations People, Women, the unemployed, the elderly, and many, many more are no longer family values!
Harper BLEW MORE $22,700,000 of Canadian Taxpayers' hard-earned money on MORE USA Tar Sands Ads, THAT HAVE NEVER WORKED!
Harper's support of the GAZA GENOCIDE has been compared to Nazism by Holocaust Survivor Henry Siegman who stated, "An occupying power is under obligation in international law to do two things: to end the occupation, and until it does so, to protect the population under its occupation. Israel is in blatant violation of both of these obligations." Harper has wholeheartedly supported Israel's violations.
ref: 1699/1710
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