Harper Fact Checker Index
Aunty Harper Graphics, by mikey
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
Day 46: September 16, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 1166 to 1175
Harper the CHEAT is BUYING "likes" on Facebook so he looks more popular! When the CON Party's director of communications, Cory Hann, was asked, he said: "On this question, it's an internal party matter."
Harper has left the Budget Office short of cash. Parliament’s Budget Office says it is so strapped for cash it cannot analyse jobs data claimed by cabinet. The office in a letter to the Senate said it has no money to expand its staff of 15 to scrutinize claims under a European Union trade pact: ‘Important things can’t get done’.
Harper’s war on experts. The two signal attacks in this war on expertise are the 2010 cancellation of the long-form census and the 2012 omnibus budget bills. Taken together, they reveal the strategy behind the war and illustrate its lasting impact.
Harper LIE: speaking at a campaign event in suburban Ottawa on September 13, 2015, Harper told his audience that the jobs and benefits enjoyed by those toiling for the city’s biggest employer, the federal government, were not at risk if he is re-elected on October 19, 2015. Harper said, “They should not be worried.” The Toronto Star reported, "Civil servants could be forgiven for finding little comfort in this reassurance — not just because tens of thousands of jobs have been slashed from federal payrolls under Harper’s Conservatives already, but because there has not been a Canadian government more openly hostile to the role of civil servants in policy-making since Robert Borden’s government passed the Civil Service Act in 1918."
Harper LIE: in trying to AGAIN help the 1%, Harper slammed Justin Trudeau for Justin's Election 2015 promise to raise Canada's Small-Business tax rate. Harper AGAIN is FULL OF CRAP! Economist Jack Mintz, one of Canada's foremost tax experts, argues in a new paper that it's time to raise small-business tax rates because too many WEALTHY Canadians are using the rate to reduce their tax bill!
Sir Harper the ARROGANT is REFUSING Canadian Taxpayers, across the whole country, who have paid HIS huge salary for 10 years AND will be footing his HUGE pension until he dies, told to screw off when they come to see him at his 2015 Election rallies!
Harper wants to run Canada, but his control means the CONs can no longer even organize an Election Campaign, according to a CON insider who stated, (anonymously), “You [Harper] had four years to prep for this and unlimited funds, and you [Harper] don’t have basic work done that we all agreed was part of our methodology.”
Harper's Let's Make a Deal! Harper offered to make changes to the CONs gun licensing bill according to Sheldon Clare, President of the National Firearms Association, if in turn, the National Firearms Association held its fire on the controversial bill C-51.
Harper became Prime Minister with the covert help of the CIA, according to a Wikileaks cable recently disclosed by Canadian diplomat, Professor Peter Dale Scott. Additionally, Dr. Anthony James Hall, Professor of Globalization Studies at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, explained, " The assault by the Harper-Flanagan juggernaut on the generally friendly orientation of Canadian conservatism towards the state, towards Indigenous peoples, and towards the institutions of Crown sovereignty helped clear aside obstacles to the importation from United States of the Republican Party’s jihad on managed capitalism. Flanagan and Harper took charge of the Canadian version of the Reagan Revolution aimed at transforming the social welfare state into the stock market state.”
Harper's former Human Resources Minister Diane Finley's aide, Daniel Kosick, was found by Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner Mary Dawson to be in violation of the Conflict of Interest Act for working with a company that had previously lobbied him. The Conflict of Interest Act requires that public office holders, such as Kosick, wait one year before they accept a job from any firm that they had dealings with while in government. Kosick did not, proving yet again, that . CONs have no problem breaking the law and doing what they want.
ref: 1649/1649
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