Day 51: September 20, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 1236 to 1241
1236. Harper's growing mountain of ELECTION FRAUD, nationwide, continues being exposed, riding by riding. Now, his former CON Candidate for Trois Rivieres, Quebec, Pierre Lacroix, has admitted to fraud in the May 2, 2011 Federal election. Lacroix has entered into a compliance agreement with the Commissioner of Canada Elections Yves Côté, admitting to the error and expressing regret. Lacroix’s campaign official agent, Michel Roy, also entered into a compliance agreement with Côté in August, 2015. The agreements mean neither Lacroix nor Roy can be charged under the Canada Elections Act for the more than $45,000 in expenses the campaign accumulated but failed to report. In other words, in Harper's world of two sets of laws, one for CONs and one for the rest of Canadians: if you are a CON you can break the law and get away with it.
ref: 1633/1633