Day 17: August 18, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 401 to 425

404. Harper, in a shameful bid to get rid of five Arab refugees, lost yet ANOTHER court case when Harper's Immigration and Refugee Board tried to deport the seven member Gholami family of Nova Scotia, (Mom, Dad & five kids), to Iran. GET THIS: Iran is a country this family had NEVER BEEN TO! Abbas Gholami, his wife Fatemeh Naserian Mochadam, and their five children were all born in Kuwait, but due to the father’s family ties, they are technically citizens of Iran. Justice James O’Reilly of the Federal Court of Canada judge ruled that Harper's Immigration and Refugee Board didn't properly consider the issue. The family arrived in Nova Scotia a couple of years ago. They say they left Kuwait after years of threatening phone calls from Mochadam’s cousins. Court documents say her family, which are Arab, were unhappy she had married a husband of Persian ancestry. They felt it shameful and threatened to kill the woman. None of the family, however, has ever lived there, or even visited. "Send us your sick, your tired and your hungry." Whoops! That's the USA you're looking for. This is Canada. GET OUT!

414. Harper has screwed up to an estimated 150,000 Canadian Old Age Pensioners out of part of their pensions dating back as far as SEVEN YEARS! CON MP Alice Wong, Minister of State for Seniors, has DECLINED TO COMMENT! [Former CON MP] Brent Rathgeber, running in Election 2015 as an Independent in St. Albert-Edmonton, Alberta said its "an embarrassment and a political liability. Had Parliament been sitting, no doubt there would have been tough questions asked of the minister responsible. Sadly, the details are going to have to wait until after the election. I think that’s unfortunate because there will be individual Canadians caught up in the interim who will have a difficult time making their ends meet.” Noel Somerville, Chairman, Public Interest Alberta Seniors Task Force stated, “I am sure there are a lot of seniors in dire financial straits who would really require that money, and I think the government should come clean about what happened and what they should do about it,” Ministry of State for Seniors spokeswoman Julia Sullivan said she was unable to provide any information! Meanwhile, despite screwing Canadians out of tens of thousands of dollars, Stephen "Mister Tough on Crime" Harper is paying his appointed Senator Mike Duffy his FULL senators salary while he is on trial! Where is the justice in screwing 150,000 pensioners and paying Duffy for his alleged crime?
417. Harper's TOP PEOPLE knew about the $90,000 Duffy Cheque, according to RCMP Documents. They included Sen. Marjory LeBreton, Government Leader in the Senate, Sen. David Tkachuk, Chair of the Senate Standing Committee, Sen. Carolyn Stewart Olsen, Member of the Senate Standing Committee, Andrew MacDougall, Director of Communications, Prime Minister’s Office, Benjamin Perrin, Legal Counsel to the Prime Minister, Ray Novak, Harper’s Deputy Chief of Staff, Carl Vallee, Press Secretary, Prime Minister’s Office, Arthur Hamilton, Legal Counsel, Conservative Party of Canada, and Chris Woodcock, Director of Issues Management, Prime Minister’s Office. Harper CONTROLS EVERYTHING. So if THEY all knew, how come "Harper didn't"? Here's a SIMPLE SOLUTION: if Harper is SO SURE he didn't, why doesn't he just submit to a LIE DETECTOR test to shut up his critics and most Canadians?
ref: 1886/1901