435. Harper's Foreign Worker Programme is a magnet for Human Rights abuses! The United Nations has reported Harper's Human Rights abuses and this was a PERFECT example. Before he died, this foreign worker in Quebec, had CLAIMED Human Rights abuses on camera! Mexican worker Ivan Guerrero drowned on the farm where he worked. Strangely, his death was NOT REPORTED to police for THREE DAYS! Following his death, a local group dedicated to helping migrant workers shared a shocking video which they had recorded with Guerrero before he died. On a stark background, Guerrero speaks directly into the camera, addressing the slave-like hardships he endured at work."Es como si fuera yo ... un perro," he said. Translated: “It’s like I'm the dog, and she's my owner,” he describes his taskmaster. He told of long hours, UNPAID overtime and limited freedom. Guerrero, looked straight into the camera and added, “We are human beings, and I would like to be treated with more dignity.” Guerrero had been coming to Canada for four years, picking vegetables and sending his earnings to his wife and two kids back in Mexico. On the first day of his fifth summer in Canada, he died while trying to fix a leak near his living quarters. It took three days for someone to contact authorities. Why hasn't Harper ensured that all foreigners working in Canada under his Foreign Worker Programme are not treated like the Chinese brought in to work like slaves to build our transcontinental railroad? Why is Harper in another century when it comes to Human Rights of workers? The United Nations has reported Harper's Human Rights abuses. It is because Harper has zero shame! May Ivan Guerrero rest in peace, something he did not find working for peanuts in Harper's Canada. Perhaps, as a redeeming gesture, if that is possible, a new Prime Minister would consider a collection for Ivan's widow and two children, plus perhaps something done as a memorial in Mexico for them. It is the least a once-proud nation could do for its own recovery and dignity; once Harper is gone.

Mexican worker Ivan Guerrero who died working like a slave under Harper's Foreign Worker Programme
438. Harper has RIGGED the Election 2015 Voter Cards to deceive Canadians into NOT being able to vote. Elections Canada will mail out the customary Voter Information Cards this fall. Seasoned Voters may automatically think that, like in MULTIPLE PRIOR ELECTIONS, they are good to go. THEY ARE NOT. These voter cards, simply a confirmation that you are a registered voter, are now WORTHLESS on Election Day. This is one of Harper's new "LEGALLY FRAUDULENT" voter suppression techniques. Voter Suppression is Harper's push to reduce the number of voters, meaning these cards are now HARPER'S PLOY to win again! Statistically, the fewer Canadians voting means the more likely Harper wins. HARPER KNOWS IT! That is exactly how Harper won four years ago. Harper is depending that, as per usual, THOUSANDS of Canadians will not read the card, but simple put them in their safe place until voting day, believing that is all they need. Harper knows that thousands of seasoned voters will NOT bother to read them, and miss the new sentence which will appear at the bottom of the Voter Information Cards stating, "Please note that this card is not a piece of ID". All that card tells you now is that you are registered. After that it is WORTHLESS. YOU NEED VALID ID. One piece of ID is fine if it is your driver's licence, your provincial or territorial ID card, or any other government card with your photo, name and current address. You can also use TWO pieces of ID which are listed at the LINK below.
or go to: http://www.elections.ca/content2.aspx?section=id&document=index&lang=e
One wonders: if Harper fires Novak, will Novak announce Harper knew?

448. Harper CON MP Peter Goldring has been accused of allegedly bugging campaign computers to hack into a CON volunteer's email and other accounts during the 2011 election. The CON Party knew and covered it up. Goldring installed the spyware on computers in order to monitor his volunteer's activities. In Canada, illegally accessing someone's computer or private data is a criminal offence; carrying a prison sentence of up to 10 years. Goldring has allegedly admitted to his actions. Matthew Altheim, Vice President of Goldring's riding association during that campaign, and now the head of a video production company, claims CON party members took the information to Ottawa at the time. They met privately with CON Party President John Walsh. They also emailed the PMO, "hoping for help & assistance. No action was taken," Altheim said they are bringing attention to the case now because they want to highlight the culture of the party, and "especially the PMO." He said, "I was so disgusted with our party that they were so willing to cover things up, to protect their establishment, and protect the party brand." Goldring is known to wear a "spy pen" in his pocket so that he can use the tiny video camera to record his conversations with people. Also, in 2014, Goldring raised eyebrows when he suggested fellow MPs wear video recording equipment when sexually consorting without protection.
449. Harper is DELUDED: he has been abusing First Nations at EVERY opportunity, from genocide to treaty-breaking, then HAD THE NERVE to issue a Press Release stating he "Continued to Strengthen" Ottawa's relationship with First Nations!
ref: 1875/1885