477. Harper's CON Candidate in the 2015 Election for Nanaimo-Ladysmith, Mark MacDonald, has refused to enter any local election debates. His response read, "At this time we will decline all invitations of debates, positions and questionnaires during the election campaign. Mark MacDonald, candidate, and the campaign team are focused on the issues of the Campaign, which will be highlighted in our printed materials. When Mark becomes an elected official you are more than welcome to contact his office, to discuss a variety of issues. Please know your issue is not being singled out, rather no response will be given any group, party or individual on any of the issues raised by them."
At the UN, when Harper speaks, no one listens.
491. Harper has killed true democracy in Canada. According to a well-written letter to the Toronto Star, Harper "has embraced an ideology dedicated to a gradual, but carefully managed redefinition of Canada’s democratic values and freedoms. Characterized by a resolute, personal control over messaging, coupled with a singular management of policy and operational decisions, Harper’s autocratic style has over time incorporated a range of positions such as: wilful suppression or “re-interpretation” of information; attacks on the media and a devotion to a culture of fear, intimidation and secrecy; repudiation of common ground participation or reasoned compromise with its opponents; and control, misrepresentation, narrowing and elimination of scientific, social and financial researched facts and statistical data through targeted budgetary cutbacks, access limitations, security-inspired censorship and reductions in regulatory oversight. A disturbing and unsettling habit of the Harper government is one of allowing a broad range of right-leaning ideological positions to triumph over historical evidence, empirical data and common sense in many of its strategic social, political, and economic plans.
When ideology is made into an operational weapon, or set into a global context, it begins by exploiting the vulnerabilities of those least likely to be able to defend themselves, in addition to overtly attacking those who oppose its doctrines and philosophies."
495. Harper does NOT take women seriously. Canada ranks an embarrassing 20th amongst 133 countries when it comes to the gender gap, behind countries such as Nicaragua, Latvia, Cuba and Lesotho. Violence annually drives 100,000 women and children from their homes into shelters, costing Canadian society billions of dollars. The Department of Justice estimates that spousal abuse costs $7.4 billion annually. Canadian women, on average, earn 81 cents for every dollar a man earns. Canada is in a shocking 49th place ranking among 133 countries on health and survival. Harper has not addressed the tragic gaps in aboriginal health outcomes, which continue unabated. Canada’s dismal 42nd place ranking in democratic representation, with men outnumbering women in Parliament by a ratio of three to one, is in stark contrast to Rwanda, where women held 45 of the 80 seats in Parliament.
ref: 1851/1857