Day 21: August 22, 2015: Reasons NOT to Vote CON #'s 501 to 525
501. Harper HYPOCRISY: when appointing Mike Duffy to the Senate, Harper refused to accept the definition of residency requirements from his PMO legal counsel, Benjamin Perrin, because that law was over a century old. Harper forced Mike Duffy, under the latter's protest, to register his principal residence in PEI and not in Kanata, Ontario where Duffy had lived for decades as a reporter. BUT, now that the proverbial waste matter has hit the fan because of Harper's residency insistence, GET THIS! Harper has refused to testify at the Mike Duffy trial on Duffy's Senate residency fraud using Parliamentary Privilege, (immunity from the law): which definition is CENTURIES OLD! Additionally, Harper had already claimed Parliamentary Privilege in the past: in 2007 to avoid a giving a deposition in a defamation lawsuit. So Harper evidently deems Canada has TWO SETS of laws, one where he can personally interpret the law to his own personal advantage; the other set of laws for the rest of Canadians. In other words, Harper apparently considers himself above the law.

507. Harper says his Chief Of Staff Ray Novak has his confidence, despite court testimony alleging Novak is guilty of the PMO conspiracy to deceive the Canadian public. Donald Bayne, Duffy's counsel, revealed this week that Benjamin Perrin, Harper's former legal counsel, told police that Novak was aware Wright was going to cut Duffy a cheque to repay his expenses. On Thursday, Perrin described in court how a conference call was arranged with Duffy's then-lawyer that included him, Wright, and Novak.Perrin said that before the call, there was a short meeting in Wright's office in which the former chief of staff told him and Novak that he would cover Duffy's expenses. Perrin testified that he looked over to Novak for his reaction but saw none. Perrin also testified that Novak was present throughout the conference call in which the details of the Duffy plan were discussed, but did not speak.The Conservatives have maintained Novak didn't know about the plan and did not read an email from Wright mentioning the cheque. Tory spokesperson Kory Teneycke told reporters last week it would be "unfathomable" that Novak would have known about a payment from Wright to Duffy and withheld that information from Harper. The PLOT THICKENS!

512. Harper's, (who has been crippling health care Nationwide, but especially in the Maritimes and First Nations communities), CON MP Scott Armstrong outraged the medical community at the Colchester East Hants Health Centre in Truro, Nova Scotia by his classless campaigning, with CON MP Kellie Leitch, INSIDE the hospital! Dr. Nancy McNeil, a radiologist, said, "I would like to know if people believe political campaigning is appropriate in the hospital setting, particularly with patients waiting for imaging in the department at the time." Armstrong's Liberal opponent Bill Casey, a former Conservative who represented the riding for many years, says he never campaigned in a hospital, and stated, "Those two candidates would have done better to try and get Stephen Harper to sit down with premiers and work out a health accord." Precisely Bill!
ref: 1846/1850